Daniel G.
Daniel G.
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ArticleTurbulent energy production and entrainment at a highly stratified estuarine front(American Geophysical Union, 2004-05-01) MacDonald, Daniel G. ; Geyer, W. RockwellRates of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) production and buoyancy flux in the region immediately seaward (~1 km) of a highly stratified estuarine front at the mouth of the Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada) are calculated using a control volume approach. The calculations are based on field data obtained from shipboard instrumentation, specifically velocity data from a ship mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), and salinity data from a towed conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) unit. The results allow for the calculation of vertical velocities in the water column, and the total vertical transport of salt and momentum. The vertical turbulent transport quantities (inline equation, inline equation) can then be estimated as the difference between the total transport and the advective transport. Estimated production is on the order of 10−3 m2 s−3, yielding a value of ɛ(νN2)−1 on the order of 104. This rate of TKE production is at the upper limit of reported values for ocean and coastal environments. Flux Richardson numbers in this highly energetic system generally range from 0.15 to 0.2, with most mixing occurring at gradient Richardson numbers slightly less than inline equation. These values compare favorably with other values in the literature that are associated with turbulence observations from regimes characterized by scales several orders of magnitude smaller than are present in the Fraser River.
ArticleSalt wedge dynamics lead to enhanced sediment trapping within side embayments in high-energy estuaries(John Wiley & Sons, 2017-03-17) Yellen, Brian ; Woodruff, Jonathan D. ; Ralston, David K. ; MacDonald, Daniel G. ; Jones, David S.Off-river coves and embayments provide accommodation space for sediment accumulation, particularly for sandy estuaries where high energy in the main channel prevents significant long-term storage of fine-grained material. Seasonal sediment inputs to Hamburg Cove in the Connecticut River estuary (USA) were monitored to understand the timing and mechanisms for sediment storage there. Unlike in freshwater tidal coves, sediment was primarily trapped here during periods of low discharge, when the salinity intrusion extended upriver to the cove entrance. During periods of low discharge and high sediment accumulation, deposited sediment displayed geochemical signatures consistent with a marine source. Numerical simulations reveal that low discharge conditions provide several important characteristics that maximize sediment trapping. First, these conditions allow the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) to be located in the vicinity of the cove entrance, which increases sediment concentrations during flood tide. Second, the saltier water in the main channel can enter the cove as a density current, enhancing near-bed velocities and resuspending sediment, providing an efficient delivery mechanism. Finally, higher salinity water accumulates in the deep basin of the cove, creating a stratified region that becomes decoupled from ebb currents, promoting retention of sediment in the cove. This process of estuarine-enhanced sediment accumulation in off-river coves will likely extend upriver during future sea level rise.
ArticleHydraulic control of a highly stratified estuarine front(American Meteorological Society, 2005-03) MacDonald, Daniel G. ; Geyer, W. RockwellObservations at the mouth of the Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada) indicate an abrupt frontal transition between unstratified river outflow and a highly stratified river plume with differences in salinity greater than 25 psu across a few meters in the vertical direction and several hundred meters in the horizontal direction. The front roughly follows a natural break in the bathymetry, crossing the channel at an angle of approximately 45°, and is essentially stationary for a period of approximately 3.5 h centered on the low tide following the larger of two daily ebbs. The location of the front is coincident with observations of significantly supercritical internal Froude numbers at the front, based on velocities in the along-flow direction. This observation contradicts the one-dimensional theory, which indicates that the Froude number should be 1. However, because the front is oriented obliquely to the outflow, a coordinate system can be selected that is normal to the front and for which a critical Froude number of 1 is obtained. This indicates that a Froude angle, similar in application to a Mach angle for transonic flows, can be used to determine critical conditions when the front is oblique to the principal flow direction.
ThesisMixing processes and hydraulic control in a highly stratified estuary(Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2003-02) MacDonald, Daniel G.This thesis utilizes field data from the Fraser River Estuary, a highly stratified system located in southwestern British Columbia, Canada, to investigate the nature of mixing processes in a highly stratified environment, and to extend two-dimensional hydraulic theory to a three dimensional environment. During the late ebb, a stationary front exists at the Fraser mouth. Although densimetric Froude numbers in the vicinity of the front are supercritical in a frame of reference parallel to the local streamlines, the front itself is oriented such that the value of the Froude number is equal to the critical value of unity when taken in a frame of reference perpendicular to the front. This observation presents a robust extension of established two-dimensional, two-layer hydraulic theory to thee dimensions, and implies similarity with trans-sonic flows, in that a Froude angle can be used to identify critical conditions in a manner similar to the Mach angle. Mixing processes were evaluated at the mouth during the late ebb using a control volume approach to isolate mean vertical entrainment processes from turbulent processes, and quantify the vertical turbulent salt and momentum fluxes. Observed turbulent dissipation rates are high, on the order of 10-3 m2s.3, with vertical entrainment velocities on the order of 2x10-3 m's'l. Mixing efficiencies, expressed as flux Richardson numbers, are confined within a range from 0.15 to 0.2, at gradient Richardson number values between 0.2 and 0.25. These results are consistent with previous laboratory studies, but represent energetic conditions that are several orders of magnitude higher. In the estuarine channel, the variability of mixing processes was investigated through the tidal cycle using control volume and overturn scale methods. Spatially, mixing was observed to be more intense near a width constriction on the order of25%. Temporally, more dominant mixing was observed during ebbs, due to increases in both vertical shear and stratification. Mixing is active and important throughout the tidal cycle, and was found to be the dominant process responsible for removing salt from the estuarine channel during the ebb.