McIlvin Matthew R.

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    Needles in the blue sea : sub-species specificity in targeted protein biomarker analyses within the vast oceanic microbial metaproteome
    ( 2015-03-27) Saito, Mak A. ; Dorsk, Alexander ; Post, Anton F. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Rappe, Michael S. ; DiTullio, Giacomo R. ; Moran, Dawn M.
    Proteomics has great potential for studies of marine microbial biogeochemistry, yet high microbial diversity in many locales presents us with unique challenges. We addressed this challenge with a targeted metaproteomics workflow for NtcA and P-II, two nitrogen regulatory proteins, and demonstrated its application for cyanobacterial taxa within microbial samples from the Central Pacific Ocean. Using METATRYP, an open-source Python toolkit, we examined the number of shared (redundant) tryptic peptides in representative marine microbes, with the number of tryptic peptides shared between different species typically being 1% or less. The related cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus shared an average of 4.8+1.9% of their tryptic peptides, while shared intraspecies peptides were higher, 13+15% shared peptides between 12 Prochlorococcus genomes. An NtcA peptide was found to target multiple cyanobacteria species, whereas a P-II peptide showed specificity to the high-light Prochlorococcus ecotype. Distributions of NtcA and P-II in the Central Pacific Ocean were similar except at the Equator likely due to differential nitrogen stress responses between Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus. The number of unique tryptic peptides coded for within three combined oceanic microbial metagenomes was estimated to be ~4x107, 1000-fold larger than an individual microbial proteome and 27-fold larger than the human proteome, yet still 20 orders of magnitude lower than the peptide diversity possible in all protein space, implying that peptide mapping algorithms should be able to withstand the added level of complexity in metaproteomic samples.
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    Denitrification likely catalyzed by endobionts in an allogromiid foraminifer
    ( 2011-10) Bernhard, Joan M. ; Edgcomb, Virginia P. ; Casciotti, Karen L. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Beaudoin, David J.
    Nitrogen can be a limiting macronutrient for carbon uptake by the marine biosphere. The process of denitrification (conversion of nitrate to gaseous compounds, including N2) removes bioavailable nitrogen, particularly in marine sediments, making it a key factor in the marine nitrogen budget. Benthic foraminifera reportedly perform complete denitrification, a process previously considered nearly exclusively performed by bacteria and archaea. If the ability to denitrify is widespread among these diverse and abundant protists, a paradigm shift is required for biogeochemistry and marine microbial ecology. However, to date, the mechanisms of foraminiferal denitrification are unclear and it is possible that the ability to perform complete denitrification is due to symbiont metabolism in some foraminiferal species. Using sequence analysis and GeneFISH, we show that for a symbiont-bearing foraminifer, the potential for denitrification resides in the endobionts. Results also identify the endobionts as denitrifying pseudomonads and show that the allogromiid accumulates nitrate intracellularly, presumably for use in denitrification. Endobionts have been observed within many foraminiferal species, and in the case of associations with denitrifying bacteria, may provide fitness for survival in anoxic conditions. These associations may have been a driving force for early foraminiferal diversification, which is thought to have occurred in the Neoproterozoic when anoxia was widespread.
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    Irreversibly increased nitrogen fixation in Trichodesmium experimentally adapted to elevated carbon dioxide
    (Nature Publishing Group, 2015-09-01) Hutchins, David A. ; Walworth, Nathan G. ; Webb, Eric A. ; Saito, Mak A. ; Moran, Dawn M. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Gale, Jasmine ; Fu, Fei-Xue
    Nitrogen fixation rates of the globally distributed, biogeochemically important marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium increase under high carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in short-term studies due to physiological plasticity. However, its long-term adaptive responses to ongoing anthropogenic CO2 increases are unknown. Here we show that experimental evolution under extended selection at projected future elevated CO2 levels results in irreversible, large increases in nitrogen fixation and growth rates, even after being moved back to lower present day CO2 levels for hundreds of generations. This represents an unprecedented microbial evolutionary response, as reproductive fitness increases acquired in the selection environment are maintained after returning to the ancestral environment. Constitutive rate increases are accompanied by irreversible shifts in diel nitrogen fixation patterns, and increased activity of a potentially regulatory DNA methyltransferase enzyme. High CO2-selected cell lines also exhibit increased phosphorus-limited growth rates, suggesting a potential advantage for this keystone organism in a more nutrient-limited, acidified future ocean.
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    A manganese-rich environment supports superoxide dismutase activity in a lyme disease pathogen, Borrelia burgdorferi
    ( 2013-01-28) Aguirre, J. Dafhne ; Clark, Hillary M. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Vazquez, Christine ; Palmere, Shaina L. ; Grab, Dennis J. ; Seshu, J. ; Hart, P. John ; Saito, Mak A. ; Culotta, Valeria C.
