Nancy J.
Nancy J.
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Technical ReportA compilation of moored current meter and wind recorder data : volume XXXV, Long-Term Upper Ocean Study (LOTUS) ; (Moorings 764, 765, 766, 767, 770), May 1982 - April 1983(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1984-08) Tarbell, Susan A. ; Pennington, Nancy J. ; Briscoe, Melbourne G.LOTUS was a two-year experiment near 34°N, 70°W, designed to acquire and analyse a continuous set of measurements of currents and temperatures in the upper, open ocean together with local hydrography, meteorology, and mesoscale oceanographic features. The first scientific moorings were deployed in May 1982. The first year of mooring data, from May 1982- April 1983, is presented here.
Technical ReportFASINEX Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment (January-June 1986) : cruise summaries for FASINEX phase two; R/V OCEANUS cruise 175, R/V ENDEAVOR cruise 141(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1986-10) Pennington, Nancy J. ; Weller, Robert A.The Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment (FASINEX) was a study of the response of the upper ocean to atmospheric forcing in the vicinity of an oceanic front in the subtropical convergence zone southwest of Bermuda, the response of the lower atmosphere in that vicinity to the oceanic front, and the associated two-way interaction between ocean and atmosphere. FASINEX began in the winter (January 1986) , concluded in the early summer (June 1986) and included an intensive period in February and March. The experiment took place in the vicinity of 27°N, 70°W where sea-surface-temperature fronts are climatologically common. Measurements were made from buoys, ships, aircraft and spacecraft. This report summarizes the shipboard work done on R/V OCEANUS and R/V ENDEAVOR during Phase Two, the dual ship/multi-aircraft measurement period. The two ships worked individually, jointly and as ground truth for the aircraft during the month. Each ship carried specialized instrumentation for measuring oceanographic and meteorological parameters. Information describing the sampling strategy, station positions and times are included. This report contains summaries of the data collected and some preliminary results.
Technical ReportAtlantis II : cruise 102 : preliminary CTD data from Jasin 1978(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1979-12) Pennington, Nancy J. ; Briscoe, Melbourne G.102 profiles of conductivity, temperature, and depth (pressure) (CTD) were taken in the JASIN area northwest of Scotland in July-September 1978. These stations consisted of single and yo-yo profiles. The data set includes 14 stations taken near Anton Dohrn Seamount at 57°30'N, 11°W . Plotted profiles of temperature, salinity, sigma-theta, and buoyancy frequency, and a listing of the data, are included for most stations.
Technical ReportThe long term upper ocean study (Lotus) : cruise summary and hydrographic data report, Oceanus 141, October 1983 and Oceanus 145, January 1984(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1984-07) Mongomery, Ellyn T. ; Pennington, Nancy J. ; Briscoe, Melbourne G.OCEANUS cruises 141 (28 October-4 November 1983) and 145 (22-29 January 1984) were the tenth and eleventh cruises to the Long Term Upper Ocean Study (LOTUS) area centered at 34°N, 70°W. During OCEANUS 141, a C. S. Draper Labs profiling current meter (PCM) was set, the fifth LOTUS surface mooring was recovered, and the deployment of the sixth LOTUS surface mooring was unsuccessfully attempted. The sixth surface mooring was finally deployed in January, on OCEANUS 145. This report provides details of the work accomplished on both cruises, as well as presenting the hydrographic data collected.
Technical ReportFASINEX Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment (January-June 1986) : summaries for FASINEX mooring cruises; phase one: R/V KNORR Cruise 119, phase three: RV/KNORR Cruise 123(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1986-10) Pennington, Nancy J. ; Weller, Robert A.The Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment (FASINEX) was a study of the response of the upper ocean to atmospheric forcing in the vicinity of an oceanic front in the subtropical convergence zone southwest of Bermuda, the response of the lower atmosphere in that vicinity to the oceanic front, and the associated two-way interaction between ocean and atmosphere. FASINEX began in the winter (January 1986) , concluded in the early summer (June 1986) and included an intensive period in February and March. The experiment took place in the vicinity of 27°N, 70°W where sea-surface-temperature fronts are climatologically common. Measurements were made from buoys, ships, aircraft and spacecraft. This report summarizes the mooring deployment and recovery cruises. FASINEX Phase One, the deployment cruise, located a frontal feature, mapped it and set an array of surface and Profiling Current Meters moorings across the front. Phase Three, the recovery cruise returned to the FASINEX area to retrieve the instrumentation that had been on station for six months. Additional measurements were made in the frontal region during these cruises. The activities carried out and the underway data collected on these two cruises, details of the moored array and a preliminary statement of the data return from the array, and the data telemetered from the moored array via ARGOS are summarized in this report.
