Interaction of high frequency internal waves and the boundary layer on the continental shelf
Interaction of high frequency internal waves and the boundary layer on the continental shelf
Sanford, Lawrence P.
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Northern California Continental Shelf
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Internal waves
Ocean bottom
Boundary layer
Ocean bottom
Boundary layer
Intermittent, shoreward propagating packets of high frequency first
mode internal waves are common on the continental shelf when the water
column is stratified and may induce large fluctuations in near bottom
velocity. Simple theoretical considerations here lead to an approximate
method for estimating those quantities of most interest for the bottom
boundary layer interaction problem. Examination of data from the pilot
Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment (CODE I) shows that near bottom
velocity fluctuations in the high frequency internal wave band were
dominated by shoreward propagating, intermittent mode 1 internal events.
Predictions of CODE I internal wave characteristics using the above
approximate method are shown to be good.
A boundary layer model is developed, which allows for the nonlinear
interaction of surface waves, internal waves, and a steady current over a
rough bottom. Modeling results suggest that internal waves will
significantly enhance the stress felt by the steady current, and can
increase the variability and decrease the reliability of boundary layer
measurements by the "log profile" technique, when the waves are present.
Theoretical dissipation of internal wave energy in the bottom boundary
layer is found to be significantly enhanced in the presence of surface
waves and currents, and may be important to the overall internal wave
energy balance on the shelf.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution August 1984
Embargo Date
Sanford, L. P. (1984). Interaction of high frequency internal waves and the boundary layer on the continental shelf [Doctoral thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution]. Woods Hole Open Access Server.