    The Lyme disease pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi represents a novel organism in which to study metalloprotein biology in that this spirochete has uniquely evolved with no requirement for iron. Not only is iron low, but we show here that B. burgdorferi has the capacity to accumulate remarkably high levels of manganese. This high manganese is necessary to activate the SodA superoxide dismutase (SOD) essential for virulence. Using a metalloproteomic approach, we demonstrate that a bulk of B. burgdorferi SodA directly associates with manganese and a smaller pool of inactive enzyme accumulates as apoprotein. Other metalloproteins may have similarly adapted to using manganese as co-factor including the BB0366 amino-peptidase. While B. burgdorferi SodA has evolved in a manganese-rich, iron-poor environment, the opposite is true for Mn-SODs of organisms such as E. coli and bakers’ yeast. These Mn-SODs still capture manganese in an iron-rich cell, and we tested whether the same is true for Borrelia SodA. When expressed in the iron-rich mitochondria of S. cerevisiae, B. burgdorferi SodA was inactive. Activity was only possible when cells accumulated extremely high levels of manganese that exceeded cellular iron. Moreover, there was no evidence for iron inactivation of the SOD. B. burgdorferi SodA shows strong overall homology with other members of the Mn-SOD family, but computer assisted modeling revealed some unusual features of the hydrogen bonding network near the enzyme’s active site. The unique properties of B. burgdorferi SodA may represent adaptation to expression in the manganese-rich and iron-poor environment of the spirochete.
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    Characterization of the Fe metalloproteome of a ubiquitous marine heterotroph, Pseudoalteromonas (BB2-AT2): multiple bacterioferritin copies enable significant Fe storage
    (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020-04-15) Mazzotta, Michael G. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Saito, Mak A.
    Fe is a critical nutrient to the marine biological pump, which is the process that exports photosynthetically fixed carbon in the upper ocean to the deep ocean. Fe limitation controls photosynthetic activity in major regions of the oceans, and the subsequent degradation of exported photosynthetic material is facilitated particularly by marine heterotrophic bacteria. Despite their importance in the carbon cycle and the scarcity of Fe in seawater, the Fe requirements, storage and cytosolic utilization of these marine heterotrophs has been less studied. Here, we characterized the Fe metallome of Pseudoalteromonas (BB2-AT2). We found that with two copies of bacterioferritin (Bfr), Pseudoalteromonas possesses substantial capacity for luxury uptake of Fe. Fe : C in the whole cell metallome was estimated (assuming C : P stoichiometry ∼51 : 1) to be between ∼83 μmol : mol Fe : C, ∼11 fold higher than prior marine bacteria surveys. Under these replete conditions, other major cytosolic Fe-associated proteins were observed including superoxide dismutase (SodA; with other metal SOD isoforms absent under Fe replete conditions) and catalase (KatG) involved in reactive oxygen stress mitigation and aconitase (AcnB), succinate dehydrogenase (FrdB) and cytochromes (QcrA and Cyt1) involved in respiration. With the aid of singular value decomposition (SVD), we were able to computationally attribute peaks within the metallome to specific metalloprotein contributors. A putative Fe complex TonB transporter associated with the closely related Alteromonas bacterium was found to be abundant within the Pacific Ocean mesopelagic environment. Despite the extreme scarcity of Fe in seawater, the marine heterotroph Pseudoalteromonas has expansive Fe storage capacity and utilization strategies, implying that within detritus and sinking particles environments, there is significant opportunity for Fe acquisition. Together these results imply an evolved dedication of marine Pseudoalteromonas to maintaining an Fe metalloproteome, likely due to its dependence on Fe-based respiratory metabolism.
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    The acceleration of dissolved cobalt's ecological stoichiometry due to biological uptake, remineralization, and scavenging in the Atlantic Ocean
    (Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union, 2017-10-20) Saito, Mak A. ; Noble, Abigail E. ; Hawco, Nicholas J. ; Twining, Benjamin S. ; Ohnemus, Daniel C. ; John, Seth G. ; Lam, Phoebe J. ; Conway, Tim M. ; Johnson, Rod ; Moran, Dawn M. ; McIlvin, Matthew R.
