Herfort Lydie

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  • Article
    Diversity of Archaea and detection of crenarchaeotal amoA genes in the rivers Rhine and Têt
    (Inter-Research, 2009-04-28) Herfort, Lydie ; Kim, Jung-Hyun ; Coolen, Marco J. L. ; Abbas, Ben ; Schouten, Stefan ; Herndl, Gerhard J. ; Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S.
    Pelagic archaeal phylogenetic diversity and the potential for crenarchaeotal nitrification of Group 1.1a were determined in the rivers Rhine and Têt by 16S rRNA sequencing, catalyzed reported deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD–FISH) and quantification of 16S rRNA and functional genes. Euryarchaeota were, for the first time, detected in temperate river water even though a net predominance of crenarchaeotal phylotypes was found. Differences in phylogenic distribution were observed between rivers and seasons. Our data suggest that a few archaeal phylotypes (Euryarchaeota Groups RC-V and LDS, Crenarchaeota Group 1.1a) are widely distributed in pelagic riverine environments whilst others (Euryarchaeota Cluster Sagma-1) may only occur seasonally in river water. Crenarchaeota Group 1.1a has recently been identified as a major nitrifier in the marine environment and phylotypes of this group were also present in both rivers, where they represented 0.3% of the total pelagic microbial community. Interestingly, a generally higher abundance of Crenarchaeota Group 1.1a was found in the Rhine than in the Têt, and crenarchaeotal ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) was also detected in the Rhine, with higher amoA copy numbers measured in February than in September. This suggests that some of the Crenarchaeota present in river waters have the ability to oxidize ammonia and that riverine crenarchaeotal nitrification of Group 1.1a may vary seasonally.
  • Article
    Microbial players and processes involved in phytoplankton bloom utilization in the water column of a fast-flowing, river-dominated estuary
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2017-03-20) Smith, Maria W. ; Herfort, Lydie ; Fortunato, Caroline S. ; Crump, Byron C. ; Simon, Holly M.
    Fueled by seasonal phytoplankton blooms, the Columbia River estuary is a natural bioreactor for organic matter transformations. Prior metagenome analyses indicated high abundances of diverse Bacteroidetes taxa in estuarine samples containing phytoplankton. To examine the hypothesis that Bacteroidetes taxa have important roles in phytoplankton turnover, we further analyzed metagenomes from water collected along a salinity gradient at 0, 5, 15, 25, and 33 PSU during bloom events. Size fractions were obtained by using a 3-μm prefilter and 0.2-μm collection filter. Although this approach targeted bacteria by removing comparatively large eukaryotic cells, the metagenome from the ES-5 sample (5 PSU) nevertheless contained an abundance of diatom DNA. Biogeochemical measurements and prior studies indicated that this finding resulted from the leakage of cellular material due to freshwater diatom lysis at low salinity. Relative to the other metagenomes, the bacterial fraction of ES-5 was dramatically depleted of genes annotated as Bacteroidetes and lysogenic bacteriophages, but was overrepresented in DNA of protists and Myxococcales bacterivores. We suggest the following equally plausible scenarios for the microbial response to phytoplankton lysis: (1) Bacteroidetes depletion in the free-living fraction may at least in part be caused by their attachment to fluvial diatoms as the latter are lysed upon contact with low-salinity estuarine waters; (2) diatom particle colonization is likely followed by rapid bacterial growth and lytic phage infection, resulting in depletion of lysogenic bacteriophages and host bacteria; and (3) the subsequent availability of labile organic matter attracted both grazers and predators to feed in this estuarine biogeochemical “hotspot,” which may have additionally depleted Bacteroidetes populations. These results represent the first detailed molecular analysis of the microbial response to phytoplankton lysis at the freshwater–brackish water interface in the fast-flowing Columbia River estuary.
  • Preprint
    Archaeal nitrification in the ocean
    ( 2006-01-30) Wuchter, Cornelia ; Abbas, Ben ; Coolen, Marco J. L. ; Herfort, Lydie ; van Bleijswijk, Judith ; Timmers, Peer ; Strous, Marc ; Teira, Eva ; Herndl, Gerhard J. ; Middelburg, Jack J. ; Schouten, Stefan ; Sinninghe Damste, Jaap S.
    Marine Crenarchaeota are the most abundant single group of prokaryotes in the ocean but their physiology and role in marine biogeochemical cycles are unknown. Recently, a member of this clade was isolated from a sea aquarium and shown to be capable of nitrification, tentatively suggesting that they may play a role in the oceanic nitrogen cycle. We enriched a crenarchaeote from North Sea water and show that it oxidizes ammonium to nitrite. A time series study in the North Sea revealed that the abundance of the gene encoding for the archaeal ammonia monooxygenase alfa subunit (amoA) is correlated with the decline in ammonium concentrations and with the abundance of Crenarcheota. Remarkably, the archaeal amoA abundance was 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than those of bacterial nitrifiers which are commonly thought to mediate the oxidation of ammonium to nitrite in marine environments. Analysis of Atlantic waters of the upper 1000 m, where most of the ammonium regeneration and oxidation takes place, showed that crenarchaeotal amoA copy numbers are also one to three orders of magnitude higher than those of bacterial amoA. Our data thus suggest a major role for Archaea in oceanic nitrification.
  • Article
    Factors affecting the bacterial community composition and heterotrophic production of Columbia River estuarine turbidity maxima
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2017-08-06) Herfort, Lydie ; Crump, Byron C. ; Fortunato, Caroline S. ; McCue, Lee-Ann ; Campbell, Victoria ; Simon, Holly M. ; Baptista, Antonio ; Zuber, Peter
    Estuarine turbidity maxima (ETM) function as hotspots of microbial activity and diversity in estuaries, yet, little is known about the temporal and spatial variability in ETM bacterial community composition. To determine which environmental factors affect ETM bacterial populations in the Columbia River estuary, we analyzed ETM bacterial community composition (Sanger sequencing and amplicon pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene) and bulk heterotrophic production (3H-leucine incorporation rates). We collected water 20 times to cover five ETM events and obtained 42 samples characterized by different salinities, turbidities, seasons, coastal regimes (upwelling vs. downwelling), locations, and particle size. Spring and summer populations were distinct. All May samples had similar bacterial community composition despite having different salinities (1–24 PSU), but summer non-ETM bacteria separated into marine, freshwater, and brackish assemblages. Summer ETM bacterial communities varied depending on coastal upwelling or downwelling conditions and on the sampling site location with respect to tidal intrusion during the previous neap tide. In contrast to ETM, whole (>0.2 μm) and free-living (0.2–3 μm) assemblages of non-ETM waters were similar to each other, indicating that particle-attached (>3 μm) non-ETM bacteria do not develop a distinct community. Brackish water type (ETM or non-ETM) is thus a major factor affecting particle-attached bacterial communities. Heterotrophic production was higher in particle-attached than free-living fractions in all brackish waters collected throughout the water column during the rise to decline of turbidity through an ETM event (i.e., ETM-impacted waters). However, free-living communities showed higher productivity prior to or after an ETM event (i.e., non-ETM-impacted waters). This study has thus found that Columbia River ETM bacterial communities vary based on seasons, salinity, sampling location, and particle size, with the existence of three particle types characterized by different bacterial communities in ETM, ETM-impacted, and non-ETM-impacted brackish waters. Taxonomic analysis suggests that ETM key biological function is to remineralize organic matter.