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ArticleImproved parametrization of Antarctic krill target strength models(Acoustical Society of America, 2006-01) Lawson, Gareth L. ; Wiebe, Peter H. ; Ashjian, Carin J. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Stanton, Timothy K.There are historical discrepancies between empirical observations of Antarctic krill target strength and predictions using theoretical scattering models. These differences are addressed through improved understanding of key model parameters. The scattering process was modeled using the distorted-wave Born approximation, representing the shape of the animal as a bent and tapered cylinder. Recently published length-based regressions were used to constrain the sound speed and density contrasts between the animal and the surrounding seawater, rather than the earlier approach of using single values for all lengths. To constrain the parameter governing the orientation of the animal relative to the incident acoustic wave, direct measurements of the orientation of krill in situ were made with a video plankton recorder. In contrast to previous indirect and aquarium-based observations, krill were observed to orient themselves mostly horizontally. Averaging predicted scattering over the measured distribution of orientations resulted in predictions of target strength consistent with in situ measurements of target strength of large krill (mean length 40–43 mm) at four frequencies (43–420 kHz), but smaller than expected under the semi-empirical model traditionally used to estimate krill target strength.
ArticleRay representation of sound scattering by weakly scattering deformed fluid cylinders : simple physics and application to zooplankton(Acoustical Society of America, 1993-12) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Clay, Clarence S. ; Chu, DezhangData indicate that certain important types of marine organisms behave acoustically like weakly scattering fluid bodies (i.e., their material properties appear fluidlike and similar to those of the surrounding fluid medium). Use of this boundary condition, along with certain assumptions, allows reduction of what is a very complex scattering problem to a relatively simple, approximate ray-based solution. Because of the diversity of this problem, the formulation is presented in two articles: this first one in which the basic physics of the scattering process is described where the incident sound wave is nearly normally incident upon a single target (i.e., the region in which the scattering amplitude is typically at or near a maximum value for the individual) and the second one [Stanton et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94, 3463–3472 (1993)] where the formulation is heuristically extended to all angles of incidence and then statistically averaged over a range of angles and target sizes to produce a collective echo involving an aggregation of randomly oriented different sized scatterers. In this article, a simple ray model is employed in the deformed cylinder formulation [Stanton, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86, 691–705 (1989)] to describe the scattering by finite length deformed fluid bodies in the general shape of elongated organisms. The work involves single realizations of the length and angle of orientation. Straight and bent finite cylinders and prolate spheroids are treated in separate examples. There is reasonable qualitative comparison between the structure of the data collected by Chu et al. [ICES J. Mar. Sci. 49, 97–106 (1992)] involving two decapod shrimp and this single-target normal-incidence theory. This analysis forms the basis for successful comparison (presented in the companion article) between the extended formulation that is averaged over an ensemble of realizations of length and angle of orientation and scattering data involving aggregations of up to 100's of animals.
ArticleCalibration of broadband active acoustic systems using a single standard spherical target(Acoustical Society of America, 2008-07) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Chu, DezhangWhen calibrating a broadband active acoustic system with a single standard target such as a sphere, the inherent resonances associated with the scattering by the sphere pose a significant challenge. In this paper, a method is developed which completely eliminates the source of resonances through isolating and exploiting the echo from the front interface of a sphere. This echo is relatively insensitive to frequency over a wide range of frequencies, lacking resonances, and is relatively insensitive to small changes in material properties and, in the case of spherical shells, shell thickness. The research builds upon the concept of using this echo for calibration in the work of Dragonette et al. [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 69, 1186–1189 (1981)]. This current work generalizes that of Dragonette by (1) incorporating a pulse compression technique to significantly improve the ability to resolve the echo, and (2) rigorously accounting for the scattering physics of the echo so that the technique is applicable over a wide range of frequencies and material properties of the sphere. The utility of the new approach is illustrated through application to data collected at sea with an air-filled aluminum spherical shell and long broadband chirp signals (30–105 kHz).
