Convection cells with accumulating crust: models of continent and mantle evolution
Convection cells with accumulating crust: models of continent and mantle evolution
Whitehead, John A.
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Pattern formation
Critical phenomena
Mechanics theory and modeling
Nonlinear differential equations double diffusion
Pattern formation
Critical phenomena
Mechanics theory and modeling
Nonlinear differential equations double diffusion
Numerical calculations of two component cellular convection with a lighter component diffusing down from the top are a simple model of the convection of rocky planets with a crust. The crust either is mixed down, floats along the top as blobs (continents separated by ocean basins), or forms layers. The calculations are for very viscous fluid with density variations from temperature and the lighter component representing the crust. If variations are approximately the same size, the lighter component collects along the top into H‐shaped blobs/clusters that have a flat midsection with two lobes on each end. Elevations are calculated for a free upper surface and the shape resembles continent and ocean floor topography with level interiors and thickening (mountains) at the edges produced by sinking at the margins. Between each pair of clusters, thermal and concentration boundary layers resemble ocean basins with spreading centers. Convection is unsteady but introducing internal decay of the lighter concentration produces steady flow. Internal heating produces similar results along with periodic drifting and merging of blobs like some geological cycles. The fact that these features arise without phase changes or viscosity variation implies that blobs of continent‐like crust might be widely found on rocky planets.
© The Author(s), 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Whitehead, J. A. Convection cells with accumulating crust: models of continent & mantle evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(4), (2023): e2022JB025643,
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Whitehead, J. A. (2023). Convection cells with accumulating crust: models of continent & mantle evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(4), e2022JB025643.