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ArticleAssessment of spatio-temporal variability of faecal pollution along coastal waters during and after rainfall events(MDPI, 2022-02-08) Manini, Elena ; Baldrighi, Elisa ; Ricci, Fabio ; Grilli, Federica ; Giovannelli, Donato ; Intoccia, Michele ; Casabianca, Silvia ; Capellacci, Samuela ; Marinchel, Nadia ; Penna, Pierluigi ; Moro, Fabrizio ; Campanelli, Alessandra ; Cordone, Angelina ; Correggia, Monica ; Bastoni, Deborah ; Bolognini, Luigi ; Marini, Mauro ; Penna, AntonellaMore than 80% of wastewaters are discharged into rivers or seas, with a negative impact on water quality along the coast due to the presence of potential pathogens of faecal origin. Escherichia coli and enterococci are important indicators to assess, monitor, and predict microbial water quality in natural ecosystems. During rainfall events, the amount of wastewater delivered to rivers and coastal systems is increased dramatically. This study implements measures capable of monitoring the pathways of wastewater discharge to rivers and the transport of faecal bacteria to the coastal area during and following extreme rainfall events. Spatio-temporal variability of faecal microorganisms and their relationship with environmental variables and sewage outflow in an area located in the western Adriatic coast (Fano, Italy) was monitored. The daily monitoring during the rainy events was carried out for two summer seasons, for a total of five sampling periods. These results highlight that faecal microbial contaminations were related to rainy events with a high flow of wastewater, with recovery times for the microbiological indicators varying between 24 and 72 h and influenced by a dynamic dispersion. The positive correlation between ammonium and faecal bacteria at the Arzilla River and the consequences in seawater can provide a theoretical basis for controlling ammonium levels in rivers as a proxy to monitor the potential risk of bathing waters pathogen pollution.
ArticleDiversity and distribution of prokaryotes within a shallow-water pockmark field(Frontiers Media, 2016-06-17) Giovannelli, Donato ; d'Errico, Giuseppe ; Fiorentino, Federica ; Fattorini, Daniele ; Regoli, Francesco ; Angeletti, Lorenzo ; Bakran-Petricioli, Tatjana ; Vetriani, Costantino ; Yucel, Mustafa ; Taviani, Marco ; Manini, ElenaPockmarks are crater-like depression on the seafloor associated with hydrocarbon ascent through muddy sediments in continental shelves around the world. In this study, we examine the diversity and distribution of benthic microbial communities at shallow-water pockmarks adjacent to the Middle Adriatic Ridge. We integrate microbial diversity data with characterization of local hydrocarbons concentrations and sediment geochemistry. Our results suggest these pockmarks are enriched in sedimentary hydrocarbons, and host a microbial community dominated by Bacteria, even in deeper sediment layers. Pockmark sediments showed higher prokaryotic abundance and biomass than surrounding sediments, potentially due to the increased availability of organic matter and higher concentrations of hydrocarbons linked to pockmark activity. Prokaryotic diversity analyses showed that the microbial communities of these shallow-water pockmarks are unique, and comprised phylotypes associated with the cycling of sulfur and nitrate compounds, as well as numerous know hydrocarbon degraders. Altogether, this study suggests that shallow-water pockmark habitats enhance the diversity of the benthic prokaryotic biosphere by providing specialized environmental niches.
ArticleHelium, inorganic and organic carbon isotopes of fluids and gases across the Costa Rica convergent margin(Nature Research, 2019-11-25) Barry, Peter H. ; Nakagawa, Mayuko ; Giovannelli, Donato ; de Moor, J. Maarten ; Schrenk, Matthew O. ; Seltzer, Alan M. ; Manini, Elena ; Fattorini, Daniele ; di Carlo, Marta ; Regoli, Francesco ; Fullerton, Katherine ; Lloyd, Karen G.In 2017, fluid and gas samples were collected across the Costa Rican Arc. He and Ne isotopes, C isotopes as well as total organic and inorganic carbon concentrations were measured. The samples (n = 24) from 2017 are accompanied by (n = 17) samples collected in 2008, 2010 and 2012. He-isotopes ranged from arc-like (6.8 RA) to crustal (0.5 RA). Measured dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) δ13CVPDB values varied from 3.55 to −21.57‰, with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) following the trends of DIC. Gas phase CO2 only occurs within ~20 km of the arc; δ13CVPDB values varied from −0.84 to −5.23‰. Onsite, pH, conductivity, temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) were measured; pH ranged from 0.9–10.0, conductivity from 200–91,900 μS/cm, temperatures from 23–89 °C and DO from 2–84%. Data were used to develop a model which suggests that ~91 ± 4.0% of carbon released from the slab/mantle beneath the Costa Rican forearc is sequestered within the crust by calcite deposition with an additional 3.3 ± 1.3% incorporated into autotrophic biomass.