DeFerrari Harry A.

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Harry A.

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  • Article
    Observed limiting cases of horizontal field coherence and array performance in a time-varying internal wavefield
    (Acoustical Society of America, 2008-08-28) Collis, Jon M. ; Duda, Timothy F. ; Lynch, James F. ; DeFerrari, Harry A.
    Using a moored source and horizontal/vertical line array combination, horizontal coherence properties of high signal to noise ratio (>=20 dB) 100–1600 Hz signals have been measured. Internal waves in the area of the measurement created moving episodic sound-speed anomaly structures, influencing coherence length. Measured horizontal coherence scales for 100 Hz ranged from 5 to 20 acoustic wavelengths, and were inversely related to the sound-speed anomaly strength. Horizontal field properties were compared with fields computed using modal decompositions of the vertical signals. The comparison allows azimuthal field coherence properties to be studied apart from normal-mode interference effects.
  • Article
    Horizontal coherence of low-frequency fixed-path sound in a continental shelf region with internal-wave activity
    (Acoustical Society of America, 2012-02) Duda, Timothy F. ; Collis, Jon M. ; Lin, Ying-Tsong ; Newhall, Arthur E. ; Lynch, James F. ; DeFerrari, Harry A.
    Sound at 85 to 450 Hz propagating in approximately 80-m depth water from fixed sources to a joint horizontal/vertical line array (HLA/VLA) is analyzed. The data are from a continental shelf area east of Delaware Bay (USA) populated with tidally generated long- and short-wavelength internal waves. Sound paths are 19 km in the along-shore (along internal-wave crest) direction and 30 km in the cross-shore direction. Spatial statistics of HLA arrivals are computed as functions of beam steering angle and time. These include array gain, horizontally lagged spatial correlation function, and coherent beam power. These quantities vary widely in magnitude, and vary over a broad range of time scales. For example, correlation scale can change rapidly from forty to five wavelengths, and correlation-scale behavior is anisotropic. In addition, the vertical array can be used to predict correlation expected for adiabatic propagation with cylindrical symmetry, forming a benchmark. Observed variations are in concert with internal-wave activity. Temporal variations of three coherence measures, horizontal correlation length, array gain, and ratio of actual correlation length to predicted adiabatic-mode correlation length, are very strong, varying by almost a factor of ten as internal waves pass.
  • Article
    Passive time reversal acoustic communications through shallow-water internal waves
    (IEEE, 2010-11-30) Song, Aijun ; Badiey, Mohsen ; Newhall, Arthur E. ; Lynch, James F. ; DeFerrari, Harry A. ; Katsnelson, Boris G.
    During a 12-h period in the 2006 Shallow Water Experiment (SW06), binary phase shift keying (BPSK) signals at the carrier frequencies of 813 and 1627 Hz were propagated over a 19.8-km source–receiver range when a packet of strong internal waves passed through the acoustic track. The communication data are analyzed by time reversal processing followed by a single-channel decision feedback equalizer. Two types of internal wave effects are investigated in the context of acoustic communications. One is the rapid channel fluctuation within 90-s data packets. It can be characterized as decreased channel coherence, which was the result of fast sound-speed perturbations during the internal wave passage. We show its effect on the time reversal receiver performance and apply channel tracking in the receiver to counteract such fluctuation. The other one is the long-term (in the scale of hours) performance degradation in the depressed waveguide when the internal waves passed through the acoustic track. Even with channel tracking, the time reversal receiver experiences average 3–4-dB decrease in the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Such long-term performance degradation is explained by the ray approximation in the depressed waveguide.