Fournier Gregory P.

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Gregory P.

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  • Article
    Paleozoic diversification of terrestrial chitin-degrading bacterial lineages
    (Springer Nature, 2019-01-28) Gruen, Danielle S. ; Wolfe, Joanna M. ; Fournier, Gregory P.
    Background Establishing the divergence times of groups of organisms is a major goal of evolutionary biology. This is especially challenging for microbial lineages due to the near-absence of preserved physical evidence (diagnostic body fossils or geochemical biomarkers). Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) can serve as a temporal scaffold between microbial groups and other fossil-calibrated clades, potentially improving these estimates. Specifically, HGT to or from organisms with fossil-calibrated age estimates can propagate these constraints to additional groups that lack fossils. While HGT is common between lineages, only a small subset of HGT events are potentially informative for dating microbial groups. Results Constrained by published fossil-calibrated studies of fungal evolution, molecular clock analyses show that multiple clades of Bacteria likely acquired chitinase homologs via HGT during the very late Neoproterozoic into the early Paleozoic. These results also show that, following these HGT events, recipient terrestrial bacterial clades likely diversified ~ 300–500 million years ago, consistent with established timescales of arthropod and plant terrestrialization. Conclusions We conclude that these age estimates are broadly consistent with the dispersal of chitinase genes throughout the microbial world in direct response to the evolution and ecological expansion of detrital-chitin producing groups. The convergence of multiple lines of evidence demonstrates the utility of HGT-based dating methods in microbial evolution. The pattern of inheritance of chitinase genes in multiple terrestrial bacterial lineages via HGT processes suggests that these genes, and possibly other genes encoding substrate-specific enzymes, can serve as a “standard candle” for dating microbial lineages across the Tree of Life.
  • Article
    Chitin utilization by marine picocyanobacteria and the evolution of a planktonic lifestyle
    (National Academy of Sciences, 2023-05-16) Capovilla, Giovanna ; Braakman, Rogier ; Fournier, Gregory P. ; Hackl, Thomas ; Schwartzman, Julia ; Lu, Xinda ; Yelton, Alexis ; Longnecker, Krista ; Soule, Melissa C. Kido ; Thomas, Elaina ; Swarr, Gretchen ; Mongera, Alessandro ; Payette, Jack G. ; Castro, Kurt G. ; Waldbauer, Jacob R. ; Kujawinski, Elizabeth B. ; Cordero, Otto X. ; Chisholm, Sallie W.
    Marine picocyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus, the most abundant photosynthetic cells in the oceans, are generally thought to have a primarily single-celled and free-living lifestyle. However, while studying the ability of picocyanobacteria to supplement photosynthetic carbon fixation with the use of exogenous organic carbon, we found the widespread occurrence of genes for breaking down chitin, an abundant source of organic carbon that exists primarily as particles. We show that cells that encode a chitin degradation pathway display chitin degradation activity, attach to chitin particles, and show enhanced growth under low light conditions when exposed to chitosan, a partially deacetylated soluble form of chitin. Marine chitin is largely derived from arthropods, which underwent major diversifications 520 to 535 Mya, close to when marine picocyanobacteria are inferred to have appeared in the ocean. Phylogenetic analyses confirm that the chitin utilization trait was acquired at the root of marine picocyanobacteria. Together this leads us to postulate that attachment to chitin particles allowed benthic cyanobacteria to emulate their mat-based lifestyle in the water column, initiating their expansion into the open ocean, seeding the rise of modern marine ecosystems. Subsequently, transitioning to a constitutive planktonic life without chitin associations led to cellular and genomic streamlining along a major early branch within Prochlorococcus. Our work highlights how the emergence of associations between organisms from different trophic levels, and their coevolution, creates opportunities for colonizing new environments. In this view, the rise of ecological complexity and the expansion of the biosphere are deeply intertwined processes.
  • Article
    Metaproteogenomic profile of a mesopelagic adenylylsulfate reductase: course-based discovery using the ocean protein portal
    (American Chemical Society, 2023-08-22) Paoletti, Madeline M. ; Fournier, Gregory P. ; Dolan, Erin L. ; Saito, Mak A.
    Adenylylsulfate reductase (Apr) is a flavoprotein with a dissimilatory sulfate reductase function. Its ability to catalyze the reverse reaction in sulfur oxidizers has propelled a complex phylogenetic history of transfers with sulfate reducers and made this enzyme an important protein in ocean sulfur cycling. As part of a graduate course, we analyzed metaproteomic data from the Ocean Protein Portal and observed evidence of Apr alpha (AprA) and beta (AprB) subunits in the Central Pacific Ocean. The protein was originally taxonomically attributed toChlorobium tepidum TLS, a green sulfur bacterium. However, our phylogenomic and oceanographic contextual analysis contradicted this label, instead showing that this protein is consistent with the genomic material from the newly discovered Candidatus Lambdaproteobacteriaclass, implying that the ecological role of this lineage in oxygen minimum twilight zones is underappreciated. This study illustrates how metaproteogenomic analysis can contribute to more accurate metagenomic/proteomic annotations and comprehensive ocean biogeochemical processes conducive to course-based research experiences.