Caulfield Colm-cille

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  • Technical Report
    Conceptual models of the climate : 2002 program of study, Bounds on turbulent transport
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2003-07) Whitehead, John A. ; Busse, Friedrich ; Howard, Louis ; Doering, Charles ; Constantin, Peter ; Caulfield, Colm-cille ; Kerswell, Richard
    The subject of "Bounds of Turbulent Transport" was introduced in a series of ten lectures. The six lecturers constitute almost all the contributors to this subject. The subject was introduced and foundations laid by five lectures by F. H. Busse. In the middle of the first week, L. Howard reviewed his historical first approach to this subject and described more recent advances. Additional lectures by P. Constantine, R. Kerswell, C. Caulfield and C. Doering provided modern advances. We trust that the lecture notes will constitute a timely review of this promising subject.
  • Technical Report
    2016 program of study : Fluid-structure interaction in the living environment
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2019-08) Balmforth, Neil J. ; Caulfield, Colm-cille
    The 2016 GFD Program theme was fluid-Structure Interaction in the Living Environment with Professors Mike Shelley of New York University and Anette ‘Peko’ Hosol of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology serving as principal lecturers. Together they introduced the audience in the cottage and on the porch to a fascinating mixture of topics ranging from swimming and swarming to cycling and sprinting, with Professor Jun Zhang of New York University interjecting some more traditional GFD (and art) part way through. The first ten chapters of this volume document these lectures, each prepared by pairs of the summer’s GFD fellow. Following the principal lecture notes are the written reports of the follows’ own research projects.
  • Technical Report
    2012 program of study : coherent structures
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2013-11) Caulfield, Colm-cille ; Doering, Charles
    The 2012 GFD Program theme was Coherent structures with Professors Jeffrey Weiss of the University of Colorado at Boulder and Edgar Knobloch of the University of California at Berkeley serving as principal lecturers. Together they introduced the audience in the cottage and on the porch to a fascinating mixture of models, mathematics and applications. Deep insights snaked through the whole summer, as the principal lecturers stayed on to participate in the traditional debates and contributed stoutly to the supervision of the fellows. The first ten chapters of this volume document these lectures, each prepared by pairs of the summer's GFD fellows. Following the principal lecture notes are the written reports of the fellows' own research projects. In 2012, the Sears Public Lecture was delivered by Professor Howard Bluestein, of the University of Oklahoma on the topic of "Probing tornadoes with mobile doppler radars". The topic was particularly suitable for the summer's theme: a tornado is a special examples of a vortex, perhaps the mother of all coherent structures in fluid dynamics. Howie "Cb" showed how modern and innovative measurement techniques can yield valuable information about the formation and evolution of tornadoes, as well as truly amazing images.
  • Technical Report
    2018 program of studies: sustainable fluid dynamics
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2024-02-09) Balmforth, Neil J. ; Caulfield, Colm-cille
    The 2018 GFD Program theme was Sustainable Fluid Dynamics with Professor Andrew Woods of the University of Cambridge serving as principal lecturer. Andy showed the audience in the cottage and on the porch how to find similarity solutions everywhere, from deep in the earth to high in the atmosphere. He expanded on his lectures with the fellows during “Andy time”, and stayed on throughout the summer to participate in the traditional debates on the porch with participants old and new. Andy also contributed enthusiastically to the supervision of the fellows, particularly when there was an opportunity to squirt food dye into an experiment.