Tsunami response in semienclosed tidal basins using an aggregated model
Tsunami response in semienclosed tidal basins using an aggregated model
Baston, Susana
Olabarrieta, Maitane
Lomonaco, Pedro
Mendez, Fernando J.
Medina, Raul
Olabarrieta, Maitane
Lomonaco, Pedro
Mendez, Fernando J.
Medina, Raul
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1D model
Coastal lagoon
Coastal flooding
Concatenated bays
Coastal lagoon
Coastal flooding
Concatenated bays
An aggregated model to evaluate tsunami response in semi-enclosed water bodies is
presented in this work. The model is based on one-dimensional shallow water equations
and can include long-wave external forcing such as a tsunami. It has been successfully
validated against experimental data from a physical model, and its predictions for a case
study have been compared with results from the COMCOT numerical model. The model
can be used as a predictive tool because a calibration using a theoretical value for
expansion and contraction losses has been performed, and differences with the typical
calibration are less than 10% which is considered acceptable. This allows using the model
in the absence of measured data, which is very difficult to obtain in case of a tsunami
event. A case study for the Gulf of Cádiz (Spain) has been simulated with the COMCOT
model. The aggregated model predicted the response for a harbor more accurately than
for estuarine systems with tidal flats. Nevertheless, the aggregated model has been
demonstrated as a useful general tool to predict the response of semi-enclosed tidal basins
to a tsunami event, and hybrid models coupling advanced models to simulate ocean
tsunami propagation with the model presented here would be useful in developing coastal
warning alert systems.
Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of American Society of Civil Engineers for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 138 (2012): 744–751, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000573.