Brent C.
Brent C.
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ArticleScientific access into Mercer Subglacial Lake: scientific objectives, drilling operations and initial observations(Cambridge University Press, 2021-01-08) Priscu, John C. ; Kalin, Jonas ; Winans, John ; Campbell, Timothy ; Siegfried, Matthew R. ; Skidmore, Mark ; Dore, John E. ; Leventer, Amy ; Harwood, David M. ; Duling, Dennis ; Zook, Robert ; Burnett, Justin ; Gibson, Dar ; Krula, Edward ; Mironov, Anatoly ; McManis, James ; Roberts, Graham ; Rosenheim, Brad E. ; Christner, Brent C. ; Kasic, Kathy ; Fricker, Helen A. ; Lyons, W. Berry ; Barker, Joel ; Bowling, Mark ; Collins, Billy ; Davis, Christina ; Gagnon, Alan R. ; Gardner, Christopher B. ; Gustafson, Chloe ; Kim, Ok-Sun ; Li, Wei ; Michaud, Alex ; Patterson, Molly O. ; Tranter, Martyn ; Venturelli, Ryan ; Vick-Majors, Trista ; Elsworth, CooperThe Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA) Project accessed Mercer Subglacial Lake using environmentally clean hot-water drilling to examine interactions among ice, water, sediment, rock, microbes and carbon reservoirs within the lake water column and underlying sediments. A ~0.4 m diameter borehole was melted through 1087 m of ice and maintained over ~10 days, allowing observation of ice properties and collection of water and sediment with various tools. Over this period, SALSA collected: 60 L of lake water and 10 L of deep borehole water; microbes >0.2 μm in diameter from in situ filtration of ~100 L of lake water; 10 multicores 0.32–0.49 m long; 1.0 and 1.76 m long gravity cores; three conductivity–temperature–depth profiles of borehole and lake water; five discrete depth current meter measurements in the lake and images of ice, the lake water–ice interface and lake sediments. Temperature and conductivity data showed the hydrodynamic character of water mixing between the borehole and lake after entry. Models simulating melting of the ~6 m thick basal accreted ice layer imply that debris fall-out through the ~15 m water column to the lake sediments from borehole melting had little effect on the stratigraphy of surficial sediment cores.
ArticleMetagenomic analysis of basal ice from an Alaskan glacier(BMC, 2018-07-05) Kayani, Masood ur Rehman ; Doyle, Shawn M. ; Sangwan, Naseer ; Wang, Guanqun ; Gilbert, Jack A. ; Christner, Brent C. ; Zhu, Ting F.Glaciers cover ~ 10% of land but are among the least explored environments on Earth. The basal portion of glaciers often harbors unique aquatic microbial ecosystems in the absence of sunlight, and knowledge on the microbial community structures and their metabolic potential is very limited. Here, we provide insights into the microbial lifestyle present at the base of the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska. DNA and RNA were extracted from samples of the Matanuska Glacier basal ice. Using Illumina MiSeq and HiSeq sequencing, we investigated the microbial diversity with the metagenomic shotgun reads and 16S ribosomal RNA data. We further assembled 9 partial and draft bacterial genomes from the metagenomic assembly, and identified key metabolic pathways such as sulfur oxidation and nitrification. Collectively, our analyses suggest a prevalence of lithotrophic and heterotrophic metabolisms in the subglacial microbiome. Our results present the first metagenomic assembly and bacterial draft genomes for a subglacial environment. These results extend our understanding of the chemical and biological processes in subglacial environments critically influenced by global climate change.
