Lawrence A.
Lawrence A.
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Working PaperAlvin users manual(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1976-11) Bland, Edward L. ; Donnelly, J. D. ; Shumaker, Lawrence A.In order to plan a successful cruise utilizing the ALVIN/LULU system it is important for the user to understand the capabilities and limitations of the system. The Deep Submergence Engineering and Operations Section provides this manual as a means for the user to become familiar not only with the deep submersible ALVIN and its mother ship LULU, but also with the constraints put on the system by the environment, both above and below the ocean surface, and by geographic considerations. We strongly urge that, after reading this manual, potential ALVIN users contact us to discuss their plans and objectives. Such detailed discussion with experienced members of our group often lead to improved methods for accomplishing scientific objectives.
Working PaperAlvin operators manual(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1975-11) Shumaker, Lawrence A.The safe operation of the Deep Submergence Research vehicle ALVIN requires a great deal of planning and a high level of competence on the part of all persons concerned with the operation. In particular however it requires that the pilots have a thorough knowledge of the vehicle and the operating procedures which have been developed over a long period of varying types of operations. The primary purpose of an Operator's manual is to provide a framework around which pilots may build their knowledge and skills in such a fashion that everyone will know, at least ina general way, how the pilot will react to operational situations and to casualties. This allows the Surface Controller as well as the rest of the support crew to render a maximum of assistance with a minimum of communications and confusion. It must be understood however that under any given circumstance the pilot at the time is the only one who can assess the specific requirements for safe operation and decide on a course of action. in this sense the procedures in this Manual are meant to serve only as guidelines and the pilot is expected to utilize judgement and initiative in the operation of the DSRV.
Technical ReportDSRV ALVIN : a review of accomplishments(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1977-01) Sharp, Arnold G. ; Shumaker, Lawrence A.ALVIN, a deep-submergence oceanographic research submarine, is owned by the Office of Naval Research of the U.S. Navy and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (W.H.O.I). Completed in 1964, it began routine diving for scientific research in 1966. Since that time the submersible has made over 650 dives in many areas of the Atlantic Ocean including the Azores, Spain, the Bahamas, the Straits of Florida and the Gulf of Maine. Many of the dives have been for vehicle test and training purposes, and a significant number have been required by the U.S. navy for various engineering and salvage operations. These activities are summarized briefly and a short list of related Navy reports is given. Extensive engineering research and development in support of the ALVIN project has been provided by personnel from W.H.O.I., U.S. navy laboratories and private industry. Over 100 technical reports and papers have been produced as part of their effort and they are listed here. Nearly 300 dives have been competed for purely scientific purposes. These latter dives are described briefly in chronological order, and a list of 92 of the resulting scientific publications is presented.