Nathan T.
Nathan T.
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ArticleDoes sea spray aerosol contribute significantly to aerosol trace element loading? a case study from the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15)(American Geophysical Union, 2022-07-21) Marsay, Christopher M. ; Landing, William M. ; Umstead, Devon ; Till, Claire P. ; Freiberger, Robert ; Fitzsimmons, Jessica N. ; Lanning, Nathan ; Shiller, Alan M. ; Hatta, Mariko ; Chmiel, Rebecca ; Saito, Mak A. ; Buck, Clifton S.Atmospheric deposition represents a major input for micronutrient trace elements (TEs) to the surface ocean and is often quantified indirectly through measurements of aerosol TE concentrations. Sea spray aerosol (SSA) dominates aerosol mass concentration over much of the global ocean, but few studies have assessed its contribution to aerosol TE loading, which could result in overestimates of “new” TE inputs. Low-mineral aerosol concentrations measured during the U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15; 152°W, 56°N to 20°S), along with concurrent towfish sampling of surface seawater, provided an opportunity to investigate this aspect of TE biogeochemical cycling. Central Pacific Ocean surface seawater Al, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb concentrations were combined with aerosol Na data to calculate a “recycled” SSA contribution to aerosol TE loading. Only vanadium was calculated to have a SSA contribution averaging >1% along the transect (mean of 1.5%). We derive scaling factors from previous studies on TE enrichments in the sea surface microlayer and in freshly produced SSA to assess the broader potential for SSA contributions to aerosol TE loading. Maximum applied scaling factors suggest that SSA could contribute significantly to the aerosol loading of some elements (notably V, Cu, and Pb), while for others (e.g., Fe and Al), SSA contributions largely remained <1%. Our study highlights that a lack of focused measurements of TEs in SSA limits our ability to quantify this component of marine aerosol loading and the associated potential for overestimating new TE inputs from atmospheric deposition.
ArticleMajor processes of the dissolved cobalt cycle in the north and equatorial Pacific Ocean(European Geosciences Union, 2022-05-05) Chmiel, Rebecca ; Lanning, Nathan ; Laubach, Allison ; Lee, Jong-Mi ; Fitzsimmons, Jessica N. ; Hatta, Mariko ; Jenkins, William J. ; Lam, Phoebe J. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Tagliabue, Alessandro ; Saito, Mak A.Over the past decade, the GEOTRACES and wider trace metal geochemical community has made substantial contributions towards constraining the marine cobalt (Co) cycle and its major biogeochemical processes. However, few Co speciation studies have been conducted in the North and equatorial Pacific Ocean, a vast portion of the world's oceans by volume and an important end-member of deep thermohaline circulation. Dissolved Co (dCo) samples, including total dissolved and labile Co, were measured at-sea during the GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15) expedition along the 152∘ W longitudinal from 56∘ N to 20∘ S. Along this transect, upper-ocean dCo (σ0<26) was linearly correlated with dissolved phosphate (slope = 82±3, µmol : mol) due to phytoplankton uptake and remineralization. As depth increased, dCo concentrations became increasingly decoupled from phosphate concentrations due to co-scavenging with manganese oxide particles in the mesopelagic. The transect revealed an organically bound coastal source of dCo to the Alaskan Stream associated with low-salinity waters. An intermediate-depth hydrothermal flux of dCo was observed off the Hawaiian coast at the Loihi Seamount, and the elevated dCo was correlated with potential xs3He at and above the vent site; however, the Loihi Seamount likely did not represent a major source of Co to the Pacific basin. Elevated concentrations of dCo within oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) in the equatorial North and South Pacific were consistent with the suppression of oxidative scavenging, and we estimate that future deoxygenation could increase the OMZ dCo inventory by 18 % to 36 % over the next century. In Pacific Deep Water (PDW), a fraction of elevated ligand-bound dCo appeared protected from scavenging by the high biogenic particle flux in the North Pacific basin. This finding is counter to previous expectations of low dCo concentrations in the deep Pacific due to scavenging over thermohaline circulation. Compared to a Co global biogeochemical model, the observed transect displayed more extreme inventories and fluxes of dCo than predicted by the model, suggesting a highly dynamic Pacific Co cycle.
ArticleRe-evaluating hydrogen sulfide as a sink for cadmium and zinc in the oxic to suboxic upper water column of the Pacific Ocean(American Geophysical Union, 2024-03-17) Buckley, Nicole R. ; Black, Erin E. ; Kenyon, Jennifer A. ; Lanning, Nathan T. ; Sieber, Matthias ; Conway, Tim M. ; Fitzsimmons, Jessica N. ; Cutter, Gregory A.Hydrogen sulfide is produced by heterotrophic bacteria in anoxic waters and via carbonyl sulfide hydrolysis and phytoplankton emissions under oxic conditions. Apparent losses of dissolved cadmium (dCd) and zinc (dZn) in oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans have been attributed to metal-sulfide precipitation formed via dissimilatory sulfate reduction. It has also been argued that such a removal process could be a globally important sink for dCd and dZn. However, our studies from the North Pacific OMZ show that dissolved and particulate sulfide concentrations are insufficient to support the removal of dCd via precipitation. In contrast, apparent dCd and dZn deficits in the eastern tropical South Pacific OMZ do reside in the oxycline with particulate sulfide maxima, but they also coincide with the secondary fluorescence maxima, suggesting that removal via sulfide precipitation may be due to a combination of dissimilatory and assimilatory sulfate reduction. Notably, dCd loss via precipitation with sulfide from assimilatory reduction was found in upper oxic waters of the North Pacific. While dissimilatory sulfate reduction may explain local dCd and dZn losses in some OMZs, our evaluation of North Pacific OMZs demonstrates that dCd and dZn losses are unlikely to be a globally relevant sink. Nevertheless, metal sulfide losses due to assimilatory sulfate reduction in surface waters should be considered in future biogeochemical models of oceanic Cd (and perhaps Zn) cycling.