    The stoichiometry of biological components and their influence on dissolved distributions have long been of interest in the study of the oceans. Cobalt has the smallest oceanic inventory of inorganic micronutrients and hence is particularly vulnerable to influence by internal oceanic processes including euphotic zone uptake, remineralization, and scavenging. Here we observe not only large variations in dCo : P stoichiometry but also the acceleration of those dCo : P ratios in the upper water column in response to several environmental processes. The ecological stoichiometry of total dissolved cobalt (dCo) was examined using data from a US North Atlantic GEOTRACES transect and from a zonal South Atlantic GEOTRACES-compliant transect (GA03/3_e and GAc01) by Redfieldian analysis of its statistical relationships with the macronutrient phosphate. Trends in the dissolved cobalt to phosphate (dCo : P) stoichiometric relationships were evident in the basin-scale vertical structure of cobalt, with positive dCo : P slopes in the euphotic zone and negative slopes found in the ocean interior and in coastal environments. The euphotic positive slopes were often found to accelerate towards the surface and this was interpreted as being due to the combined influence of depleted phosphate, phosphorus-sparing (conserving) mechanisms, increased alkaline phosphatase metalloenzyme production (a zinc or perhaps cobalt enzyme), and biochemical substitution of Co for depleted Zn. Consistent with this, dissolved Zn (dZn) was found to be drawn down to only 2-fold more than dCo, despite being more than 18-fold more abundant in the ocean interior. Particulate cobalt concentrations increased in abundance from the base of the euphotic zone to become  ∼  10 % of the overall cobalt inventory in the upper euphotic zone with high stoichiometric values of  ∼  400 µmol Co mol−1 P. Metaproteomic results from the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) station found cyanobacterial isoforms of the alkaline phosphatase enzyme to be prevalent in the upper water column, as well as a sulfolipid biosynthesis protein indicative of P sparing. The negative dCo : P relationships in the ocean interior became increasingly vertical with depth, and were consistent with the sum of scavenging and remineralization processes (as shown by their dCo : P vector sums). Attenuation of the remineralization with depth resulted in the increasingly vertical dCo : P relationships. Analysis of particulate Co with particulate Mn and particulate phosphate also showed positive linear relationships below the euphotic zone, consistent with the presence and increased relative influence of Mn oxide particles involved in scavenging. Visualization of dCo : P slopes across an ocean section revealed hotspots of scavenging and remineralization, such as at the hydrothermal vents and below the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) region, respectively, while that of an estimate of Co* illustrated stoichiometrically depleted values in the mesopelagic and deep ocean due to scavenging. This study provides insights into the coupling between the dissolved and particulate phase that ultimately creates Redfield stoichiometric ratios, demonstrating that the coupling is not an instantaneous process and is influenced by the element inventory and rate of exchange between phases. Cobalt's small water column inventory and the influence of external factors on its biotic stoichiometry can erode its limited inertia and result in an acceleration of the dissolved stoichiometry towards that of the particulate phase in the upper euphotic zone. As human use of cobalt grows exponentially with widespread adoption of lithium ion batteries, there is a potential to affect the limited biogeochemical inertia of cobalt and its resultant ecology in the oceanic euphotic zone.
  • Article
    Major processes of the dissolved cobalt cycle in the north and equatorial Pacific Ocean
    (European Geosciences Union, 2022-05-05) Chmiel, Rebecca ; Lanning, Nathan ; Laubach, Allison ; Lee, Jong-Mi ; Fitzsimmons, Jessica N. ; Hatta, Mariko ; Jenkins, William J. ; Lam, Phoebe J. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Tagliabue, Alessandro ; Saito, Mak A.
    Over the past decade, the GEOTRACES and wider trace metal geochemical community has made substantial contributions towards constraining the marine cobalt (Co) cycle and its major biogeochemical processes. However, few Co speciation studies have been conducted in the North and equatorial Pacific Ocean, a vast portion of the world's oceans by volume and an important end-member of deep thermohaline circulation. Dissolved Co (dCo) samples, including total dissolved and labile Co, were measured at-sea during the GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15) expedition along the 152∘ W longitudinal from 56∘ N to 20∘ S. Along this transect, upper-ocean dCo (σ0<26) was linearly correlated with dissolved phosphate (slope = 82±3, µmol : mol) due to phytoplankton uptake and remineralization. As depth increased, dCo concentrations became increasingly decoupled from phosphate concentrations due to co-scavenging with manganese oxide particles in the mesopelagic. The transect revealed an organically bound coastal source of dCo to the Alaskan Stream associated with low-salinity waters. An intermediate-depth hydrothermal flux of dCo was observed off the Hawaiian coast at the Loihi Seamount, and the elevated dCo was correlated with potential xs3He at and above the vent site; however, the Loihi Seamount likely did not represent a major source of Co to the Pacific basin. Elevated concentrations of dCo within oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) in the equatorial North and South Pacific were consistent with the suppression of oxidative scavenging, and we estimate that future deoxygenation could increase the OMZ dCo inventory by 18 % to 36 % over the next century. In Pacific Deep Water (PDW), a fraction of elevated ligand-bound dCo appeared protected from scavenging by the high biogenic particle flux in the North Pacific basin. This finding is counter to previous expectations of low dCo concentrations in the deep Pacific due to scavenging over thermohaline circulation. Compared to a Co global biogeochemical model, the observed transect displayed more extreme inventories and fluxes of dCo than predicted by the model, suggesting a highly dynamic Pacific Co cycle.
