McSherry T. R.

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  • Technical Report
    Hydroblack 91 : report of the CTD Intercalibration Workshop
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1992-02) Aubrey, David G. ; Oguz, T. ; Demirev, E. ; Ivanov, V. ; McSherry, T. R. ; Diaconu, V. ; Nikolaenko, E.
    An Intercalibration Workshop was held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (W.H.O.I.) from 1-10 December, 1991, for the CTD data acquired during HYDROBLACK '91. This intercalibration exercise was a prelude to an interdisciplinary HYDROBLACK '91 intercalibration to be held in Crimea, Ukraine, in February, 1992, incorporating the full suite of physical, biological, and chemical measurements acquired during the cruise. HYDROBLACK '91 acquired for the first time a complete hydrographic, biological, and chemical data set for the entire Black Sea, to 200 m water depth, with the participation of all Black Sea riparian countres as well as the U.S. Nearly 300 hydrographic stations were occupied to full water depth; biological and chemical measurements were made at 100 of these stations. This quasi-synoptic survey was accomplished using five ships during an interval of approximately three weeks. Results show some disparities between CTD's from the different regions, but the intercalibrated results show a consistent and high resolution detail of the dynamic topography and other physical characteristics of the entire Black Sea basin. The intercalibrated data set is now available within each country and from W.H.O.I., and will form the basis for studies on ocean physics as well as interdisciplinary issues such as oxygen depletion within the basin and hydrogen sulfide distribution. This effort provides an intercalibrated, spatially-dense baseline against which all future and past measurements can be compared. In spite of significant economic pressures arising from the changes in the eastern European countries, and the inadequate scientific exchange with the west during the past two decades, HYDROBLACK '91 is considered a success and a model for future international scientific and monitoring efforts thoughout the Black Sea. Similar efforts are anticipated twice-yearly in the framework of the new Cooperative Marine Science Program for the Black Sea.
  • Technical Report
    Sedimentation study, Environmental Monitoring and Operations Guidance System (EMOGS), Kings Bay, Georgia and Florida, 1988-1990 : final report
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1991-07) Aubrey, David G. ; McSherry, T. R. ; Spencer, Wayne D.
    Repeated side-scan sonar and multi-frequency bathymetric surveys, accompanied by accurate, high resolution, and repeatable navigation, were conducted in the vicinity of a tidal inlet to define the length and time scales associated with bedforms and channel shoaling in a structured tidal inlet. The study site, St. Marys entrance channel along the Georgia/Florida border (Fig. 1), has a dredged channel approximately 46-52 feet in depth at a datum of mean low water (MLW), bordered by a large ebb tidal delta. The tidal inlet serves Cumberland Sound, Kings Bay, and associated waterways, providing a large discharge of water from the inlet that creates bedforms and channel shoaling, given the abundance of sand-size sediment in the vicinity. The jettied inlet produces flows that are predominantly tidally-driven, whereas farther offshore the driving forces consist predominantly of waves and storm-generated flows. In the channel reaches (Table 1) between these two areas, combined wave/steady flows are present, creating a myriad of scales of bedforms and shoaling patterns, emphasizing the difference in these scales between the three different flow regimes. The results provide an important data base for quantifying shoaling processes and mechanisms in tidal inlet channels.
  • Technical Report
    Sedimentation study, Environmental Monitoring and Operations Guidance System (EMOGS), Kings Bay, Georgia and Florida : Phase III--FY 1989
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1990-08) Aubrey, David G. ; McSherry, T. R. ; Spencer, Wayne D.
    Repeated side-scan sonar and multi-frequency bathymetric surveys, accompanied by accurate, high resolution, and repeatable navigation, were conducted in the vicinity of a tidal inlet to define the length and time scales associated with bedforms and channel shoaling in a structured tidal inlet. The study site, St. Mary's entrance channel along the Georgia/Florida border (Fig. I), has a dredged channel approximately 46-52 feet in depth, bordered by a large ebb tidal delta. The tidal inlet serves Cumberland Sound, Kings Bay, and associated waterways, providing a large discharge of water from the inlet that creates bedforms and channel shoaling, given the abundance of sand-sized sediment in the vicinity. The jettied inlet produces flows tht are predominately tidally-driven, whereas farther offshore the driving forces consist predominately of waves and storm-generated flows. In the channel reaches (Table 1) between these two areas, combined wave-steady flows are present, creating a myriad of scales of bedforms and shoaling patterns. This study was designed to elucidate the time and space scales of these variable bedforms and shoaling patterns, emphasizing the difference in these scales between the three different flow regimes. The results provide an important data base for quantifying shoaling processes and mechanisms in tidal inlet channels.