Technical ReportDrifting vertical current meter, moored aanderaa thermistor chain, and XBT data : Jasin 1978 Atlantis-II cruise (102)(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1981-10) Pennington, Nancy J. ; Weller, Robert A.The report presents summaries of three data sets taken at and in the vicinity of the oceanographic moorings deployed in the 1978 Joint Air-Sea Inte raction Project (JASIN). The data sets are: (1) the temperature, pressure and vertical motion records from the freely drifting Vertical Current Meters (VCMs) deployed from the ATLANTIS II, (2) the temperature data from the Aanderaa thermistor chains on W.H.O.I. mooring 653, designated as JASIN mooring W3, and (3) the expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data collected from the ATLANTIS II while participating in the JASIN Project.
Technical ReportFASINEX moored current meter array data report including WHOI meteorologically instrumented surface moorings (F2-845, F4-846, F6-847. F8-848. F10-849) and WHOI long term subsurface moorings (F1-829, F12-830)(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1988-12) Pennington, Nancy J. ; Weller, Robert A. ; Brink, Kenneth H.The Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment (FASINEX) examined air-sea interaction in the vicinity of sea surface temperature fronts in the Subtropical Convergence Zone (STCZ). Mooring measurements were made from five surface, four Profiling Current Meter (PCM) and two longer duration subsurface moorings. The surface and PCM moorings, which made up the FASINEX central array were set in January 1986 and remained on station for six months. The two outlying subsurface moorings, set 90 miles south and 30 miles north of the central array were deployed in October 1984 and were recovered with the central array moorings in June 1986. The surface moorings collected oceanographic and meteorological data, using a 3-meter instrumented discus buoy and eight to ten Vector Measuring Current Meters (VMCMs) and Vector Averaging Current Meters (VACMs). The surface buoy carried a Vector Measuring Wind recorder (VAWR) and a Meteorological Recorder (MR) which measured wind speed and direction, sea surface temperature (SST), air temperature, insolation, barometric pressure and relative humidity. The MR also transmitted meteorological and engineering data via ARGOS. The VMCMs and VACMs, placed from 10 to 4000 m, measured oceanic velocities and temperatures. The subsurface moorings measured oceanic velocities and temperature from 160 to 4060 m, carrying a total of seven VACMs and a WOTAN (Wind Observations Through Ambient Noise). This report presents meteorological and oceanographic data from the seven W.H.O.I. moorings, with major emphasis on the surface mooring data. Details of the moored array and a statement of data return and quality are also included.
Technical ReportLong Term Upper Ocean Study (Lotus) : a summary of the historical data and engineering test data(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1982-12) Trask, Richard P. ; Briscoe, Melbourne G. ; Pennington, Nancy J.Plans for the Long Term Upper Ocean Study evolved over several years. As the plans became more definite a two year period was devoted to engineering tests at the LOTUS site (34°N, 70°W). Many aspects of the proposed plans were implemented during this period in order to evaluate the performance of the equipment and instrumentation. This report presents a summary of the planning and testing periods up to but not including the first science deployments in May 1982. Historical data collected at the LOTUS site prior to the engineering tests and the data collected as part of the engineering tests are presented.
Technical ReportThe Long Term Upper Ocean Study (LOTUS) : cruise summary and hydrographic data report : Oceanus 154, May 1984(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1984-10) Montgomery, Ellyn T. ; Pennington, Nancy J. ; Briscoe, Melbourne G.OCEANUS cruise 154 (16-23 May 1984) was the final cruise in the two year field program of the Long Term Upper Ocean Study (LOTUS). The work occurred primarily in the LOTUS area (34°N, 70°W), where the entire moored array was recovered. The moorings were the following: the LOTUS-6 surface mooring (No. 792), a subsurface mooring (No. 788), two intermediate moorings (Nos. 789, 790), and a C. S. Draper Labs profiling current meter (PCMlH) mooring. Also on OCEANUS 154, a mooring was deployed for the U. S. Geological Survey at approximately 40°10'N, 69°58'W. On the return trip, an engineering test mooring was recovered at approximately 39°11'N, 70°01'W, some elements removed for testing, and then redeployed in the same location. This report presents the hydrographic data collected on OCEANUS 154, as well as providing details of the work that was accomplished.