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    Element-selective targeting of nutrient metabolites in environmental samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
    (Frontiers Media, 2021-03-13) Li, Jingxuan ; Boiteau, Rene M. ; Babcock-Adams, Lydia ; Song, Zhongchang ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Repeta, Daniel J.
    Metabolites that incorporate elements other than carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen can be selectively detected by inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICPMS). When used in parallel with chromatographic separations and conventional electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESIMS), ICPMS allows the analyst to quickly find, characterize and identify target metabolites that carry nutrient elements (P, S, trace metals; “nutrient metabolites”), which are of particular interest to investigations of microbial biogeochemical cycles. This approach has been applied to the study of siderophores and other trace metal organic ligands in the ocean. The original method used mass search algorithms that relied on the ratio of stable isotopologues of iron, copper and nickel to assign mass spectra collected by ESIMS to metabolites carrying these elements detected by ICPMS. However, while isotopologue-based mass assignment algorithms were highly successful in characterizing metabolites that incorporate some trace metals, they do not realize the whole potential of the ICPMS/ESIMS approach as they cannot be used to assign the molecular ions of metabolites with monoisotopic elements or elements for which the ratio of stable isotopes is not known. Here we report a revised ICPMS/ESIMS method that incorporates a number of changes to the configuration of instrument hardware that improves sensitivity of the method by a factor of 4–5, and allows for more accurate quantitation of metabolites. We also describe a new suite of mass search algorithms that can find and characterize metabolites that carry monoisotopic elements. We used the new method to identify siderophores in a laboratory culture of Vibrio cyclitrophicus and a seawater sample collected in the North Pacific Ocean, and to assign molecular ions to monoisotopic cobalt and iodine nutrient metabolites in extracts of a laboratory culture of the marine cyanobacterium Prochorococcus MIT9215.
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    The Angola Gyre is a hotspot of dinitrogen fixation in the South Atlantic Ocean
    (Nature Research, 2022-06-30) Marshall, Tanya ; Granger, Julie ; Casciotti, Karen L. ; Dähnke, Kirstin ; Emeis, Kay-Christian ; Marconi, Dario ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Noble, Abigail E. ; Saito, Mak A. ; Sigman, Daniel M. ; Fawcett, Sarah E.
    Biological dinitrogen fixation is the major source of new nitrogen to marine systems and thus essential to the ocean’s biological pump. Constraining the distribution and global rate of dinitrogen fixation has proven challenging owing largely to uncertainty surrounding the controls thereon. Existing South Atlantic dinitrogen fixation rate estimates vary five-fold, with models attributing most dinitrogen fixation to the western basin. From hydrographic properties and nitrate isotope ratios, we show that the Angola Gyre in the eastern tropical South Atlantic supports the fixation of 1.4–5.4 Tg N.a−1, 28-108% of the existing (highly uncertain) estimates for the basin. Our observations contradict model diagnoses, revealing a substantial input of newly-fixed nitrogen to the tropical eastern basin and no dinitrogen fixation west of 7.5˚W. We propose that dinitrogen fixation in the South Atlantic occurs in hotspots controlled by the overlapping biogeography of excess phosphorus relative to nitrogen and bioavailable iron from margin sediments. Similar conditions may promote dinitrogen fixation in analogous ocean regions. Our analysis suggests that local iron availability causes the phosphorus-driven coupling of oceanic dinitrogen fixation to nitrogen loss to vary on a regional basis.
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    Methionine synthase interreplacement in diatom cultures and communities : implications for the persistence of B12 use by eukaryotic phytoplankton
    (Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, 2013-07) Bertrand, Erin M. ; Moran, Dawn M. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Hoffman, Jeffrey M. ; Allen, Andrew E. ; Saito, Mak A.
