Muglia Michael

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  • Article
    Continuous flow of Upper Labrador Sea Water around Cape Hatteras
    (Nature Publishing Group, 2018-03-14) Andres, Magdalena ; Muglia, Michael ; Bahr, Frank B. ; Bane, John M.
    Six velocity sections straddling Cape Hatteras show a deep counterflow rounding the Cape wedged beneath the poleward flowing Gulf Stream and the continental slope. This counterflow is likely the upper part of the equatorward-flowing Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC). Hydrographic data suggest that the equatorward flow sampled by the shipboard 38 kHz ADCP comprises the Upper Labrador Sea Water (ULSW) layer and top of the Classical Labrador Sea Water (CLSW) layer. Continuous DWBC flow around the Cape implied by the closely-spaced velocity sections here is also corroborated by the trajectory of an Argo float. These findings contrast with previous studies based on floats and tracers in which the lightest DWBC constituents did not follow the boundary to cross under the Gulf Stream at Cape Hatteras but were diverted into the interior as the DWBC encountered the Gulf Stream in the crossover region. Additionally, our six quasi-synoptic velocity sections confirm that the Gulf Stream intensified markedly at that time as it approached the separation point and flowed into deeper waters. Downstream increases were observed not only in the poleward transport across the sections but also in the current’s maximum speed.
  • Article
    A shelf water cascading event near Cape Hatteras
    (American Meteorological Society, 2021-06-01) Han, Lu ; Seim, Harvey E. ; Bane, John M. ; Todd, Robert E. ; Muglia, Michael
    Carbon-rich Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) and South Atlantic Bight (SAB) shelf waters typically converge on the continental shelf near Cape Hatteras. Both are often exported to the adjacent open ocean in this region. During a survey of the region in mid-January 2018, there was no sign of shelf water export at the surface. Instead, a subsurface layer of shelf water with high chlorophyll and dissolved oxygen was observed at the edge of the Gulf Stream east of Cape Hatteras. Strong cooling over the MAB and SAB shelves in early January led to shelf waters being denser than offshore surface waters. Driven by the density gradient, the denser shelf waters cascaded beneath the Gulf Stream and were subsequently entrained into the Gulf Stream, as they were advected northeastward. Underwater glider observations 80 km downstream of the export location captured 0.44 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) of shelf waters transported along the edge of the Gulf Stream in January 2018. In total, as much as 7 × 106 kg of carbon was exported from the continental shelf to a greater depth in the open ocean during this 5-day-long cascading event. Earlier observations of near-bottom temperature and salinity at a depth of 230 m captured several multiday episodes of shelf water at a location that was otherwise dominated by Gulf Stream water, indicating that the January 2018 cascading event was not unique. Cascading is an important, yet little-studied pathway of carbon export and sequestration at Cape Hatteras.
  • Article
    Overview of the Processes driving Exchange At Cape Hatteras Program
    (Oceanography Society, 2022-05-12) Seim, Harvey E. ; Savidge, Dana ; Andres, Magdalena ; Bane, John M. ; Edwards, Catherine ; Gawarkiewicz, Glen G. ; He, Ruoying ; Todd, Robert E. ; Muglia, Michael ; Zambon, Joseph B. ; Han, Lu ; Mao, Shun
    The Processes driving Exchange At Cape Hatteras (PEACH) program seeks to better understand seawater exchanges between the continental shelf and the open ocean near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. This location is where the Gulf Stream transitions from a boundary-trapped current to a free jet, and where robust along-shelf convergence brings cool, relatively fresh Middle Atlantic Bight and warm, salty South Atlantic Bight shelf waters together, forming an important and dynamic biogeographic boundary. The magnitude of this convergence implies large export of shelf water to the open ocean here. Background on the oceanography of the region provides motivation for the study and gives context for the measurements that were made. Science questions focus on the roles that wind forcing, Gulf Stream forcing, and lateral density gradients play in driving exchange. PEACH observational efforts include a variety of fixed and mobile observing platforms, and PEACH modeling included two different resolutions and data assimilation schemes. Findings to date on mean circulation, the nature of export from the southern Middle Atlantic Bight shelf, Gulf Stream variability, and position variability of the Hatteras Front are summarized, together with a look ahead to forthcoming analyses.
