Honda Makio C.

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Makio C.

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  • Article
    Open ocean particle flux variability from surface to seafloor
    (American Geophysical Union, 2021-04-18) Cael, B. Barry ; Bisson, Kelsey ; Conte, Maureen H. ; Duret, Manon T. ; Follett, Christopher L. ; Henson, Stephanie A. ; Honda, Makio C. ; Iversen, Morten H. ; Karl, David M. ; Lampitt, Richard S. ; Mouw, Colleen B. ; Muller-Karger, Frank E. ; Pebody, Corinne ; Smith, Kenneth L., Jr. ; Talmy, David
    The sinking of carbon fixed via net primary production (NPP) into the ocean interior is an important part of marine biogeochemical cycles. NPP measurements follow a log-normal probability distribution, meaning NPP variations can be simply described by two parameters despite NPP's complexity. By analyzing a global database of open ocean particle fluxes, we show that this log-normal probability distribution propagates into the variations of near-seafloor fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC), calcium carbonate, and opal. Deep-sea particle fluxes at subtropical and temperate time-series sites follow the same log-normal probability distribution, strongly suggesting the log-normal description is robust and applies on multiple scales. This log-normality implies that 29% of the highest measurements are responsible for 71% of the total near-seafloor POC flux. We discuss possible causes for the dampening of variability from NPP to deep-sea POC flux, and present an updated relationship predicting POC flux from mineral flux and depth.
  • Article
    Fractionation of 226Ra and Ba in the upper North Pacific Ocean
    (Frontiers Media, 2022-07-15) van Beek, Pieter ; Francois, Roger ; Honda, Makio C. ; Charette, Matthew A. ; Reyss, Jean-Louis ; Ganeshram, Raja S. ; Monnin, Christophe ; Honjo, Susumu
    Investigations conducted during the GEOSECS program concluded that radium-226 (T1/2 = 1602 y) and barium are tightly correlated in waters above 2500 m in the Atlantic, Pacific and Antarctic Oceans, with a fairly uniform 226Ra/Ba ratio of 2.3 ± 0.2 dpm µmol-1 (4.6 nmol 226Ra/mol Ba). Here, we report new 226Ra and Ba data obtained at three different stations in the Pacific Ocean: stations K1 and K3 in the North-West Pacific and station old Hale Aloha, off Hawaii Island. The relationship between 226Ra and Ba found at these stations is broadly consistent with that reported during the GEOSECS program. At the three investigated stations, however, we find that the 226Ra/Ba ratios are significantly lower in the upper 500 m of the water column than at greater depths, a pattern that was overlooked during the GEOSECS program, either because of the precision of the measurements or because of the relatively low sampling resolution in the upper 500 m. Although not always apparent in individual GEOSECS profiles, this trend was noted before from the non-zero intercept of the linear regression when plotting the global data set of Ba versus 226Ra seawater concentration and was attributed, at least in part, to the predominance of surface input from rivers for Ba versus bottom input from sediments for 226Ra. Similarly, low 226Ra/Ba ratios in the upper 500 m have been reported in other oceanic basins (e.g. Atlantic Ocean). Parallel to the low 226Ra/Ba ratios in seawater, higher 226Ra/Ba ratios were found in suspended particles collected in the upper 500 m. This suggests that fractionation between the two elements may contribute to the lower 226Ra/Ba ratios found in the upper 500 m, with 226Ra being preferentially removed from surface water, possibly as a result of mass fractionation during celestite formation by acantharians and/or barite precipitation, since both chemical elements have similar ionic radius and the same configuration of valence electrons. This finding has implications for dating of marine carbonates by 226Ra, which requires a constant initial 226Ra/Ba ratio incorporated in the shells and for using 226Ra as an abyssal circulation and mixing tracer.
  • Article
    Editorial: the oceanic particle flux and its cycling within the deep water column
    (Frontiers Media, 2022-09-09) Conte, Maureen H. ; Pedrosa-Pamies, Rut ; Honda, Makio C. ; Herndl, Gerhard J.
    The oceanic particle flux transfers energy and material from the surface through the water column to the seafloor. (See review by Conte (2019) and references therein). The particle flux fuels life below the sunlit photic zone, exerts a major control on the global cycling of carbon and particle-associated elements, and also plays a major role in long-term carbon sequestration. In this Research Topic we present a collection of articles that provide a broad overview of current research on the interlinked processes controlling the magnitude and composition of the oceanic particle flux, and its cycling and depth attenuation within the deep water column.
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    VERTIGO (VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean) : a study of particle sources and flux attenuation in the North Pacific
    ( 2008-03-21) Buesseler, Ken O. ; Trull, Thomas W. ; Steinberg, Deborah K. ; Silver, Mary W. ; Siegel, David A. ; Saitoh, S.-I. ; Lamborg, Carl H. ; Lam, Phoebe J. ; Karl, David M. ; Jiao, N. Z. ; Honda, Makio C. ; Elskens, Marc ; Dehairs, Frank ; Brown, S. I. ; Boyd, Philip W. ; Bishop, James K. B. ; Bidigare, Robert R.