ArticleScience goals and mission architecture of the Europa Lander mission concept(IOP Publishing, 2022-01-26) Hand, Kevin P. ; Phillips, Cynthia B. ; Murray, Alison E. ; Garvin, James B. ; Maize, Earl H. ; Gibbs, Roger G. ; Reeves, Glenn ; San Martin, A. Miguel ; Tan-Wang, Grace H. ; Krajewski, Joel ; Hurst, Kenneth ; Crum, Ray ; Kennedy, Brett A. ; McElrath, Timothy P. ; Gallon, John C. ; Sabahi, Dara ; Thurman, Sam W. ; Goldstein, Barry ; Estabrook, Polly ; Lee, Steven W. ; Dooley, Jennifer A. ; Brinckerhoff, William B. ; Edgett, Kenneth S. ; German, Christopher R. ; Hoehler, Tori M. ; Hörst, Sarah M. ; Lunine, Jonathan I. ; Paranicas, Christopher ; Nealson, Kenneth H. ; Smith, David E. ; Templeton, Alexis S. ; Russell, Michael J. ; Schmidt, Britney E. ; Christner, Brent C. ; Ehlmann, Bethany L. ; Hayes, Alexander ; Rhoden, Alyssa R. ; Willis, Peter ; Yingst, R. Aileen ; Craft, Kathleen L. ; Cameron, Marissa E. ; Nordheim, Tom A. ; Pitesky, Jo ; Scully, Jennifer ; Hofgartner, Jason D. ; Sell, Steve W. ; Barltrop, Kevin J. ; Izraelevitz, Jacob ; Brandon, Erik J. ; Seong, J. ; Jones, John-Paul ; Pasalic, Jasmina ; Billings, Keith J. ; Ruiz, John Paul ; Bugga, Ratnakumar V. ; Graham, Dan ; Arenas, L. A. ; Takeyama, Deidre ; Drummond, Mai ; Aghazarian, Hrand ; Andersen, Allen J. ; Andersen, Kayla B. ; Anderson, E. W. ; Babuscia, Alessandra ; Backes, Paul G. ; Bailey, Elizabeth S. ; Balentine, Daniel ; Ballard, Christopher G. ; Berisford, Daniel F. ; Bhandari, Pradeep ; Blackwood, Krys ; Bolotin, Gary S. ; Bovre, Emilee A. ; Bowkett, Joseph ; Boykins, Kobie T. ; Bramble, Michael S. ; Brice, Timothy M. ; Briggs, Paul ; Brinkman, Alexander P. ; Brooks, Shawn M. ; Buffington, Brent B. ; Burns, Brandon ; Cable, Morgan L. ; Campagnola,Stefano ; Cangahuala, Laureano A. ; Carr, Gregory A. ; Casani, John R. ; Chahat, Nacer E. ; Chamberlain-Simon, Brendan K. ; Cheng, Yun-Ting ; Chien, Steve A. ; Cook, B. T. ; Cooper, Moogega ; Dinicola, Michael ; Clement, Brian G. ; Dean, Zachary S. ; Cullimore, Emily A. ; Curtis, Aaron G. ; de la Croix, Jean-Pierre ; Di Pasquale, Peter ; Dodd, Emma M. ; Dubord, Luke A. ; Edlund, Jeffrey A. ; Ellyin, Raymond ; Emanuel, Blair ; Foster, Jeffrey T. ; Ganino, Anthony J. ; Garner, Gregory J. ; Gibson, Matt T. ; Gildner, Matt ; Glazebrook, Kenneth J. ; Greco, Martin E. ; Green, W. M. ; Hatch, Sara J. ; Hetzel, Mark M. ; Hoey, William A. ; Hofmann, Amy E. ; Ionasescu, Rodica ; Jain, Abhinandan ; Jasper, Jay D. ; Johannesen, Jennie R. ; Johnson, Glenn K. ; Jun, Insoo ; Katake, Anup B. ; Kim-Castet, So Young ; Kim, David Inkyu ; Kim, Wousik ; Klonicki, Emily F. ; Kobeissi, Brad ; Kobie, Bryan D. ; Kochocki, Joseph ; Kokorowski, Michael ; Kosberg, Jacob A. ; Kriechbaum, Kristopher ; Kulkarni, Tejas P. ; Lam, Rebekah L. ; Landau, Damon F. ; Lattimore, Myra A. ; Laubach, Sharon L. ; Lawler, Christopher R. ; Lim, Grace ; Li, Jui-Lin ; Litwin, Todd E. ; Lo, Martin W. ; Logan, Cambria A. ; Maghasoudi, Elham ; Mandrake, Lukas ; Marchetti, Yuliya ; Marteau, Eloise ; Maxwell, Kimberly A. ; McNamee, John B. ; McIntyre, Ocean ; Meacham, Michael ; Melko, Joseph P. ; Mueller, Juergen ; Muliere, David ; Mysore, Aprameya ; Nash, Jeremy ; Ono, Masahiro ; Parker, Jay M. ; Perkins, Rebecca C. ; Petropoulos, Anastassios E. ; Gaut, Aaron ; Piette Gomez, Marie Y. ; Casillas, Raul Polit ; Preudhomme, Michael ; Pyrzak, Guy ; Rapinchuk, Jacqueline ; Ratliff, John Martin ; Ray, T. L. ; Roberts, Eric T. ; Roffo, Kenneth ; Roth, Duane C. ; Russino, Joseph A. ; Schmidt, Tyler M. ; Schoppers, Marcel J. ; Senent, Juan S. ; Serricchio, Fred ; Sheldon, Douglas J. ; Shiraishi, Lori R. ; Shirvanian, James ; Siegel, Katherine J. ; Singh, Gurjeet ; Sirota, Allen R. ; Skulsky, Eli D. ; Stehly, Joseph S. ; Strange, Nathan J. ; Stevens, Sarah U. ; Sunada, Eric T. ; Tepsuporn, Scott P. ; Tosi, Luis Phillipe C. ; Trawny, Nikolas ; Uchenik, Igor ; Verma, Vandi ; Volpe, Richard A. ; Wagner, Caleb T. ; Wang, D. ; Willson, Reg G. ; Wolff, John Luke ; Wong, A. T. ; Zimmer, Aline K. ; Sukhatme, Kalyani G. ; Bago, Kevin A. ; Chen, Yang ; Deardorff, Alyssa M. ; Kuch, Roger S. ; Lim, Christopher ; Syvertson, Marguerite L. ; Arakaki, Genji A. ; Avila, Art ; DeBruin, Kevin J. ; Frick, Andreas ; Harris, Joby R. ; Heverly, Matthew C. ; Kawata, Jessie M. ; Kim, Sung-Kyun ; Kipp, Devin M. ; Murphy, Juliana ; Smith, Matthew W. ; Spaulding, Matthew D. ; Thakker, Rohan ; Warner, Noah Z. ; Yahnker, Chris R. ; Young, M. E. ; Magner, Tom ; Adams, Danica ; Bedini, Peter ; Mehr, Lauren ; Sheldon, Colin ; Vernon, Steven ; Bailey, Vince ; Briere, Marc ; Butler, Michael ; Davis, Amanda ; Ensor, Susan ; Gannon, Michele ; Haapala-Chalk, Amanda ; Hartka, Ted ; Holdridge, Mark ; Hong, Albert ; Hunt, J. ; Iskow, Joe ; Kahler, Faith ; Murray, Kimberly ; Napolillo, David ; Norkus, Michael ; Pfisterer, Rick ; Porter, Jamie ; Roth, David ; Schwartz, Paul ; Wolfarth, Lawrence ; Cardiff, Eric ; Davis, Anita ; Grob, Eric W. ; Adam, Jason R. ; Betts, Erin ; Norwood, Jason ; Heller, M. M. ; Voskuilen, Tyler ; Sakievich, Philip ; Gray, L. ; Hansen, D. J. ; Irick, Kevin W. ; Hewson, John C. ; Lamb, Joshua ; Stacy, S. C. ; Brotherton, Chris M. ; Tappan, Alexander S. ; Benally, Darryl ; Thigpen, Hannah ; Ortiz, Erick ; Sandoval, Dan ; Ison, Aaron M. ; Warren, M. ; Stromberg, Peter G. ; Thelen, Paul Mark ; Blasy, B. ; Nandy, Prabal ; Haddad, Alexandria W. ; Trujillo, Lynna B. ; Wiseley, T. H. ; Bell, S. A. ; Teske, Nicholas P. ; Post, C. ; Torres-Castro, Loraine ; Grosso, Chris ; Wasiolek, MarylaEuropa is a premier target for advancing both planetary science and astrobiology, as well as for opening a new window into the burgeoning field of comparative oceanography. The potentially habitable subsurface ocean of Europa may harbor life, and the globally young and comparatively thin ice shell of Europa may contain biosignatures that are readily accessible to a surface lander. Europa's icy shell also offers the opportunity to study tectonics and geologic cycles across a range of mechanisms and compositions. Here we detail the goals and mission architecture of the Europa Lander mission concept, as developed from 2015 through 2020. The science was developed by the 2016 Europa Lander Science Definition Team (SDT), and the mission architecture was developed by the preproject engineering team, in close collaboration with the SDT. In 2017 and 2018, the mission concept passed its mission concept review and delta-mission concept review, respectively. Since that time, the preproject has been advancing the technologies, and developing the hardware and software, needed to retire risks associated with technology, science, cost, and schedule.