ArticleNew broadband methods for resonance classification and high-resolution imagery of fish with swimbladders using a modified commercial broadband echosounder(Oxford University Press, 2010-01-05) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Jech, J. Michael ; Irish, James D.A commercial acoustic system, originally designed for seafloor applications, has been adapted for studying fish with swimbladders. The towed system contains broadband acoustic channels collectively spanning the frequency range 1.7–100 kHz, with some gaps. Using a pulse-compression technique, the range resolution of the echoes is ~20 and 3 cm in the lower and upper ranges of the frequencies, respectively, allowing high-resolution imaging of patches and resolving fish near the seafloor. Measuring the swimbladder resonance at the lower frequencies eliminates major ambiguities normally associated with the interpretation of fish echo data: (i) the resonance frequency can be used to estimate the volume of the swimbladder (inferring the size of fish), and (ii) signals at the lower frequencies do not depend strongly on the orientation of the fish. At-sea studies of Atlantic herring demonstrate the potential for routine measurements of fish size and density, with significant improvements in accuracy over traditional high-frequency narrowband echosounders. The system also detected patches of scatterers, presumably zooplankton, at the higher frequencies. New techniques for quantitative use of broadband systems are presented, including broadband calibration and relating target strength and volume-scattering strength to quantities associated with broadband signal processing.
ArticleFurther analysis of target strength measurements of Antarctic krill at 38 and 120 kHz : comparison with deformed cylinder model and inference of orientation distribution(Acoustical Society of America, 1993-05) Chu, Dezhang ; Foote, Kenneth G. ; Stanton, Timothy K.Data collected during the krill target strength experiment [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87, 16–24 (1990)] are examined in the light of a recent zooplankton scattering model where the elongated animals are modeled as deformed finite cylinders [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86, 691–705 (1989)]. Exercise of the model under assumption of an orientation distribution allows absolute predictions of target strength to be made at each frequency. By requiring that the difference between predicted and measured target strengths be a minimum in a least-squares sense, it is possible to infer the orientation distribution. This useful biological quantity was not obtainable in the previous analysis which involved the sphere scattering model.
PreprintOn the echo interference in sound backscattering by densely aggregated targets( 2004-12-01) Gorska, Natalia ; Chu, DezhangIt is important to understand the volume backscattering by dense aggregations of a variety of scattering objects such as bubbles or biological targets. This paper addresses the interference of the echoes from randomly distributed targets. The main motivation of the paper is to understand the conditions under which the echo interference may affect the accuracy of the abundance and/or the biomass estimation in fisheries and zooplankton acoustics significantly. Our approach consists of two parts. The first includes an analytical approach, which describes explicitly the dependence of the echo interference on the pulse shape of the transmitted signals. Because of the limitations of the analytical approach, numerical computations based on Monte Carlo simulations of acoustic backscattering by three-dimensional target distribution were performed as a second approach. The impacts of the echo interference were studied numerically over a wide range of frequencies, for different pulse shapes and directivity patterns of the acoustic systems, and for various spatial distributions of the targets (abundance), as well as the corresponding target strengths. Using analytical and numerical approaches it was demonstrated that for targets that are uniformly distributed in space, the influence of echo interference on the observed volume-backscattering strength is strongly controlled by three main parameters. These are the number of targets in the sampling volume, the product of sound frequency and pulse duration, and the degree of tapering of the applied pulses. A numerical examples of the abundance estimation of marine organisms are presented.
ArticleMeasurements of acoustic scattering from zooplankton and oceanic microstructure using a broadband echosounder(Oxford University Press, 2009-10-29) Lavery, Andone C. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Moum, James N.In principle, measurements of high-frequency acoustic scattering from oceanic microstructure and zooplankton across a broad range of frequencies can reduce the ambiguities typically associated with the interpretation of acoustic scattering at a single frequency or a limited number of discrete narrowband frequencies. With this motivation, a high-frequency broadband scattering system has been developed for investigating zooplankton and microstructure, involving custom modifications of a commercially available system, with almost complete acoustic coverage spanning the frequency range 150–600 kHz. This frequency range spans the Rayleigh-to-geometric scattering transition for some zooplankton, as well as the diffusive roll-off in the spectrum for scattering from turbulent temperature microstructure. The system has been used to measure scattering from zooplankton and microstructure in regions of non-linear internal waves. The broadband capabilities of the system provide a continuous frequency response of the scattering over a wide frequency band, and improved range resolution and signal-to-noise ratios through pulse-compression signal-processing techniques. System specifications and calibration procedures are outlined and the system performance is assessed. The results point to the utility of high-frequency broadband scattering techniques in the detection, classification, and under certain circumstances, quantification of zooplankton and microstructure.
