Tripp Bruce W.

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Bruce W.

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  • Technical Report
    Coastal Research Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Report for the period March 1986-July 1988
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1989-03) Tripp, Bruce W.
    Activities of the WHOI Coastal Research Center during the period of March 1986 to July 1988 are briefly described. Major activities during this period include: 1. global climate change, 2. assimilative capacity, 3. coastal instrumentation and 4. rapid response. During this period the Georges Bank book was completed and published by MIT Press. Continuing emphasis is placed by CRC on fostering interdisciplinary and multi-institutional interactions. This emphasis is implemented through support of workshops, guest investigators, speakers and students.
  • Technical Report
    Buzzards Bay bibliography : a reference collection of scientific and technical reports published on Buzzards Bay
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1985-07) Tripp, Bruce W.
    The Coastal Research Center of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has initiated a series of WHOI/CRC Technical Reports in order to make information generated by CRC-associated researchers available as rapidly as possible to the coastal community. Buzzards Bay is an important segment of the Massachusetts coast and has been studied by Woods Hole scientists and others for decades. However, only a few systematic studies have been completed. Increasing development pressure in this heavily used area has been followed by an increasing demand for more complete information on coastal environmental quality. In an effort to fill this information gap, and to foster understanding of fundamental processes operative in coastal areas in general, multi-disciplinary research is being pursued in Buzzards Bay. As the results of this become available, this information will be published in the CRC Technical Report Series.
  • Technical Report
    Coastal Research Center report of the period January 1982-April 1984
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1984-05) Tripp, Bruce W.
    This report describes the major activities of the Coastal Research Center over a 28 month period up to April of 1984. This period is a particularly important stage in the development of the Coastal Research Center where concrete progress has been made on implementing many of the ideas and plans which accompanied the initial concept of the Center. This period also represents an important milestone for the next several years because the major projects reported here will be completed and new projects will be initiated. The success of the Center is due to the enthusiasm and efforts of scientists involved in Coastal Research at W.H.O.I., the inspiration given by visitors, the support of the W.H.O.I. administration and the generous support of several donors and foundations. We greatly appreciate the efforts of all.
  • Technical Report
    No. 2 fuel oil compound retention and release by Mytilus edulis : 1983 Cape Cod Canal oil spill
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1986-03) Farrington, John W. ; Xiaoping, Jia ; Clifford, C. Hovey ; Tripp, Bruce W. ; Livramento, Joaquim B. ; Davis, Alan C. ; Frew, Nelson M. ; Johnson, Carl G.
    Retention and release of No. 2 fuel oil compounds by Mytilus edulis contaminated by a small oil spill in the Cape Cod Canal in 1983 has been studied for the population "in situ" and for a subsample transplanted to a clean laboratory seawater system. Compounds analyzed include C13 to C24 n-alkanes; pristane; phytane; C2-, C3-naphthalenes; fluorene; phenanthrene; C1-, C2-, C3-phenanthrenes; fluoranthene; pyrene and dibenzothiophene. Biological half-lives were determined for the compounds from Day-3 to Day-29 following the spill and ranged from 1.5 days for C2-naphthalenes to 9.9 days for C2-phenanthrenes. Biological half-lives for the unresolved complex mixture determined by gas chromatographic analyses were 17 days for the alkane-cycloalkane fraction and 35 days for the aromatic fraction. Results compared favorably with data from a small oil spill contaminating the same mussel population at the same time of the year in 1978, although marked differences were noted for certain parameters. Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometer analyses of C2- and C3-phenanthrenes revealed changes in relative abundance of compounds within isomer groups from samples at Day-29 to the time when no further detection of fuel oil was noted. These results suggest a release or metabolism of these compounds which is molecular structure specific. This study also demonstrated the feasibility of training an analyst unfamiliar with analyses of hydrocarbons in tissues to conduct high resolution glass capillary GC analyses and some aspects of GCMS data systems output within a period of four to five months.