Plastid-localized xanthorhodopsin increases diatom biomass and ecosystem productivity in iron-limited surface oceans
Plastid-localized xanthorhodopsin increases diatom biomass and ecosystem productivity in iron-limited surface oceans
Strauss, Jan
Deng, Longji
Gao, Shiqiang
Toseland, Andrew
Bachy, Charles
Zhang, Chong
Kirkham, Amy L.
Hopes, Amanda
Utting, Robert
Joest, Eike F.
Tagliabue, Alessandro
Low, Christian
Worden, Alexandra Z.
Nagel, Georg
Mock, Thomas
Deng, Longji
Gao, Shiqiang
Toseland, Andrew
Bachy, Charles
Zhang, Chong
Kirkham, Amy L.
Hopes, Amanda
Utting, Robert
Joest, Eike F.
Tagliabue, Alessandro
Low, Christian
Worden, Alexandra Z.
Nagel, Georg
Mock, Thomas
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Microbial rhodopsins are photoreceptor proteins that convert light into biological signals or energy. Proteins of the xanthorhodopsin family are common in eukaryotic photosynthetic plankton including diatoms. However, their biological role in these organisms remains elusive. Here we report on a xanthorhodopsin variant (FcR1) isolated from the polar diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus. Applying a combination of biophysical, biochemical and reverse genetics approaches, we demonstrate that FcR1 is a plastid-localized proton pump which binds the chromophore retinal and is activated by green light. Enhanced growth of a Thalassiora pseudonana gain-of-function mutant expressing FcR1 under iron limitation shows that the xanthorhodopsin proton pump supports growth when chlorophyll-based photosynthesis is iron-limited. The abundance of xanthorhodopsin transcripts in natural diatom communities of the surface oceans is anticorrelated with the availability of dissolved iron. Thus, we propose that these proton pumps convey a fitness advantage in regions where phytoplankton growth is limited by the availability of dissolved iron.
© The Author(s), 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Strauss, J., Deng, L., Gao, S., Toseland, A., Bachy, C., Zhang, C., Kirkham, A., Hopes, A., Utting, R., Joest, E., Tagliabue, A., Löw, C., Worden, A., Nagel, G., & Mock, T. (2023). Plastid-localized xanthorhodopsin increases diatom biomass and ecosystem productivity in iron-limited surface oceans. Nature Microbiology, 8, 2050–2066,
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Strauss, J., Deng, L., Gao, S., Toseland, A., Bachy, C., Zhang, C., Kirkham, A., Hopes, A., Utting, R., Joest, E., Tagliabue, A., Löw, C., Worden, A., Nagel, G., & Mock, T. (2023). Plastid-localized xanthorhodopsin increases diatom biomass and ecosystem productivity in iron-limited surface oceans. Nature Microbiology, 8, 2050–2066.