Technical ReportA preliminary study of shallow-water sonar issues : signal motion loss and reverberation noise(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1993-09) Stewart, W. Kenneth ; Chu, Dezhang ; Tang, XiaoouThis preliminary investigation addresses key program elements for sonar sensing in a shallow-water environment to establish bounds on possible solutions and to reduce program uncertainty. The modeling and experimental program focuses on two issues - the potential degradation of sonar data due to signal masking by shallow-water reverberation and signal loss caused by extreme platform motions. The research program combines theoretical analysis, experimental validation in a shallow-water environment, and development of a computer model to explore parametric sensitivity. Results from an initial dock-side test show good agreement with the theoretical predictions. From the shallow-water experiments and acoustic modeling we conclude that: (1) Signal motion loss can influence the reverberation level significantly but is not the dominant factor in target detection for sonars in the frequency range of interest (>200 kHz); a high-quality (velocity-aided) inertial navigation and attitude system will be sufficient to correct for geometric distortions caused by platform motion. (2) Although surface reverberation and multipath noise can be a factor, partcularly in shadow-mode imaging, reverberation levels are rapidly attenuated at the frequencies of interest and beam patterns can be manipulated to reject most interferences; echo-mode imaging is still dominated by the contrast between target strength and bottom reverberation.
ArticleComparisons among ten models of acoustic backscattering used in aquatic ecosystem research(Acoustical Society of America, 2015-12-21) Jech, J. Michael ; Horne, John K. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Demer, David A. ; Francis, David T. I. ; Gorska, Natalia ; Jones, Benjamin A. ; Lavery, Andone C. ; Stanton, Timothy K. ; Macaulay, Gavin J. ; Reeder, D. Benjamin ; Sawada, KouichiAnalytical and numerical scatteringmodels with accompanying digital representations are used increasingly to predict acoustic backscatter by fish and zooplankton in research and ecosystem monitoring applications. Ten such models were applied to targets with simple geometric shapes and parameterized (e.g., size and material properties) to represent biological organisms such as zooplankton and fish, and their predictions of acoustic backscatter were compared to those from exact or approximate analytical models, i.e., benchmarks. These comparisons were made for a sphere, spherical shell, prolate spheroid, and finite cylinder, each with homogeneous composition. For each shape, four target boundary conditions were considered: rigid-fixed, pressure-release, gas-filled, and weakly scattering. Target strength (dB re 1 m2) was calculated as a function of insonifying frequency (f = 12 to 400 kHz) and angle of incidence (θ = 0° to 90°). In general, the numerical models (i.e., boundary- and finite-element) matched the benchmarks over the full range of simulation parameters. While inherent errors associated with the approximate analytical models were illustrated, so were the advantages as they are computationally efficient and in certain cases, outperformed the numerical models under conditions where the numerical models did not converge
PreprintMeasurements of sound-speed and density contrasts of zooplankton in Antarctic waters( 2004-12-11) Chu, Dezhang ; Wiebe, Peter H.Sound-speed and density contrasts (h and g, respectively), two important acoustic material properties, of live zooplankton were measured off the western Antarctic Peninsula during a Southern Ocean GLOBEC cruise conducted from 9 April to 21 May 2002. The work included in situ sound-speed contrast and shipboard density-contrast measurements. The temperature and pressure (depth) dependence of the sound-speed contrast of Euphausia superba and E. crystallorophias as well as that of some other zooplankton species were investigated. The size range of E. superba used in the measurements varied from about 20 mm to 57 mm, with mean length of 36.7 mm and standard deviation of 9.8 mm, which covered life stages from juvenile to adult. For E. superba, there was no statistically significant depth dependence, but there was a moderate dependence of sound-speed and density contrasts on the size of the animals. The measured sound-speed contrast varied between 1.018 and 1.044, with mean value 1.0279 and standard deviation 0.0084, while the measured density contrast varied between 1.007 and 1.036, with mean value 1.0241 and standard deviation 0.0082. For E. crystallorophias and Calanus there was a measurable depth dependence in sound-speed contrast. The in situ sound-speed contrasts for E. crystallorophias were 1.025 ± 0.004 to 1.029 ± 0.009. For Calanus, they were variable, with one set giving a value of 0.949 ± 0.001 and the other giving 1.013 ± 0.002. Shipboard measurements of other taxa/species also showed substantial variation in g and h. In general, values of g ranged from 0.9402 to 1.051 and h ranged from 0.949 to 1.096. The variation of the material properties is related to species, type, size, stage, and in some cases depth of occurrence. The uncertainty of the estimates of zooplankton biomass attributable to these variations in g and h can be quite large (more than 100 fold). Improvements in making biological inferences from acoustic data depend strongly on increased information about the material properties of zooplankton and the biological causes for their variation, as well as a knowledge of the species composition and abundance.
