Ratiu Ileana Andreea

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Ileana Andreea

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  • Article
    Radiocarbon investigation of the big baobab of Outapi, Namibia
    (Studia Chemia, 2021-03-31) Patrut, Adrian ; Patrut, Roxana T. ; Rakosy, Laszlo ; Rakosy, Demetra ; Ratiu, Ileana-Andreea ; von Reden, Karl F.
    The article reports the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating results of the Big baobab of Outapi, which is the largest African baobab of Outapi, Namibia. The investigation of this monumental baobab revealed that it consists of 8 fused stems, out of which 4 are false stems. The Big baobab exhibits a closed ring-shaped structure. Three stems build the ring, which is now incomplete due to previous damage to the false cavity. Three wood samples were collected from the false cavity and from the longest false stem. Seven segments were extracted from the samples and dated by radiocarbon. The oldest investigated sample segment had a radiocarbon date of 820 ± 17 BP, corresponding to a calibrated age of 780 ± 10 calendar years. According to dating results, the Big baobab of Outapi is 850 ± 50 years old.
  • Article
    Radiocarbon investigation of two old elms from Romania
    (Studia Chemia, 2022-03) Patrut, Adrian ; Patrut, Roxana T. ; Bocos-Bintintan, Victor ; Ratiu, Ileana-Andreea ; Rakosy, Laszlo ; Zdrob, George ; Vanca, Eufrosina ; von Reden, Karl F.
    The paper reports the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon investigation results of two superlative elms from Romana, the very large field elm of Calafat, with a wood volume of 85 m 3 , and the wych elm of Sadova. Two wood samples were extracted from each elm and were analysed by AMS radiocarbon. The oldest dated sample from the elm of Calafat had a radiocarbon date of 350 ± 19 BP, which corresponds to a calibrated age of 415 ± 25 years, while the oldest sample from the elm of Sadova had a radiocarbon date of 188 ± 24 BP, corresponding to a calibrated age of 260 ± 25 years. These values indicate high ages for the two elms, namely 430 ± 25 years or the elm of Calafat and 400 ± 25 years for the elm of Sadova.
  • Article
    Radiocarbon investigation of the pedunculate oak of Botosana, Romania
    (Studia Chemia, 2018) Patrut, Adrian ; Robu, Nicolae ; Savu, Vasile ; Patrut, Roxana T. ; Rakosky, Laszlo ; Ratiu, Ileana-Andreea ; Lowy, Daniel A. ; Margineanu, Dragos ; von Reden, Karl F.
    The article discloses the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating results of the pedunculate oak of Botoşana. Four wood samples were extracted from its trunk. Five segments extracted from these samples were analyzed by AMS radiocarbon. Their radiocarbon dates were found to be between 161 ± 21 BP and 260 ± 20 BP. These values correspond to calibrated ages of 235 – 365 years. The dating results extrapolated to the geometric center of the trunk indicate an age of 645 ± 50 years for the oak of Botoşana.
  • Article
    Radiocarbon investigation of two large african baobabs from Kizimkazi, Zanzibar, Tanzania
    (Studia Chemia, 2022-06) Adrian, Patrut ; Roxana T., Patrut ; Laszlo, Rakosy ; Ileana-Andreea, Ratiu ; Jenö, Bodis ; Nassor Mahmoud, Nassor ; Karl F., Von Reden
    The article reports the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating results of Kizimkazi Big tree and Kizimkazi II baobab, two large African baobabs from Zanzibar, Tanzania. Unfortunately, both baobabs toppled and died in 2018 and 2020, during violent storms. The investigation of the two baobabs evinced that the first of them, which was also the biggest tree of Tanzania, consisted of 5 stems, out of which 2 were false ones, and had a closed ring-shaped structure. The second baobab was composed of 4 fused stems and had a cluster structure. Several wood samples were collected from the two baobabs. Seven segments were extracted from the samples and dated by radiocarbon. The oldest segment from Kizimkazi Big tree had a radiocarbon date of 312 ± 18 BP, corresponding to a calibrated age of 380 ± 10 calendar years. According to dating results, the Kizimkazi Big tree died at the age of 400 ± 25 years. The oldest segment from Kizimkazi II baobab had a radiocarbon date of 137 ± 17 BP, corresponding to a calibrated age of 190 ± 10 calendar years. This value indicates that the Kizimkazi II baobab was 250 ± 25 years old when it died.