  • Article
    Ocean circulation near Cape Hatteras: observations of mean and variability
    (American Geophysical Union, 2022-11-19) Han, Lu ; Seim, Harvey ; Bane, John ; Savidge, Dana ; Andres, Magdalena ; Gawarkiewicz, Glen ; Muglia, Mike
    The convergence of different water masses on the shelf and along the shelfbreak, and cross‐isobath shelf‐open ocean exchanges contribute to the complex circulation near Cape Hatteras. We examine the mean and variability of these circulations using data from nine bottom‐mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers, deployed over the mid‐ to outer‐continental shelf north and south of Cape Hatteras as part of the Processes driving Exchange At Cape Hatteras program. The 18‐month‐mean depth‐averaged shelf flows are mostly aligned with isobaths and oriented toward Cape Hatteras. At two sites just north of Cape Hatteras, mean flows have a strong cross‐shelf component. Two dominant spatial patterns in the velocity field are obtained from an empirical orthogonal function analysis. The two leading modes contain 61% of the total variance. The spatial variation of Mode 1 exhibits an along‐shelf flow pattern, while that of Mode 2 shows a convergent flow pattern. The principal component (PC) series of Mode 1 is significantly correlated with the local wind stress, confirming that the along‐shelf flow is wind‐driven as expected. The PC of Mode 2 is highly correlated with the Gulf Stream lateral position as inferred from the current‐ and pressure‐sensor‐equipped inverted echo sounders over the slope south of Cape Hatteras, which indicates that Gulf Stream movement drives time‐varying shelf flow convergence. Conditionally averaged sea‐surface temperature and high‐frequency radar‐measured surface currents based on PC1 and PC2 confirm these relationships and further illustrate how the wind and Gulf Stream forcing work together to influence the flow regime in this region.
  • Article
    Observations of Shelf-Ocean Exchange in the Northern South Atlantic Bight Driven by the Gulf Stream
    (American Geophysical Union, 2023-07-07) Andres, Magdalena ; Muglia, Michael ; Seim, Harvey E. ; Bane, John M. ; Savidge, Dana
    Between Florida and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, the Gulf Stream carries warm, salty waters poleward along the continental slope. This strong current abuts the edge of the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) continental shelf and is thought to influence exchange of waters between the open ocean and the shelf. Observations from a pair of instruments deployed for 19 months in the northern SAB are used here to examine the processes by which the Gulf Stream can impact this exchange. The instrument deployed on the SAB shelf edge shows that the time-averaged along-slope flow is surface-intensified with only few flow reversals at low frequencies (>40-day period). Time-averaged cross-slope flow is onto the SAB shelf in a lower layer and off-shelf above. Consistent with Ekman dynamics, the magnitude of lower-layer on-shelf flow is correlated with the along-slope velocity, which is in turn controlled by the position and/or transport of the Gulf Stream that flows poleward along the SAB continental slope. In the frequency band associated with downstream-propagating wave-like meanders of the Gulf Stream jet (2-15 day period), currents at the shelf-edge are characterized by surface-intensified flow in the along- and cross-slope directions. Estimates of maximum upwelling velocities associated with cyclonic frontal eddies between meander crests occasionally reach 100 m/day.
  • Article
    Global perspectives on observing ocean boundary current systems
    (Frontiers Media, 2019-08-08) Todd, Robert E. ; Chavez, Francisco P. ; Clayton, Sophie A. ; Cravatte, Sophie ; Goes, Marlos Pereira ; Graco, Michelle ; Lin, Xiaopei ; Sprintall, Janet ; Zilberman, Nathalie ; Archer, Matthew ; Arístegui, Javier ; Balmaseda, Magdalena A. ; Bane, John M. ; Baringer, Molly O. ; Barth, John A. ; Beal, Lisa M. ; Brandt, Peter ; Calil, Paulo H. R. ; Campos, Edmo ; Centurioni, Luca R. ; Chidichimo, Maria Paz ; Cirano, Mauro ; Cronin, Meghan F. ; Curchitser, Enrique N. ; Davis, Russ E. ; Dengler, Marcus ; deYoung, Brad ; Dong, Shenfu ; Escribano, Ruben ; Fassbender, Andrea ; Fawcett, Sarah E. ; Feng, Ming ; Goni, Gustavo J. ; Gray, Alison R. ; Gutiérrez, Dimitri ; Hebert, Dave ; Hummels, Rebecca ; Ito, Shin-ichi ; Krug, Marjolaine ; Lacan, Francois ; Laurindo, Lucas ; Lazar, Alban ; Lee, Craig M. ; Lengaigne, Matthieu ; Levine, Naomi M. ; Middleton, John ; Montes, Ivonne ; Muglia, Michael ; Nagai, Takeyoshi ; Palevsky, Hilary I. ; Palter, Jaime B. ; Phillips, Helen E. ; Piola, Alberto R. ; Plueddemann, Albert J. ; Qiu, Bo ; Rodrigues, Regina ; Roughan, Moninya ; Rudnick, Daniel L. ; Rykaczewski, Ryan R. ; Saraceno, Martin ; Seim, Harvey E. ; Sen Gupta, Alexander ; Shannon, Lynne ; Sloyan, Bernadette M. ; Sutton, Adrienne J. ; Thompson, LuAnne ; van der Plas, Anja K. ; Volkov, Denis L. ; Wilkin, John L. ; Zhang, Dongxiao ; Zhang, Linlin
    Ocean boundary current systems are key components of the climate system, are home to highly productive ecosystems, and have numerous societal impacts. Establishment of a global network of boundary current observing systems is a critical part of ongoing development of the Global Ocean Observing System. The characteristics of boundary current systems are reviewed, focusing on scientific and societal motivations for sustained observing. Techniques currently used to observe boundary current systems are reviewed, followed by a census of the current state of boundary current observing systems globally. The next steps in the development of boundary current observing systems are considered, leading to several specific recommendations.