ArticleHigh-frequency bistatic scattering by sub-bottom gas bubbles(Acoustical Society of America, 1997-08) Chu, Dezhang ; Williams, Kevin L. ; Tang, Dajun ; Jackson, Darrell R.A previous study of high-frequency acoustic backscattering data collected at Eckernfoerde Bay, Germany revealed that scattering is mainly due to methane gas bubbles buried about a meter beneath the seafloor [Tang et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 2930–2936 (1994)]. A backscattering model was developed [Tang, Geo-Marine Lett. 16, 161–169 (1996)] where the gas bubbles were approximated by oblate spheroids. In this paper, a bistatic scattering model is proposed as an extension of the previously developed backscattering model. In this model, gas bubbles are again assumed to be oblate spheroids with varying aspect ratios and a single-scattering approximation is used. The model is compared to bistatic data acquired in Eckernfoerde Bay, Germany. In particular, the azimuthal dependence of the bistatic scattering strength predicted by the model is tested against experimental data and it is found that both the model and the bistatic scattering strength data exhibit a mild azimuthal dependence. Best agreement between model and data requires a 35% reduction in areal bubble density relative to that used in the backscattering model/data comparison. Possible reasons for this are discussed including multiple scattering effects.
ArticleNon-Rayleigh acoustic scattering characteristics of individual fish and zooplankton(IEEE, 2004-04) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Reeder, D. BenjaminIt has long been known that the statistical properties of acoustic echoes from individual fish can have non-Rayleigh characteristics. The statistical properties of echoes from zooplankton are generally less understood. In this study, echoes from individual fish and zooplankton from a series of laboratory measurements from the past decade are investigated. In the experiments, acoustic echoes from various individual organisms were measured over a wide range of frequencies and orientations, typically in 1/spl deg/-3/spl deg/ increments. In the analysis in this paper, the echoes from most of those measurements are grouped according to ranges of orientation, which correspond to typical orientation distributions of these organisms in the natural ocean environment. This grouping provides a distribution of echo values for each range of orientation. This approach, in essence, emulates a field experiment whereby distributions of echoes would be recorded for different distributions of orientations of the organisms. For both the fish and zooplankton data, there are conditions under which the echoes are strongly non-Rayleigh distributed. In some cases, the distribution is quantitatively connected to the physics of the scattering process while, in other cases, the connection is described qualitatively. Exploitation of the animal-specific statistics for classification purposes is suggested.
ArticleOn the acoustic diffraction by the edges of benthic shells(Acoustical Society of America, 2004-07) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Chu, DezhangRecent laboratory measurements of acoustic backscattering by individual benthic shells have isolated the edge-diffracted echo from echoes due to the surface of the main body of the shell. The data indicate that the echo near broadside incidence is generally the strongest for all orientations and is due principally to the surface of the main body. At angles well away from broadside, the echo levels are lower and are due primarily to the diffraction from the edge of the shell. The decrease in echo levels from broadside incidence to well off broadside is shown to be reasonably consistent with the decrease in acoustic backscattering from normal incidence to well off normal incidence by a shell-covered seafloor. The results suggest the importance of the edge of the shell in off-normal-incidence backscattering by a shell-covered seafloor. Furthermore, when considering bistatic diffraction by edges, there are implications that the edge of the shell (lying on the seafloor) can cause significant scattering in many directions, including at subcritical angles.
ArticleA phase-compensated distorted wave Born approximation representation of the bistatic scattering by weakly scattering objects : application to zooplankton(Acoustical Society of America, 1999-10) Chu, Dezhang ; Ye, ZhenThe distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) method has been successfully used in modeling the acoustic backscattering by weakly scattering zooplankton [Stanton et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94, 3463–3472 (1993), Wiebe et al., IEEE J. Ocean. Eng. 22(3), 445–464 (1997)]. However, the previously developed DWBA model ignores the imaginary part of the scattering amplitude and thus results in a zero-extinction cross section. As a consequence, the model fails to predict the scattering-induced attenuation which could be important under certain circumstances. In this paper, a phase-compensated DWBA-based approximation is presented. The improved method allows us to compute not only the scattering strength but also the acoustic attenuation. The new scattering model is validated by comparing with the existing exact solution for certain representative finite objects. The results from this study can be applied to bioacoustic applications where the attenuation due to scattering and/or multiple scattering by zooplankton is relevant, and where this information might be used to infer the acoustic properties of live animals.
