Seama Nobukazu

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  • Article
    Electromagnetic constraints on a melt region beneath the central Mariana back-arc spreading ridge
    (American Geophysical Union, 2012-10-25) Matsuno, Tetsuo ; Evans, Rob L. ; Seama, Nobukazu ; Chave, Alan D.
    An electrical resistivity profile across the central Mariana subduction system shows high resistivity in the upper mantle beneath the back-arc spreading ridge where melt might be expected to exist. Although seismic data are equivocal on the extent of a possible melt region, the question arises as to why a 2-D magnetotelluric (MT) survey apparently failed to image any melt. We have run forward models and inversions that test possible 3-D melt geometries that are consistent with the MT data and results of other studies from the region, and that we use to place upper bounds on the possible extent of 3-D melt region beneath the spreading center. Our study suggests that the largest melt region that was not directly imaged by the 2-D MT data, but that is compatible with the observations as well as the likely effects of melt focusing, has a 3-D shape on a ridge-segment scale focused toward the spreading center and a resistivity of 100 Ω-m that corresponds to ∼0.1–∼1% interconnected silicate melt embedded in a background resistivity of ∼500 Ω-m. In contrast to the superfast spreading southern East Pacific Rise, the 3-D melt region suggests that buoyant mantle upwelling on a ridge-segment scale is the dominant process beneath the slow-spreading central Mariana back-arc. A final test considers whether the inability to image a 3-D melt region was a result of the 2-D survey geometry. The result reveals that the 2-D transect completed is useful to elucidate a broad range of 3-D melt bodies.
  • Article
    Upper mantle electrical resistivity structure beneath the central Mariana subduction system
    (American Geophysical Union, 2010-09-02) Matsuno, Tetsuo ; Seama, Nobukazu ; Evans, Rob L. ; Chave, Alan D. ; Baba, Kiyoshi ; White, Antony ; Goto, Tada-nori ; Heinson, Graham ; Boren, Goran ; Yoneda, Asami ; Utada, Hisashi
    This paper reports on a magnetotelluric (MT) survey across the central Mariana subduction system, providing a comprehensive electrical resistivity image of the upper mantle to address issues of mantle dynamics in the mantle wedge and beneath the slow back-arc spreading ridge. After calculation of MT response functions and their correction for topographic distortion, two-dimensional electrical resistivity structures were generated using an inversion algorithm with a smoothness constraint and with additional restrictions imposed by the subducting slab. The resultant isotropic electrical resistivity structure contains several key features. There is an uppermost resistive layer with a thickness of up to 150 km beneath the Pacific Ocean Basin, 80–100 km beneath the Mariana Trough, and 60 km beneath the Parece Vela Basin along with a conductive mantle beneath the resistive layer. A resistive region down to 60 km depth and a conductive region at greater depth are inferred beneath the volcanic arc in the mantle wedge. There is no evidence for a conductive feature beneath the back-arc spreading center. Sensitivity tests were applied to these features through inversion of synthetic data. The uppermost resistive layer is the cool, dry residual from the plate accretion process. Its thickness beneath the Pacific Ocean Basin is controlled mainly by temperature, whereas the roughly constant thickness beneath the Mariana Trough and beneath the Parece Vela Basin regardless of seafloor age is controlled by composition. The conductive mantle beneath the uppermost resistive layer requires hydration of olivine and/or melting of the mantle. The resistive region beneath the volcanic arc down to 60 km suggests that fluids such as melt or free water are not well connected or are highly three-dimensional and of limited size. In contrast, the conductive region beneath the volcanic arc below 60 km depth reflects melting and hydration driven by water release from the subducting slab. The resistive region beneath the back-arc spreading center can be explained by dry mantle with typical temperatures, suggesting that any melt present is either poorly connected or distributed discontinuously along the strike of the ridge. Evidence for electrical anisotropy in the central Mariana upper mantle is weak.