Turbulent mixing in a changing Arctic Ocean
Turbulent mixing in a changing Arctic Ocean
Rippeth, Tom P.
Fine, Elizabeth C.
Fine, Elizabeth C.
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Historically, the Arctic Ocean has been considered an ocean of low variability and weak turbulent mixing. However, the decline in seasonal sea ice cover over the past couple of decades has led to increased coupling between the atmosphere and the ocean, with potential enhancement of turbulent mixing. Here, we review studies identifying energy sources and pathways that lead to turbulent mixing in an increasingly ice-free Arctic Ocean. We find that the evolution of wind-generated, near-inertial oscillations is highly sensitive to the seasonal sea ice cycle, but the response varies greatly between the continental shelves and the abyssal ocean and between the eastern and western ocean basins. There is growing interest in the role of tides and continental shelf waves in driving mixing over sloping topography. Both dissipate through the development of unsteady lee waves. The role eddies play in transporting shelf water into the basins and in supporting mixing has become more apparent as technological advances have permitted higher resolution observations of sea ice retreat. The importance of the dissipation of unsteady lee waves and of eddies in driving mixing highlights the need for parameterizations of these phenomena in regional ocean models and climate simulations.
© The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Rippeth, T. P., & Fine, E. C. Turbulent mixing in a changing Arctic Ocean. Oceanography, 35(3-4), (2022), https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2022.103.
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Rippeth, T. P., & Fine, E. C. (2022). Turbulent mixing in a changing Arctic Ocean. Oceanography, 35(3-4).