ArticleSound scattering by several zooplankton groups. II. Scattering models(Acoustical Society of America, 1998-01) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Wiebe, Peter H.Mathematical scattering models are derived and compared with data from zooplankton from several gross anatomical groups—fluidlike, elastic shelled, and gas bearing. The models are based upon the acoustically inferred boundary conditions determined from laboratory backscattering data presented in part I of this series [Stanton et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, 225–235 (1998)]. The models use a combination of ray theory, modal-series solution, and distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA). The formulations, which are inherently approximate, are designed to include only the dominant scattering mechanisms as determined from the experiments. The models for the fluidlike animals (euphausiids in this case) ranged from the simplest case involving two rays, which could qualitatively describe the structure of target strength versus frequency for single pings, to the most complex case involving a rough inhomogeneous asymmetrically tapered bent cylinder using the DWBA-based formulation which could predict echo levels over all angles of incidence (including the difficult region of end-on incidence). The model for the elastic shelled body (gastropods in this case) involved development of an analytical model which takes into account irregularities and discontinuities of the shell. The model for gas-bearing animals (siphonophores) is a hybrid model which is composed of the summation of the exact solution to the gas sphere and the approximate DWBA-based formulation for arbitrarily shaped fluidlike bodies. There is also a simplified ray-based model for the siphonophore. The models are applied to data involving single pings, ping-to-ping variability, and echoes averaged over many pings. There is reasonable qualitative agreement between the predictions and single ping data, and reasonable quantitative agreement between the predictions and variability and averages of echo data.
ArticleSound scattering by rough elongated elastic objects. II: Fluctuations of scattered field(Acoustical Society of America, 1992-09) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Chu, DezhangSonar echoes from unresolved features of rough objects tend to interfere with each other. Because of these interferences, properties of the echoes, such as its envelope level, will vary from realization to realization of stochastically rough objects. In this article, the nature of the fluctuations of the backscattered echo envelope of rough solid elastic elongated objects is investigated. A general formulation is initially presented after which specific formulas are derived and numerically evaluated for straight finite-length cylinders. The study uses both the approximate modal-series- and Sommerfeld–Watson-transformation-based deformed cylinder solutions presented in the first part of this series [T. K. Stanton, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 92, XXX (1992)]. The fluctuations of the backscattered echo envelope are related to the Rice probability density function (PDF) and shown to depend upon δ/a and [script L]/L in the Rayleigh scattering region (ka≪1) and kδ and [script L]/L in the geometric region (ka≫1), where δ is the rms roughness, a is the radius of the cylinder, [script L] is the correlation length of the roughness, L is the length of the cylinder, and k is the acoustic wave number in the surrounding fluid. There are similarities shown between these fluctuations in the geometric region and those from rough planar interfaces. In addition, analytical expressions and numerical examples show that the fluctuation or ``incoherent'' component of the scattered field is random only in amplitude—its phase approaches a constant value, in phase with the mean scattered field, which needed to be taken into account in the formulation. Finally, applications of the theory developed in this article to backscatter data involving live marine shrimp-like organisms are discussed.
ArticleEstimation of biological parameters of marine organisms using linear and nonlinear acoustic scattering model-based inversion methods(Acoustical Society of America, 2016-05-19) Chu, Dezhang ; Lawson, Gareth L. ; Wiebe, Peter H.The linear inversion commonly used in fisheries and zooplankton acoustics assumes a constant inversion kernel and ignores the uncertainties associated with the shape and behavior of the scattering targets, as well as other relevant animal parameters. Here, errors of the linear inversion due to uncertainty associated with the inversion kernel are quantified. A scattering model-based nonlinear inversion method is presented that takes into account the nonlinearity of the inverse problem and is able to estimate simultaneously animal abundance and the parameters associated with the scattering model inherent to the kernel. It uses sophisticated scattering models to estimate first, the abundance, and second, the relevant shape and behavioral parameters of the target organisms. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the abundance, size, and behavior (tilt angle) parameters of marine animals (fish or zooplankton) can be accurately inferred from the inversion by using multi-frequency acoustic data. The influence of the singularity and uncertainty in the inversion kernel on the inversion results can be mitigated by examining the singular values for linear inverse problems and employing a non-linear inversion involving a scattering model-based kernel.