    Three proteins related to vitamin B12 metabolism in diatoms were quantified via selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry: B12-dependent and B12-independent methionine synthase (MetH, MetE) and a B12 acquisition protein (CBA1). B12-mediated interreplacement of MetE and MetH metalloenzymes was observed in Phaeodactylum tricornutum where MetH abundance was highest (0.06 fmol µg−1 protein) under high B12 and MetE abundance increased to 3.25 fmol µg−1 protein under low B12 availability. Maximal MetE abundance was 60-fold greater than MetH, consistent with the expected ∼ 50–100-fold larger turnover number for MetH. MetE expression resulted in 30-fold increase in nitrogen and 40-fold increase in zinc allocated to methionine synthase activity under low B12. CBA1 abundance was 6-fold higher under low-B12 conditions and increased upon B12 resupply to starved cultures. While biochemical pathways that supplant B12 requirements exist and are utilized by organisms such as land plants, B12 use persists in eukaryotic phytoplankton. This study suggests that retention of B12 utilization by phytoplankton results in resource conservation under conditions of high B12 availability. MetE and MetH abundances were also measured in diatom communities from McMurdo Sound, verifying that both these proteins are expressed in natural communities. These protein measurements are consistent with previous studies suggesting that B12 availability influences Antarctic primary productivity. This study illuminates controls on expression of B12-related proteins, quantitatively assesses the metabolic consequences of B12 deprivation, and demonstrates that mass spectrometry–based protein measurements yield insight into the functioning of marine microbial communities.
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    Oxygen isotopic composition of nitrate and nitrite produced by nitrifying cocultures and natural marine assemblages
    (Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, 2012-09) Buchwald, Carolyn ; Santoro, Alyson E. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Casciotti, Karen L.
    The δ18O value of nitrate produced during nitrification (δ18ONO3,nit) was measured in experiments designed to mimic oceanic conditions, involving cocultures of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria or ammonia-oxidizing archaea and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, as well as natural marine assemblages. The estimates of ranged from −1.5‰ ± 0.1‰ to +1.3‰ ± 1.4‰ at δ18O values of water (H2O) and dissolved oxygen (O2) of 0‰ and 24.2‰ vs. Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, respectively. Additions of 18O-enriched H2O allowed us to evaluate the effects of oxygen (O) isotope fractionation and exchange on . Kinetic isotope effects for the incorporation of O atoms were the most important factors for setting overall values relative to the substrates (O2 and H2O). These isotope effects ranged from +10‰ to +22‰ for ammonia oxidation (O2 plus H2O incorporation) and from +1‰ to +27‰ for incorporation of H2O during nitrite oxidation. values were also affected by the amount and duration of nitrite accumulation, which permitted abiotic O atom exchange between nitrite and H2O. Coculture incubations where ammonia oxidation and nitrite oxidation were tightly coupled showed low levels of nitrite accumulation and exchange (3% ± 4%). These experiments had values of −1.5‰ to +0.7‰. Field experiments had greater accumulation of nitrite and a higher amount of exchange (22% to 100%), yielding an average value of +1.9‰ ± 3.0‰. Low levels of biologically catalyzed exchange in coculture experiments may be representative of nitrification in much of the ocean where nitrite accumulation is low. Abiotic oxygen isotope exchange may be important where nitrite does accumulate, such as oceanic primary and secondary nitrite maxima.
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    Potential importance of physiologically diverse benthic foraminifera in sedimentary nitrate storage and respiration
    (American Geophysical Union, 2012-07-03) Bernhard, Joan M. ; Casciotti, Karen L. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Beaudoin, David J. ; Visscher, Pieter T. ; Edgcomb, Virginia P.
    Until recently, the process of denitrification (conversion of nitrate or nitrite to gaseous products) was thought to be performed exclusively by prokaryotes and fungi. The finding that foraminifera perform complete denitrification could impact our understanding of nitrate removal in sediments as well as our understanding of eukaryotic respiration, especially if it is widespread. However, details of this process and the subcellular location of these reactions in foraminifera remain uncertain. For example, prokaryotic endobionts, rather than the foraminifer proper, could perform denitrification, as has been shown recently in an allogromiid foraminifer. Here, intracellular nitrate concentrations and isotope ratios (δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3) were measured to assess the nitrate dynamics in four benthic foraminiferal species (Bolivina argentea, Buliminella tenuata, Fursenkoina cornuta, Nonionella stella) with differing cellular architecture and associations with microbial endobionts, recovered from Santa Barbara Basin, California. Cellular nitrate concentrations were high (12–217 mM) in each species, and intracellular nitrate often had elevated δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 values. Experiments including suboxic and anoxic incubations of B. argentea revealed a decrease in intracellular nitrate concentration and an increase in δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 over time, indicating nitrate respiration and/or denitrification within the foraminifera. Results illustrate that nitrate reduction occurs in a range of foraminiferal species, including some possessing endobionts (including a chloroplast-sequestering species) and others lacking endobionts, implying that microbial associates may not solely be responsible for this process in foraminifera. Furthermore, we show that benthic foraminifera may represent important reservoirs of nitrate storage in sediments, as well as mediators of its removal.
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    Microbial functional diversity across biogeochemical provinces in the central Pacific Ocean
    (National Academy of Sciences, 2022-09-13) Saunders, Jaclyn K. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Dupont, Christopher L. ; Kaul, Drishti ; Moran, Dawn M. ; Horner, Tristan J. ; Laperriere, Sarah ; Webb, Eric A. ; Bosak, Tanja ; Santoro, Alyson E. ; Saito, Mak A.
