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ArticleUsing spatial variability in the rate of change of chlorophyll a to improve water quality management in a subtropical oligotrophic estuary(Springer Nature, 2019-08-02) Millette, Nicole ; Kelble, Christopher R. ; Linhoss, Anna C. ; Ashby, Steve ; Visser, LindseyAnthropogenic eutrophication threatens numerous aquatic ecosystems across the globe. Proactive management that prevents a system from becoming eutrophied is more effective and cheaper than restoring a eutrophic system, but detecting early warning signs and problematic nutrient sources in a relatively healthy system can be difficult. The goal of this study was to investigate if rates of change in chlorophyll a and nutrient concentrations at individual stations can be used to identify specific areas that need to be targeted for management. Biscayne Bay is a coastal embayment in southeast Florida with primarily adequate water quality that has experienced rapid human population growth over the last century. Water quality data collected at 48 stations throughout Biscayne Bay over a 20-year period (1995–2014) were examined to identify any water quality trends associated with eutrophication. Chlorophyll a and phosphate concentrations have increased throughout Biscayne Bay, which is a primary indicator of eutrophication. Moreover, chlorophyll a concentrations throughout the northern area, where circulation is restricted, and in nearshore areas of central Biscayne Bay are increasing at a higher rate compared to the rest of the Bay. This suggests increases in chlorophyll a are due to local nutrient sources from the watershed. These areas are also where recent seagrass die-offs have occurred, suggesting an urgent need for management intervention. This is in contrast with the state of Florida listing of Biscayne Bay as a medium priority impaired body of water.
ArticleTemporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton and mixotrophs in a temperate estuary(Inter Research, 2021-10-28) Millette, Nicole ; da Costa, Marcella ; Mora, Jordan ; Gast, Rebecca J.A significant proportion of phototrophic species are known to be mixotrophs: cells that obtain nutrients through a combination of photosynthesis and prey ingestion. Current methods to estimate mixotroph abundance in situ are known to be limited in their ability to help identify conditions that favor mixotrophs over strict autotrophs. For the first time, we combine microscopic analysis of phototrophic taxa with immunoprecipitated bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-labeled DNA amplicon sequencing to identify and quantify active and putative mixotrophs at 2 locations in a microtidal temperate estuary. We analyze these data to examine spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton and mixotrophs. Microscopy-based phototrophic diversity and abundances reveal expected seasonal patterns for our 2 stations, with the start of growth in winter and highest abundances in summer. Diatoms tend to dominate at the site with less stratification, while dinoflagellates and euglenids are usually more prominent at the stratified station. The BrdU-based mixotroph identifications are translated to the microscopy identification and abundances to estimate the proportion of mixotrophs (cells >10 µm in size) at both sites. The average proportion of potential mixotrophs is higher at the station with higher stratification (51%) compared to the station with lower stratification (30%), and potential mixotrophs tend to be higher in summer, although we did not conduct BrdU experiments in any of the other seasons. Combining the identification of active mixotrophs through the uptake of BrdU-labeled bacteria with robust abundance measurements can expand our understanding of mixotrophs across systems.
ArticleTemporal and spatial variability of constitutive mixotroph abundance and proportion(Oxford University Press, 2024-02-02) da Costa, Marcella Dobbertin ; Gast, Rebecca J. ; Millette, Nicole C.Mixotrophic plankton can comprise a substantial portion of the plankton community compared to phytoplankton and zooplankton. However, there is a gap in the understanding of conditions that influence mixotroph prevalence and activity in situ because current methods often over- or underestimate mixotroph abundance. A labeled prey-tracer method was utilized to identify active mixotrophs present at two locations in a temperate estuary over a year. The tracer method was combined with light microscopy data to estimate active mixotroph abundance and proportion. This study estimated that actively grazing mixotrophic taxa were more abundant in the spring and autumn compared to summer. Dinoflagellates typically dominated the mixotrophic taxa except during autumn at the low salinity location when cryptophytes dominated. Further analysis suggested that active mixotroph abundances might not be only regulated by environmental conditions favorable to mixotrophy but, instead, environmental conditions favorable to different mixotrophs utilization of phagotrophy. By focusing on mixotrophic taxa that were identified to be actively grazing at time of sampling, this study provided a more nuanced estimation of mixotroph abundance, increasing the understanding of how mixotrophic abundance and proportion in situ are influenced by the planktonic community composition and environmental factors.