  • Article
    Radiocarbon investigation of a superlative Grandidier Baobab, the Big Reniala of Isosa
    (Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Department of Chemistry, 2019) Patrut, Roxana T. ; Patrut, Adrian ; Pock-Tsy, Jean-Michel Leong ; Woodborne, Stephan ; Rakosy, Laszlo ; Danthu, Pascal ; Ratiu, Ileana-Andreea ; Bodis, Jeno ; von Reden, Karl F.
    The article discloses the accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating results of the Big Reniala of Isosa, which is a massive Grandidier baobab (Adansonia grandidieri Baill.) of Madagascar. The investigation of this baobab shows that it consists of 5 perfectly fused stems and exhibits a cluster structure. The calculated wood volume of the tree is 540 m3, which makes the Big Reniala of Isosa the largest individual of all Adansonia species and also the biggest known angiosperm in terms of volume. Several samples were collected from the outer part of the stems. The oldest dated sample had a radiocarbon date of 934 ± 24 BP, which corresponds to a calibrated age of 845 ± 25 years. This value indicates an age of 1000 ± 100 years for the big Reniala of Isosa.
  • Article
    Radiocarbon Investigation of the Historic African Baobabs of Omusati, Namibia
    (MDPI, 2022-11-11) Patrut, Adrian ; Patrut, Roxana T. ; Rakosy, Laszlo ; Rakosy, Demetra ; Oliver, Willie ; Ratiu, Ileana A. ; Lowy, Daniel A. ; Shiimbi, Gebhardt ; Woodborne, Stephan ; von Reden, Karl F.
    The Omusati region belongs to historic Ovamboland, an area of northern Namibia populated by tribes of the Ovambo group. Four very large African baobabs of Omusati played an important role in historic events of the area, such as the tribal wars and the Namibian War of Independence. The four historic baobabs are the Ombalantu baobab (8 stems; circumference 24.50 m), Okahao baobab (4+ stems; around 25 m), Amadhila baobab (12 stems; 25.35 m) and Sir Howard baobab (9 stems; 31.60 m). Two historic baobabs collapsed totally or partially. The stems of the Amadhila baobab toppled and died in 2021, while 3 stems of the Okahao baobab collapsed a long time ago, but are still alive. Our research aimed to determine the architecture and age of these baobabs. Three baobabs (Ombalantu, Amadhila, Sir Howard) exhibit a closed ring-shaped structure, with a false cavity inside. One baobab (Okahao) had an open ring-shaped structure, before its collapse. Several wood cores were extracted from the baobabs and investigated by radiocarbon dating. The dating results indicate ages of 770 ± 50 years for the Ombalantu baobab, 650 ± 50 years for the Okahao baobab, 1100 ± 50 years for the Amadhila baobab and 750 ± 50 years for the Sir Howard baobab.
  • Article
    Radiocarbon dating of the historic Emperor's beech from Muncel, Baia de Aries, Romania
    (Studia Chemia, 2022-12-30) Patrut, Adrian ; Bocos-Bintintan, Victor ; Patrut, Roxana T. ; Partila, Doriana ; Ratiu, Ileana-Andreea ; Rakosy, Laszlo ; Von Reden, Karl F.
    The article reports the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating results of the historic Emperor’s Beech (Fagul Împăra- tului) from Muncel, Baia de Arieş, Romania. Two wood samples were collected from the large tree, out of which four segments were extracted and analysed by AMS radiocarbon. The oldest dated sample segment had a radiocarbon date of 233 ± 18 BP, which corresponds to a calibrated age of 365 ± 5 years. This value suggests an age of 420 ± 20 years for the Emperor’s Beech. Thus, the historic beech started growing around the year 1600.
  • Article
    Radiocarbon dating of the historic grand baobab of Mahajanga, Madagascar
    (Studia Chemia, 2023-01-09) Patrut, Adrian ; Patrut, Roxana T. ; Rakosy, Laszlo ; Ratiu, Ileana Andreea ; Danthu, Pascal ; Leong Pock Tsy, Jean-Michel ; Von Reden, Karl F.
    The article reports the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon investigation of the historic Grand Baobab of Mahajanga. The largest African baobab of Madagascar exhibits a cluster structure, which consists of 6 fused ordinary stems and of 3 small binding stems. Two samples were collected from the largest stem and from a primary branch, out of which several tiny segments were extracted and dated by radiocarbon. The oldest dated sample segment had a radiocarbon date of 214 [+ or -] 17 BP, which corresponds to a calibrated age of 265 [+ or -] 25 calendar years. The dating results indicate that the Grand Baobab of Mahajanga is 275 [+ or -] 25 years old. Keywords: AMS radiocarbon dating, Adansonia digitata, dendrochronology, Madagascar, age determination, multiple stems.