ArticleAcoustic diffraction by deformed edges of finite length : theory and experiment(Acoustical Society of America, 2007-12) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Norton, Guy V.The acoustic diffraction by deformed edges of finite length is described analytically and in the frequency domain through use of an approximate line-integral formulation. The formulation is based on the diffraction per unit length of an infinitely long straight edge, which inherently limits the accuracy of the approach. The line integral is written in terms of the diffraction by a generalized edge, in that the “edge” can be a single edge or multiple closely spaced edges. Predictions based on an exact solution to the impenetrable infinite knife edge are used to estimate diffraction by the edge of a thin disk and compared with calculations based on the T-matrix approach. Predictions are then made for the more complex geometry involving an impenetrable thick disk. These latter predictions are based on an approximate formula for double-edge diffraction [Chu et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 3177 (2007)] and are compared with laboratory data involving individual elastic (aluminum) disks spanning a range of diameters and submerged in water. The results of this study show this approximate line-integral approach to be versatile and applicable over a range of conditions.
ArticleAcoustic scattering by benthic and planktonic shelled animals(Acoustical Society of America, 2000-08) Stanton, Timothy K. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Wiebe, Peter H. ; Eastwood, Robert L. ; Warren, Joseph D.Acoustic backscattering measurements and associated scattering modeling were recently conducted on a type of benthic shelled animal that has a spiral form of shell (Littorina littorea). Benthic and planktonic shelled animals with this shape occur on the seafloor and in the water column, respectively, and can be a significant source of acoustic scattering in the ocean. Modeling of the scattering properties allows reverberation predictions to be made for sonar performance predictions as well as for detection and classification of animals for biological and ecological applications. The studies involved measurements over the frequency range 24 kHz to 1 MHz and all angles of orientation in as small as 1° increments. This substantial data set is quite revealing of the physics of the acoustic scattering by these complex shelled bodies and served as a basis for the modeling. Specifically, the resonance structure of the scattering was strongly dependent upon angle of orientation and could be traced to various types of rays (e.g., subsonic Lamb waves and rays entering the opercular opening). The data are analyzed in both the frequency and time domain (compressed pulse processing) so that dominant scattering mechanisms could be identified. Given the complexity of the animal body (irregular elastic shell with discontinuities), approximate scattering models are used with only the dominant scattering properties retained. Two models are applied to the data, both approximating the body as a deformed sphere: (1) an averaged form of the exact modal-series-based solution for the spherical shell, which is used to estimate the backscattering by a deformed shell averaged over all angles of orientation, and produces reasonably accurate predictions over all k1aesr (k1 is the acoustic wave number of the surrounding water and aesr is the equivalent spherical radius of the body), and (2) a ray-based formula which is used to estimate the scattering at fixed angle of orientation, but only for high k1aesr. The ray-based model is an extension of a model recently developed for the shelled zooplankton Limacina retroversa that has a shape similar to that of the Littorina littorea but swims through the water [Stanton et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, 236–253 (1998b)]. Applications of remote detection and classification of the seafloor and water column in the presence of shelled animals are discussed.
ArticleProtocols for calibrating multibeam sonar(Acoustical Society of America, 2005-04) Foote, Kenneth G. ; Chu, Dezhang ; Hammar, Terence R. ; Baldwin, Kenneth C. ; Mayer, Larry A. ; Hufnagle, Lawrence C. ; Jech, J. MichaelDevelopment of protocols for calibrating multibeam sonar by means of the standard-target method is documented. Particular systems used in the development work included three that provide the water-column signals, namely the SIMRAD SM2000/90- and 200-kHz sonars and RESON SeaBat 8101 sonar, with operating frequency of 240 kHz. Two facilities were instrumented specifically for the work: a sea well at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and a large, indoor freshwater tank at the University of New Hampshire. Methods for measuring the transfer characteristics of each sonar, with transducers attached, are described and illustrated with measurement results. The principal results, however, are the protocols themselves. These are elaborated for positioning the target, choosing the receiver gain function, quantifying the system stability, mapping the directionality in the plane of the receiving array and in the plane normal to the central axis, measuring the directionality of individual beams, and measuring the nearfield response. General preparations for calibrating multibeam sonars and a method for measuring the receiver response electronically are outlined. Advantages of multibeam sonar calibration and outstanding problems, such as that of validation of the performance of multibeam sonars as configured for use, are mentioned.