Kevin S.
Kevin S.
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ArticleThe hierarchical assembly of septins revealed by high-speed AFM(Nature Research, 2020-10-08) Jiao, Fang ; Cannon, Kevin S. ; Lin, Yi-Chih ; Gladfelter, Amy S. ; Scheuring, SimonSeptins are GTP-binding proteins involved in diverse cellular processes including division and membrane remodeling. Septins form linear, palindromic heteromeric complexes that can assemble in filaments and higher-order structures. Structural studies revealed various septin architectures, but questions concerning assembly-dynamics and -pathways persist. Here we used high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) and kinetic modeling which allowed us to determine that septin filament assembly was a diffusion-driven process, while formation of higher-order structures was complex and involved self-templating. Slightly acidic pH and increased monovalent ion concentrations favor filament-assembly, -alignment and -pairing. Filament-alignment and -pairing further favored diffusion-driven assembly. Pairing is mediated by the septin N-termini face, and may occur symmetrically or staggered, likely important for the formation of higher-order structures of different shapes. Multilayered structures are templated by the morphology of the underlying layers. The septin C-termini face, namely the C-terminal extension of Cdc12, may be involved in membrane binding.
ArticleInterplay of septin amphipathic helices in sensing membrane-curvature and filament bundling(American Society for Cell Biology, 2021-09-09) Woods, Benjamin L. ; Cannon, Kevin S. ; Vogt, Ellysa J. D. ; Crutchley, John M. ; Gladfelter, Amy S.The curvature of the membrane defines cell shape. Septins are GTP-binding proteins that assemble into heteromeric complexes and polymerize into filaments at areas of micron-scale membrane curvature. An amphipathic helix (AH) domain within the septin complex is necessary and sufficient for septins to preferentially assemble onto micron-scale curvature. Here we report that the nonessential fungal septin, Shs1, also has an AH domain capable of recognizing membrane curvature. In a septin mutant strain lacking a fully functional Cdc12 AH domain (cdc12-6), the C-terminal extension of Shs1, containing an AH domain, becomes essential. Additionally, we find that the Cdc12 AH domain is important for regulating septin filament bundling, suggesting septin AH domains have multiple, distinct functions and that bundling and membrane binding may be coordinately controlled.
ArticleAn amphipathic helix enables septins to sense micrometer-scale membrane curvature(Rockefeller University Press, 2019-01-18) Cannon, Kevin S. ; Woods, Benjamin L. ; Crutchley, John M. ; Gladfelter, Amy S.Cell shape is well described by membrane curvature. Septins are filament-forming, GTP-binding proteins that assemble on positive, micrometer-scale curvatures. Here, we examine the molecular basis of curvature sensing by septins. We show that differences in affinity and the number of binding sites drive curvature-specific adsorption of septins. Moreover, we find septin assembly onto curved membranes is cooperative and show that geometry influences higher-order arrangement of septin filaments. Although septins must form polymers to stay associated with membranes, septin filaments do not have to span micrometers in length to sense curvature, as we find that single-septin complexes have curvature-dependent association rates. We trace this ability to an amphipathic helix (AH) located on the C-terminus of Cdc12. The AH domain is necessary and sufficient for curvature sensing both in vitro and in vivo. These data show that curvature sensing by septins operates at much smaller length scales than the micrometer curvatures being detected.
ArticleCurvature sensing as an emergent property of multiscale assembly of septins(National Academy of Sciences, 2023-02-07) Shi, Wenzheng ; Cannon, Kevin S ; Curtis, Brandy N ; Edelmaier, Christopher ; Gladfelter, Amy S ; Nazockdast, EhssanThe ability of cells to sense and communicate their shape is central to many of their functions. Much is known about how cells generate complex shapes, yet how they sense and respond to geometric cues remains poorly understood. Septins are GTP-binding proteins that localize to sites of micrometer-scale membrane curvature. Assembly of septins is a multistep and multiscale process, but it is unknown how these discrete steps lead to curvature sensing. Here, we experimentally examine the time-dependent binding of septins at different curvatures and septin bulk concentrations. These experiments unexpectedly indicated that septins' curvature preference is not absolute but rather is sensitive to the combinations of membrane curvatures present in a reaction, suggesting that there is competition between different curvatures for septin binding. To understand the physical underpinning of this result, we developed a kinetic model that connects septins' self-assembly and curvature-sensing properties. Our experimental and modeling results are consistent with curvature-sensitive assembly being driven by cooperative associations of septin oligomers in solution with the bound septins. When combined, the work indicates that septin curvature sensing is an emergent property of the multistep, multiscale assembly of membrane-bound septins. As a result, curvature preference is not absolute and can be modulated by changing the physicochemical and geometric parameters involved in septin assembly, including bulk concentration, and the available membrane curvatures. While much geometry-sensitive assembly in biology is thought to be guided by intrinsic material properties of molecules, this is an important example of how curvature sensing can arise from multiscale assembly of polymers.
ArticleA gene duplication of a septin reveals a developmentally regulated filament length control mechanism(Rockefeller University Press, 2023-02-14) Cannon, Kevin S ; Vargas-Muniz, Jose M. ; Billington, Neil ; Seim, Ian ; Ekena, Joanne ; Sellers, James R. ; Gladfelter, Amy S.Septins are a family of conserved filament-forming proteins that function in multiple cellular processes. The number of septin genes within an organism varies, and higher eukaryotes express many septin isoforms due to alternative splicing. It is unclear if different combinations of septin proteins in complex alter the polymers' biophysical properties. We report that a duplication event within the CDC11 locus in Ashbya gossypii gave rise to two similar but distinct Cdc11 proteins: Cdc11a and Cdc1b. CDC11b transcription is developmentally regulated, producing different amounts of Cdc11a- and Cdc11b-complexes in the lifecycle of Ashbya gossypii. Deletion of either gene results in distinct cell polarity defects, suggesting non-overlapping functions. Cdc11a and Cdc11b complexes have differences in filament length and membrane-binding ability. Thus, septin subunit composition has functional consequences on filament properties and cell morphogenesis. Small sequence differences elicit distinct biophysical properties and cell functions of septins, illuminating how gene duplication could be a driving force for septin gene expansions seen throughout the tree of life.