Investigation of the source of Iceland Basin Freshening: virtual particle tracking with satellite-derived geostrophic surface velocities
Investigation of the source of Iceland Basin Freshening: virtual particle tracking with satellite-derived geostrophic surface velocities
Furey, Heather H.
Foukal, Nicholas P.
Anderson, Adele
Bower, Amy S.
Foukal, Nicholas P.
Anderson, Adele
Bower, Amy S.
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Freshwater anomaly
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Particle tracking
Surface velocity
Satellite altimetry
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Particle tracking
Surface velocity
Satellite altimetry
In the 2010s, a large freshening event similar to past Great Salinity Anomalies occurred in the Iceland Basin that has since propagated into the Irminger Sea. The source waters of this fresh anomaly were hypothesized to have come from an eastward diversion of the Labrador Current, a finding that has since been supported by recent modeling studies. In this study, we investigate the pathways of the freshwater anomaly using a purely observational approach: particle tracking using satellite altimetry-derived surface velocity fields. Particle trajectories originating in the Labrador Current and integrated forward in time entered the Iceland Basin during the freshening event at nearly twice the frequency observed prior to 2009, suggesting an increased presence of Labrador Current-origin water in the Iceland Basin and Rockall Trough during the freshening. We observe a distinct regime change in 2009, similar to the timing found in the previous modeling papers. These spatial shifts were accompanied by faster transit times along the pathways which led to along-stream convergence and more particles arriving to the eastern subpolar gyre. These findings support the hypothesis that a diversion of relatively fresh Labrador Current waters eastward from the Grand Banks can explain the unprecedented freshening in the Iceland Basin.
© The Author(s), 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Furey, H., Foukal, N., Anderson, A., & Bower, A. (2023). Investigation of the source of Iceland Basin Freshening: virtual particle tracking with satellite-derived geostrophic surface velocities. Remote Sensing, 15(24), 5711,
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Furey, H., Foukal, N., Anderson, A., & Bower, A. (2023). Investigation of the source of Iceland Basin Freshening: virtual particle tracking with satellite-derived geostrophic surface velocities. Remote Sensing, 15(24), 5711.