    Enzymes catalyze key reactions within Earth’s life-sustaining biogeochemical cycles. Here, we use metaproteomics to examine the enzymatic capabilities of the microbial community (0.2 to 3 µm) along a 5,000-km-long, 1-km-deep transect in the central Pacific Ocean. Eighty-five percent of total protein abundance was of bacterial origin, with Archaea contributing 1.6%. Over 2,000 functional KEGG Ontology (KO) groups were identified, yet only 25 KO groups contributed over half of the protein abundance, simultaneously indicating abundant key functions and a long tail of diverse functions. Vertical attenuation of individual proteins displayed stratification of nutrient transport, carbon utilization, and environmental stress. The microbial community also varied along horizontal scales, shaped by environmental features specific to the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, the oxygen-depleted Eastern Tropical North Pacific, and nutrient-rich equatorial upwelling. Some of the most abundant proteins were associated with nitrification and C1 metabolisms, with observed interactions between these pathways. The oxidoreductases nitrite oxidoreductase (NxrAB), nitrite reductase (NirK), ammonia monooxygenase (AmoABC), manganese oxidase (MnxG), formate dehydrogenase (FdoGH and FDH), and carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CoxLM) displayed distributions indicative of biogeochemical status such as oxidative or nutritional stress, with the potential to be more sensitive than chemical sensors. Enzymes that mediate transformations of atmospheric gases like CO, CO2, NO, methanethiol, and methylamines were most abundant in the upwelling region. We identified hot spots of biochemical transformation in the central Pacific Ocean, highlighted previously understudied metabolic pathways in the environment, and provided rich empirical data for biogeochemical models critical for forecasting ecosystem response to climate change.
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    Multiple sulfur isotope constraints on the modern sulfur cycle
    (Elsevier, 2014-04-16) Tostevin, Rosalie ; Turchyn, Alexandra V. ; Farquhar, James ; Johnston, David T. ; Eldridge, Daniel L. ; Bishop, James K. B. ; McIlvin, Matthew R.
    We present 28 multiple sulfur isotope measurements of seawater sulfate (δ34SSO4δ34SSO4 and Δ33SSO4Δ33SSO4) from the modern ocean over a range of water depths and sites along the eastern margin of the Pacific Ocean. The average measured δ34SSO4δ34SSO4 is 21.24‰ (±0.88‰,2σ±0.88‰,2σ) with a calculated Δ33SSO4Δ33SSO4 of +0.050‰+0.050‰ (±0.014‰,2σ±0.014‰,2σ). With these values, we use a box-model to place constraints on the gross fraction of pyrite burial in modern sediments. This model presents an improvement on previous estimates of the global pyrite burial flux because it does not rely on the assumed value of δ34Spyriteδ34Spyrite, which is poorly constrained, but instead uses new information about the relationship between δ34Sδ34S and δ33Sδ33S in global marine sulfate. Our calculations indicate that the pyrite burial flux from the modern ocean is between 10% and 45% of the total sulfur lost from the oceans, with a more probable range between 20% and 35%.
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    Distinct siderophores contribute to iron cycling in the mesopelagic at Station ALOHA
    (Frontiers Media, 2018-03-01) Bundy, Randelle M. ; Boiteau, Rene M. ; McLean, Craig ; Turk-Kubo, Kendra A. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Saito, Mak A. ; Van Mooy, Benjamin A. S. ; Repeta, Daniel J.
    The distribution of dissolved iron (Fe), total organic Fe-binding ligands, and siderophores were measured between the surface and 400 m at Station ALOHA, a long term ecological study site in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Dissolved Fe concentrations were low throughout the water column and strong organic Fe-binding ligands exceeded dissolved Fe at all depths; varying from 0.9 nmol L−1 in the surface to 1.6 nmol L−1 below 150 m. Although Fe does not appear to limit microbial production, we nevertheless found siderophores at nearly all depths, indicating some populations of microbes were responding to Fe stress. Ferrioxamine siderophores were most abundant in the upper water column, with concentrations between 0.1 and 2 pmol L−1, while a suite of amphibactins were found below 200 m with concentrations between 0.8 and 11 pmol L−1. The distinct vertical distribution of ferrioxamines and amphibactins may indicate disparate strategies for acquiring Fe from dust in the upper water column and recycled organic matter in the lower water column. Amphibactins were found to have conditional stability constants (log KcondFeL1,Fe′) ranging from 12.0 to 12.5, while ferrioxamines had much stronger conditional stability constants ranging from 14.0 to 14.4, within the range of observed L1 ligands by voltammetry. We used our data to calculate equilibrium Fe speciation at Station ALOHA to compare the relative concentration of inorganic and siderophore complexed Fe. The results indicate that the concentration of Fe bound to siderophores was up to two orders of magnitude higher than inorganic Fe, suggesting that even if less bioavailable, siderophores were nevertheless a viable pathway for Fe acquisition by microbes at our study site. Finally, we observed rapid production of ferrioxamine E by particle-associated bacteria during incubation of freshly collected sinking organic matter. Fe-limitation may therefore be a factor in regulating carbon metabolism and nutrient regeneration in the mesopelagic.
