The Argo Program : observing the global ocean with profiling floats
The Argo Program : observing the global ocean with profiling floats
Roemmich, Dean
Johnson, Gregory C.
Riser, Stephen C.
Davis, Russ E.
Gilson, John
Owens, W. Brechner
Garzoli, Silvia L.
Schmid, Claudia
Ignaszewski, Mark
Johnson, Gregory C.
Riser, Stephen C.
Davis, Russ E.
Gilson, John
Owens, W. Brechner
Garzoli, Silvia L.
Schmid, Claudia
Ignaszewski, Mark
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The Argo Program has created the first global array for observing the
subsurface ocean. Argo arose from a compelling scientific need for climate-relevant
ocean data; it was made possible by technology development and implemented
through international collaboration. The float program and its data management
system began with regional arrays in 1999, scaled up to global deployments by 2004,
and achieved its target of 3000 active instruments in 2007. US Argo, supported
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Navy through
the National Oceanographic Partnership Program, provides half of the floats in
the international array, plus leadership in float technology, data management, data
quality control, international coordination, and outreach. All Argo data are freely
available without restriction, in real time and in research-quality forms. Uses of
Argo data range from oceanographic research, climate research, and education,
to operational applications in ocean data assimilation and seasonal-to-decadal
prediction. Argo’s value grows as its data accumulate and their applications are better
understood. Continuing advances in profiling float and sensor technologies open
many exciting possibilities for Argo’s future, including expanding sampling into
high latitudes and the deep ocean, improving near-surface sampling, and adding
biogeochemical parameters.
Author Posting. © Oceanography Society, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of Oceanography Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Oceanography 22 no. 2 (2009): 34-43.
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Oceanography 22 no. 2 (2009): 34-43