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ArticleCrustal Evolution of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Fifteen-Twenty Fracture Zone in the last 5 Ma(American Geophysical Union, 2003-03-08) Fujiwara, Toshiya ; Lin, Jian ; Matsumoto, Takeshi ; Kelemen, Peter B. ; Tucholke, Brian E. ; Casey, John F.The Mid-Atlantic Ridge around the Fifteen-Twenty Fracture Zone is unique in that outcrops of lower crust and mantle rocks are extensive on both flanks of the axial valley walls over an unusually long distance along-axis, indicating a high ratio of tectonic to magmatic extension. On the basis of newly collected multibeam bathymetry, magnetic, and gravity data, we investigate crustal evolution of this unique section of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge over the last 5 Ma. The northern and southern edges of the study area, away from the fracture zone, contain long abyssal hills with small spacing and fault throw, well lineated and high-amplitude magnetic signals, and residual mantle Bouguer anomaly (RMBA) lows, all of which suggest relatively robust magmatic extension. In contrast, crust in two ridge segments immediately north of the fracture zone and two immediately to the south is characterized by rugged and blocky topography, by low-amplitude and discontinuous magnetization stripes, and by RMBA highs that imply thin crust throughout the last 5 Ma. Over these segments, morphology is typically asymmetric across the spreading axis, indicating significant tectonic thinning of crust caused by faults that have persistently dipped in only one direction. North of the fracture zone, however, megamullions are that thought to have formed by slip on long-lived normal faults are found on both ridge flanks at different ages and within the same spreading segment. This unusual partitioning of megamullions can be explained either by a ridge jump or by polarity reversal of the detachment fault following formation of the first megamullion.
ArticleFaulting and volcanism in the axial valley of the slow-spreading center of the Mariana back arc basin from Wadatsumi side-scan sonar images(American Geophysical Union, 2005-05-13) Deschamps, Anne ; Fujiwara, Toshiya ; Asada, Miho ; Montesi, Laurent G. J. ; Gente, PascalWe analyzed in detail the geology of the median valley floor of the Mariana Basin slow-spreading ridge using sea surface geophysical data and a high-resolution deep-tow side-scan sonar survey over one spreading segment. Analysis of surface magnetic data indicates highly asymmetric accretion, with the half-spreading rate on the western side of the basin being two to three times larger than on the eastern side. Surface magnetic and reflectivity data together suggest that asymmetric spreading is accomplished through eastward ridge jumps of ∼10 km of amplitude. Deep-tow backscatter data indicate along-axis variations of the volcanic processes with the emplacement of smooth and hummocky flows at the segment center and end, respectively. This variation likely relates to changes in the effusion rate due to the deepening or even disappearance of the magma chamber toward the segment end. Concerning tectonic processes, we find a power law distribution of the fractures, with an exponent of 1.74. This suggests that within the inner valley floor, fracture growth prevails over fracture nucleation and coalescence and that fractures accommodate less than 8% of the strain. According to our calculation based on a ratio of 0.02 to 0.03 between the vertical displacement and the length of faults, the amount of tectonic strain accommodated in the inner valley floor would consistently be ∼1.1–3.4%. Data also show two distinct sets of fractures. One trend is parallel to the rift direction at the segment center (∼N160°E) and perpendicular to the plate separation direction. Another set trends ∼17° oblique to this direction (∼N175°E) and is located over the eastern part of the valley, in the vicinity of a major bounding fault also trending ∼N175°E, that is, obliquely to the direction of plate motion. We modeled the stress field near a major fault that is oblique to the regional stress field associated with plate separation using a three-dimensional boundary element approach. We found that the orientation of the predicted fissuring near the oblique fault is locally rotated by ∼15° due to a flexure of the bending plate close to this fault.