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    Adaptive responses of marine diatoms to zinc scarcity and ecological implications
    (Nature Research, 2022-04-14) Kellogg, Riss ; Moosburner, Mark A. ; Cohen, Natalie R. ; Hawco, Nicholas J. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Moran, Dawn M. ; DiTullio, Giacomo R. ; Subhas, Adam V. ; Saito, Mak A.
    Scarce dissolved surface ocean concentrations of the essential algal micronutrient zinc suggest that Zn may influence the growth of phytoplankton such as diatoms, which are major contributors to marine primary productivity. However, the specific mechanisms by which diatoms acclimate to Zn deficiency are poorly understood. Using global proteomic analysis, we identified two proteins (ZCRP-A/B, Zn/Co Responsive Protein A/B) among four diatom species that became abundant under Zn/Co limitation. Characterization using reverse genetic techniques and homology data suggests putative Zn/Co chaperone and membrane-bound transport complex component roles for ZCRP-A (a COG0523 domain protein) and ZCRP-B, respectively. Metaproteomic detection of ZCRPs along a Pacific Ocean transect revealed increased abundances at the surface (<200 m) where dZn and dCo were scarcest, implying Zn nutritional stress in marine algae is more prevalent than previously recognized. These results demonstrate multiple adaptive responses to Zn scarcity in marine diatoms that are deployed in low Zn regions of the Pacific Ocean.
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    NADPH-dependent extracellular superoxide production is vital to photophysiology in the marine diatom Thalassiosira oceanica
    (National Academy of Sciences, 2019-08-13) Diaz, Julia M. ; Plummer, Sydney ; Hansel, Colleen M. ; Andeer, Peter F. ; Saito, Mak A. ; McIlvin, Matthew R.
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) like superoxide drive rapid transformations of carbon and metals in aquatic systems and play dynamic roles in biological health, signaling, and defense across a diversity of cell types. In phytoplankton, however, the ecophysiological role(s) of extracellular superoxide production has remained elusive. Here, the mechanism and function of extracellular superoxide production by the marine diatom Thalassiosira oceanica are described. Extracellular superoxide production in T. oceanica exudates was coupled to the oxidation of NADPH. A putative NADPH-oxidizing flavoenzyme with predicted transmembrane domains and high sequence similarity to glutathione reductase (GR) was implicated in this process. GR was also linked to extracellular superoxide production by whole cells via quenching by the flavoenzyme inhibitor diphenylene iodonium (DPI) and oxidized glutathione, the preferred electron acceptor of GR. Extracellular superoxide production followed a typical photosynthesis-irradiance curve and increased by 30% above the saturation irradiance of photosynthesis, while DPI significantly impaired the efficiency of photosystem II under a wide range of light levels. Together, these results suggest that extracellular superoxide production is a byproduct of a transplasma membrane electron transport system that serves to balance the cellular redox state through the recycling of photosynthetic NADPH. This photoprotective function may be widespread, consistent with the presence of putative homologs to T. oceanica GR in other representative marine phytoplankton and ocean metagenomes. Given predicted climate-driven shifts in global surface ocean light regimes and phytoplankton community-level photoacclimation, these results provide implications for future ocean redox balance, ecological functioning, and coupled biogeochemical transformations of carbon and metals.
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    Hydrothermal trace metal release and microbial metabolism in the northeastern Lau Basin of the South Pacific Ocean
    (European Geosciences Union, 2021-10-06) Cohen, Natalie R. ; Noble, Abigail E. ; Moran, Dawn M. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Goepfert, Tyler J. ; Hawco, Nicholas J. ; German, Christopher R. ; Horner, Tristan J. ; Lamborg, Carl H. ; McCrow, John P. ; Allen, Andrew E. ; Saito, Mak A.
