(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1978-07)
McCave, I. Nick; Hollister, Charles D.; Pyle, Thomas E.
From the Foreward: Despite the currently fashionable use of the word "interdisciplinary"
to describe research projects, few such efforts are known among oceanographers
studying the benthic boundary layer (BBL). In order to encourage
discussions among the diverse groups interested in deep-sea BBL problems
and to begin the coordination of experiments, the Office of Naval Research
(Code 480) has recently sponsored two workshops. In March 1977 a group of
investigators with ONR-supported projects met at the Naval Ocean Research
and Development Activity (NORDA) in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi to define
scientific and geographic areas of interest. A large group of investigators
met for a more ambitious workshop at the Keystone Conference Center,
Keystone, Colorado, from March 13 to 17, 1978. This report summarizes the
deliberations of that second workshop.