Barrie B.
Barrie B.
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Working PaperAlvin titanium electrical penetrator design, manufacture, and testing : interim report(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1976-05) Sharp, Arnold G. ; Walden, Barrie B. ; Hosom, David S.Under the U.S. Navy's Project TITANES a new titanium alloy pressure hull has been designed, built, and installed for use in the deep-submersible ALVIN. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution was assigned the task of designing, procuring and testing the through-hull electrical penetrators for the new sphere. This interim report traces the progress of this Woods Hole program from the initial design stage, through the various phases of manufacture and electrical testing, to the installation of the units in the completed hull, and the numerous laboratory~ pressure tank, and at-sea tests conducted to verify the satisfactory performance of the new penetrators. The results of all laboratory and in-service testing done to date support the conclusion that the performance of the titanium penetrators meets all of the original specifications.
Technical ReportRecovery of low-level radioactive waste packages from deep ocean disposal sites(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1987-03) Walden, Barrie B.This paper presents the methods used for the recovery of three low-level radioactive waste packages from deep ocean disposal sites in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The design of the recovery equipment and its utilization by the submersibles ALVIN and PISCES VI is described. Considerations for future waste disposal and recovery techniques are provided.