    The VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean (VERTIGO) study examined particle sources and fluxes through the ocean’s “twilight zone” (defined here as depths below the euphotic zone to 1000 m). Interdisciplinary process studies were conducted at contrasting sites off Hawaii (ALOHA) and in the NW Pacific (K2) during 3 week occupations in 2004 and 2005, respectively. We examine in this overview paper the contrasting physical, chemical and biological settings and how these conditions impact the source characteristics of the sinking material and the transport efficiency through the twilight zone. A major finding in VERTIGO is the considerably lower transfer efficiency (Teff) of particulate organic carbon (POC), POC flux 500 / 150 m, at ALOHA (20%) vs. K2 (50%). This efficiency is higher in the diatom-dominated setting at K2 where silica-rich particles dominate the flux at the end of a diatom bloom, and where zooplankton and their pellets are larger. At K2, the drawdown of macronutrients is used to assess export and suggests that shallow remineralization above our 150 m trap is significant, especially for N relative to Si. We explore here also surface export ratios (POC flux/primary production) and possible reasons why this ratio is higher at K2, especially during the first trap deployment. When we compare the 500 m fluxes to deep moored traps, both sites lose about half of the sinking POC by >4000 m, but this comparison is limited in that fluxes at depth may have both a local and distant component. Certainly, the greatest difference in particle flux attenuation is in the mesopelagic, and we highlight other VERTIGO papers that provide a more detailed examination of the particle sources, flux and processes that attenuate the flux of sinking particles. Ultimately, we contend that at least three types of processes need to be considered: heterotrophic degradation of sinking particles, zooplankton migration and surface feeding, and lateral sources of suspended and sinking materials. We have evidence that all of these processes impacted the net attenuation of particle flux vs. depth measured in VERTIGO and would therefore need to be considered and quantified in order to understand the magnitude and efficiency of the ocean’s biological pump.
  • Article
    Revisiting carbon flux through the ocean's twilight zone
    (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2007-04-27) Buesseler, Ken O. ; Lamborg, Carl H. ; Boyd, Philip W. ; Lam, Phoebe J. ; Trull, Thomas W. ; Bidigare, Robert R. ; Bishop, James K. B. ; Casciotti, Karen L. ; Dehairs, Frank ; Elskens, Marc ; Honda, Makio C. ; Karl, David M. ; Siegel, David A. ; Silver, Mary W. ; Steinberg, Deborah K. ; Valdes, James R. ; Van Mooy, Benjamin A. S. ; Wilson, Stephanie E.
  • Article
    Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS)—A ship-based biogeochemical pilot
    (Copernicus Publications, 2024-04-16) Lange, Nico ; Fiedler, Bjorn ; Alvarez, Marta ; Benoit-Cattin, Alice ; Benway, Heather M. ; Buttigieg, Pier Luigi ; Coppola, Laurent ; Currie, Kim ; Flecha, Susana ; Gerlach, Dana S. ; Honda, Makio ; Huertas, I. Emma ; Lauvset, Siv K. ; Muller-Karger, Frank ; Kortzinger, Arne ; O'Brien, Kevin M. ; Olafsdottir, Solveig R. ; Pacheco, Fernando C. ; Rueda-Roa, Digna ; Skjelvan, Ingunn ; Wakita, Masahide ; White, Angelicque E. ; Tanhua, Toste
    The presented pilot for the Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS) includes data from 12 fixed ship-based time-series programs. The related stations represent unique open-ocean and coastal marine environments within the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Nordic Seas, and Caribbean Sea. The focus of the pilot has been placed on biogeochemical essential ocean variables: dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic nutrients, inorganic carbon (pH, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, and partial pressure of CO2), particulate matter, and dissolved organic carbon. The time series used include a variety of temporal resolutions (monthly, seasonal, or irregular), time ranges (10–36 years), and bottom depths (80–6000 m), with the oldest samples dating back to 1983 and the most recent one corresponding to 2021. Besides having been harmonized into the same format (semantics, ancillary data, units), the data were subjected to a qualitative assessment in which the applied methods were evaluated and categorized. The most recently applied methods of the time-series programs usually follow the recommendations outlined by the Bermuda Time Series Workshop report (Lorenzoni and Benway, 2013), which is used as the main reference for “method recommendations by prevalent initiatives in the field”. However, measurements of dissolved oxygen and pH, in particular, still show room for improvement. Additional data quality descriptors include precision and accuracy estimates, indicators for data variability, and offsets compared to a reference and widely recognized data product for the global ocean: the GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project (GLODAP). Generally, these descriptors indicate a high level of continuity in measurement quality within time-series programs and a good consistency with the GLODAP data product, even though robust comparisons to the latter are limited. The data are available as (i) a merged comma-separated file that is compliant with the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) exchange format and (ii) a format dependent on user queries via the Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program (ERDDAP) server of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). The pilot increases the data utility, findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability following the FAIR philosophy, enhancing the readiness of biogeochemical time series. It facilitates a variety of applications that benefit from the collective value of biogeochemical time-series observations and forms the basis for a sustained time-series living data product, SPOTS, complementing relevant products for the global interior ocean carbon data (GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project), global surface ocean carbon data (Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas; SOCAT), and global interior and surface methane and nitrous oxide data (MarinE MethanE and NiTrous Oxide product).