    Bioactive trace metals are critical micronutrients for marine microorganisms due to their role in mediating biological redox reactions, and complex biogeochemical processes control their distributions. Hydrothermal vents may represent an important source of metals to microorganisms, especially those inhabiting low-iron waters, such as in the southwest Pacific Ocean. Previous measurements of primordial 3He indicate a significant hydrothermal source originating in the northeastern (NE) Lau Basin, with the plume advecting into the southwest Pacific Ocean at 1500–2000 m depth (Lupton et al., 2004). Studies investigating the long-range transport of trace metals associated with such dispersing plumes are rare, and the biogeochemical impacts on local microbial physiology have not yet been described. Here we quantified dissolved metals and assessed microbial metaproteomes across a transect spanning the tropical and equatorial Pacific with a focus on the hydrothermally active NE Lau Basin and report elevated iron and manganese concentrations across 441 km of the southwest Pacific. The most intense signal was detected near the Mangatolo Triple Junction (MTJ) and Northeast Lau Spreading Center (NELSC), in close proximity to the previously reported 3He signature. Protein content in distal-plume-influenced seawater, which was high in metals, was overall similar to background locations, though key prokaryotic proteins involved in metal and organic uptake, protein degradation, and chemoautotrophy were abundant compared to deep waters outside of the distal plume. Our results demonstrate that trace metals derived from the NE Lau Basin are transported over appreciable distances into the southwest Pacific Ocean and that bioactive chemical resources released from submarine vent systems are utilized by surrounding deep-sea microbes, influencing both their physiology and their contributions to ocean biogeochemical cycling.
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    Copper stress in Staphylococcus aureus leads to adaptive changes in central carbon metabolism
    (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018-11-16) Tarrant, Emma ; Riboldi, Gustavo P. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Stevenson, Jack ; Barwinska-Sendra, Anna ; Stewart, Louisa J. ; Saito, Mak A. ; Waldron, Kevin J.
    Copper toxicity has been a long-term selection pressure on bacteria due to its presence in the environment and its use as an antimicrobial agent by grazing protozoa, by phagocytic cells of the immune system, and in man-made medical and commercial products. There is recent evidence that exposure to increased copper stress may have been a key driver in the evolution and spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a globally important pathogen that causes significant mortality and morbidity worldwide. Yet it is unclear how S. aureus physiology is affected by copper stress or how it adapts in order to be able to grow in the presence of excess copper. Here, we have determined quantitatively how S. aureus alters its proteome during growth under copper stress conditions, comparing this adaptive response in two different types of growth regime. We found that the adaptive response involves induction of the conserved copper detoxification system as well as induction of enzymes of central carbon metabolism, with only limited induction of proteins involved in the oxidative stress response. Further, we identified a protein that binds copper inside S. aureus cells when stressed by copper excess. This copper-binding enzyme, a glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase essential for glycolysis, is inhibited by copper in vitro and inside S. aureus cells. Together, our data demonstrate that copper stress leads to the inhibition of glycolysis in S. aureus, and that the bacterium adapts to this stress by altering its central carbon utilisation pathways.
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    Metabolic versatility of the nitrite-oxidizing bacterium Nitrospira marina and its proteomic response to oxygen-limited conditions
    (Springer Nature, 2020-11-23) Bayer, Barbara ; Saito, Mak A. ; McIlvin, Matthew R. ; Lücker, Sebastian ; Moran, Dawn M. ; Lankiewicz, Thomas S. ; Dupont, Christopher L. ; Santoro, Alyson E.
    The genus Nitrospira is the most widespread group of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria and thrives in diverse natural and engineered ecosystems. Nitrospira marina Nb-295T was isolated from the ocean over 30 years ago; however, its genome has not yet been analyzed. Here, we investigated the metabolic potential of N. marina based on its complete genome sequence and performed physiological experiments to test genome-derived hypotheses. Our data confirm that N. marina benefits from additions of undefined organic carbon substrates, has adaptations to resist oxidative, osmotic, and UV light-induced stress and low dissolved pCO2, and requires exogenous vitamin B12. In addition, N. marina is able to grow chemoorganotrophically on formate, and is thus not an obligate chemolithoautotroph. We further investigated the proteomic response of N. marina to low (∼5.6 µM) O2 concentrations. The abundance of a potentially more efficient CO2-fixing pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (POR) complex and a high-affinity cbb3-type terminal oxidase increased under O2 limitation, suggesting a role in sustaining nitrite oxidation-driven autotrophy. This putatively more O2-sensitive POR complex might be protected from oxidative damage by Cu/Zn-binding superoxide dismutase, which also increased in abundance under low O2 conditions. Furthermore, the upregulation of proteins involved in alternative energy metabolisms, including Group 3b [NiFe] hydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase, indicate a high metabolic versatility to survive conditions unfavorable for aerobic nitrite oxidation. In summary, the genome and proteome of the first marine Nitrospira isolate identifies adaptations to life in the oxic ocean and provides insights into the metabolic diversity and niche differentiation of NOB in marine environments.