Amy N. S.
Amy N. S.
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Technical ReportCruise Report S-217 : scientific data collected aboard SSV Robert C. Seamans, Papeete, Tahiti – Taiohae, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas – Honolulu, Hawaii, 9 May – 14 June 2008(SEA Education Association, 2008-06) Siuda, Amy N. S.This cruise report provides a summary of scientific activities aboard the SSV Robert C. Seamans during cruise S-217 (9 May – 14 June 08). The cruise served as the second half of a 12-week, semester program with Sea Education Association (SEA), during which extensive oceanographic sampling was conducted for both student research projects (Table 1) and the ongoing SEA research program. Students examined physical, chemical, biological, and environmental oceanographic characteristics in accordance with their written proposals and presented their results in a final poster session and papers.
ArticleThe distribution and mitochondrial genotype of the hydroid Aglaophenia latecarinata is correlated with its pelagic Sargassum substrate type in the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic Ocean(PeerJ, 2019-10-18) Govindarajan, Annette F. ; Cooney, Laura ; Whittaker, Kerry A. ; Bloch, Dana ; Burdorf, Rachel M. ; Canning, Shalagh ; Carter, Caroline ; Cellan, Shannon M. ; Eriksson, Fredrik A.A. ; Freyer, Hannah ; Huston, Grayson ; Hutchinson, Sabrina ; McKeegan, Kathleen ; Malpani, Megha ; Merkle-Raymond, Alex ; Ouellette, Kendra ; Petersen-Rockney, Robin ; Schultz, Maggie ; Siuda, Amy N. S.The pelagic brown macroalga Sargassum supports rich biological communities in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic region, including a variety of epiphytic invertebrates that grow on the Sargassum itself. The thecate hydroid Aglaophenia latecarinata is commonly found growing on some, but not all, Sargassum forms. In this study, we examined the relationship between A. latecarinata and its pelagic Sargassum substrate across a broad geographic area over the course of 4 years (2015–2018). The distribution of the most common Sargassum forms that we observed (Sargassum fluitans III and S. natans VIII) was consistent with the existence of distinct source regions for each. We found that A. latecarinata hydroids were abundant on both S. natans VIII and S. fluitans III, and also noted a rare observation of A. latecarinata on S. natans I. For the hydroids on S. natans VIII and S. fluitans III, hydroid mitochondrial genotype was strongly correlated with the Sargassum substrate form. We found significant population genetic structure in the hydroids, which was also consistent with the distributional patterns of the Sargassum forms. These results suggest that hydroid settlement on the Sargassum occurs in type-specific Sargassum source regions. Hydroid species identification is challenging and cryptic speciation is common in the Aglaopheniidae. Therefore, to confirm our identification of A. latecarinata, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis that showed that while the genus Aglaophenia was not monophyletic, all A. latecarinata haplotypes associated with pelagic Sargassum belonged to the same clade and were likely the same species as previously published sequences from Florida, Central America, and one location in Brazil (São Sebastião). A nominal A. latecarinata sequence from a second Brazilian location (Alagoas) likely belongs to a different species.
Technical ReportCruise Report S-220 : scientific data collected aboard SSV Robert C. Seamans, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Taiohae, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas – Papeete, Tahiti, 26 November 2008 – 3 January 2009(SEA Education Association, 2009-01) Siuda, Amy N. S.This cruise report provides a summary of scientific activities aboard the SSV Robert C. Seamans during cruise S-220 (26 Nov 2008 – 3 Jan 2009). The cruise served as the second half of the 12-week Sea Semester: Oceans and Climate program with Sea Education Association (SEA), during which extensive oceanographic sampling was conducted for both student research projects (Table 1) and the ongoing SEA research program. Students examined physical, chemical, biological, and environmental oceanographic characteristics in accordance with their written proposals and presented their results in a final poster session and papers.
Technical ReportCruise Report C-209 : Scientific Data Collected Aboard SSV Corwith Cramer, Key West, FL – Samana, Dominican Republic – Port Antonio, Jamaica – Key West, FL, 13 February – 22 March 2007(SEA Education Association, 2007-03) Siuda, Amy N. S.This cruise report provides a summary of scientific activities aboard the SSV Corwith Cramer during cruise C-209 (13 Feb - 22 Mar 07). The 2785 nautical mile cruise served as the second half of a 12-week, semester program with Sea Education Association (SEA), during which extensive oceanographic sampling was conducted for both student research projects (Table 1) and the ongoing SEA research program. Students examined physical, chemical, geological, biological, and environmental oceanographic characteristics in accordance with their written proposals and presented their results in a final poster session and papers (available upon request from SEA). The brief summary of data collected and results of student research projects contained in this report are not intended to represent final data interpretation and should not be excerpted or cited without written permission from SEA.
Technical ReportCruise Report S-222 : scientific data collected aboard SSV Robert C. Seamans, Honolulu, Hawaii – Christmas Island, Kiribati – Papeete, Tahiti, 26 March 2009 – 1 May 2009(SEA Education Association, 2009-05) Siuda, Amy N. S.This cruise report provides a summary of scientific activities aboard the SSV Robert C. Seamans during cruise S-222 (26 March – 1 May 2009). The 2500 nm cruise served as the second half of the 12-week Sea Semester: Ocean Exploration program with Sea Education Association (SEA), during which extensive oceanographic sampling was conducted for both student research projects (Table 1) and the ongoing SEA research program. Students examined physical, chemical, biological, and environmental oceanographic characteristics in accordance with their written proposals and presented their results in a final poster session and papers.