Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Ebro Delta (Western Mediterranean Sea) : evidence for an early construction based on the benthic foraminiferal record
Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Ebro Delta (Western Mediterranean Sea) : evidence for an early construction based on the benthic foraminiferal record
Cearreta, Alejandro
Benito, Xavier
Ibanez, Carles
Trobajo, Rosa
Giosan, Liviu
Benito, Xavier
Ibanez, Carles
Trobajo, Rosa
Giosan, Liviu
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Ebro Delta
Sedimentary sequences
Benthic foraminifera
Environmental evolution
Mediterranean Sea
Sedimentary sequences
Benthic foraminifera
Environmental evolution
Mediterranean Sea
Major Mediterranean deltas began to develop during a period between 8000 and 6000
yr BP when the rate of fluvial sediment input overtook the declining rate of sea-level
rise. However, different authors have argued that the Ebro Delta primarily formed
during the Late Middle Ages as a consequence of increased anthropogenic pressure on
its river basin and these arguments are supported by the scarcity of previous geological
studies and available radiocarbon dates. To reconstruct the environmental evolution of
the Ebro Delta during the Holocene, we used micropalaeontological analysis of
continuous boreholes drilled in two different locations (Carlet and Sant Jaume) on the
central delta plain. Different lithofacies distributions and associated environments of
deposition were defined based on diagnostic foraminiferal assemblages and the
application of a palaeowater-depth transfer function. The more landward Carlet
sequence shows an older and more proximal progradational delta with a sedimentary
record composed of inner bay, lagoonal, and beach materials deposited between 7600
yr BP and >2000 yr BP under rising sea-level and highstand conditions. This phase
was followed by a series of delta-plain environments reflected in part by the Carlet
deposits that formed before 2000 yr BP. The Sant Jaume borehole is located closer to
the present coastline and contains a much younger sequence that accumulated in the
3 last 2.0 ka during the development of three different deltaic lobes under highstand sea40
level conditions. The results of the present study reinforce the idea that the Ebro Delta
dates to the early Holocene, similar to other large Mediterranean deltas.
Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in The Holocene 26 (2016): 1438-1456, doi:10.1177/0959683616640048.