Rheuban Jennie E.

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Jennie E.

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  • Article
    Quantifying the effects of nutrient enrichment and freshwater mixing on coastal ocean acidification
    (American Geophysical Union, 2019-11-07) Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Doney, Scott C. ; McCorkle, Daniel C. ; Jakuba, Rachel W.
    The U.S. Northeast is vulnerable to ocean and coastal acidification because of low alkalinity freshwater discharge that naturally acidifies the region, and high anthropogenic nutrient loads that lead to eutrophication in many estuaries. This study describes a combined nutrient and carbonate chemistry monitoring program in five embayments of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts to quantify the effects of nutrient loading and freshwater discharge on aragonite saturation state (Ω). Monitoring occurred monthly from June 2015 to September 2017 with higher frequency at two embayments (Quissett and West Falmouth Harbors) and across nitrogen loading and freshwater discharge gradients. The more eutrophic stations experienced seasonal aragonite undersaturation, and at one site, nearly every measurement collected was undersaturated. We present an analytical framework to decompose variability in aragonite Ω into components driven by temperature, salinity, freshwater endmember mixing, and biogeochemical processes. We observed strong correlations between apparent oxygen utilization and the portion of aragonite Ω variation that we attribute to biogeochemistry. The regression slopes were consistent with Redfield ratios of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity to dissolved oxygen. Total nitrogen and the contribution of biogeochemical processes to aragonite Ω were highly correlated, and this relationship was used to estimate the likely effects of nitrogen loading improvements on aragonite Ω. Under nitrogen loading reduction scenarios, aragonite Ω in the most eutrophic estuaries could be raised by nearly 0.6 units, potentially increasing several stations above the critical threshold of 1. This analysis provides a quantitative framework for incorporating ocean and coastal acidification impacts into regulatory and management discussions.
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    Capturing coastal water clarity variability with Landsat 8
    (Elsevier, 2019-05-23) Luis, Kelly M.A. ; Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Kavanaugh, Maria T. ; Glover, David M. ; Wei, Jianwei ; Lee, Zhongping ; Doney, Scott C.
    Coastal water clarity varies at high temporal and spatial scales due to weather, climate, and human activity along coastlines. Systematic observations are crucial to assessing the impact of water clarity change on aquatic habitats. In this study, Secchi disk depths (ZSD) from Boston Harbor, Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod Bay, and Narragansett Bay water quality monitoring organizations were compiled to validate ZSD derived from Landsat 8 (L8) imagery, and to generate high spatial resolution ZSD maps. From 58 L8 images, acceptable agreement was found between in situ and L8 ZSD in Buzzards Bay (N = 42, RMSE = 0.96 m, MAPD = 28%), Cape Cod Bay (N = 11, RMSE = 0.62 m, MAPD = 10%), and Narragansett Bay (N = 8, RMSE = 0.59 m, MAPD = 26%). This work demonstrates the value of merging in situ ZSD with high spatial resolution remote sensing estimates for improved coastal water quality monitoring.
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    Community science for coastal acidification monitoring and research
    (Taylor and Francis, 2021-07-26) Gassett, Parker Randall ; O’Brien-Clayton, Katie ; Bastidas, Carolina ; Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Hunt, Christopher W. ; Turner, Elizabeth ; Liebman, Matthew ; Silva, Emily ; Pimenta, Adam R. ; Grear, Jason S. ; Motyka, Jackie ; McCorkle, Daniel C. ; Stancioff, Esperanza ; Brady, Damian C. ; Strong, Aaron L.
    Ocean and coastal acidification (OCA) present a unique set of sustainability challenges at the human-ecological interface. Extensive biogeochemical monitoring that can assess local acidification conditions, distinguish multiple drivers of changing carbonate chemistry, and ultimately inform local and regional response strategies is necessary for successful adaptation to OCA. However, the sampling frequency and cost-prohibitive scientific equipment needed to monitor OCA are barriers to implementing the widespread monitoring of dynamic coastal conditions. Here, we demonstrate through a case study that existing community-based water monitoring initiatives can help address these challenges and contribute to OCA science. We document how iterative, sequential outreach, workshop-based training, and coordinated monitoring activities through the Northeast Coastal Acidification Network (a) assessed the capacity of northeastern United States community science programs and (b) engaged community science programs productively with OCA monitoring efforts. Our results (along with the companion manuscript) indicate that community science programs are capable of collecting robust scientific information pertinent to OCA and are positioned to monitor in locations that would critically expand the coverage of current OCA research. Furthermore, engaging community stakeholders in OCA science and outreach enabled a platform for dialogue about OCA among other interrelated environmental concerns and fostered a series of co-benefits relating to public participation in resource and risk management. Activities in support of community science monitoring have an impact not only by increasing local understanding of OCA but also by promoting public education and community participation in potential adaptation measures.
  • Preprint
    Quantifying the effects of commercial clam aquaculture on C and N cycling : an integrated ecosystem approach
    ( 2016-05) Murphy, Anna E. ; Emery, Kyle A. ; Anderson, Iris C. ; Pace, Michael L. ; Brush, Mark J. ; Rheuban, Jennie E.
    Increased interest in using bivalve cultivation to mitigate eutrophication requires a comprehensive understanding of the net carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) budgets associated with cultivation on an ecosystem scale. This study quantified C and N processes related to clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) aquaculture in a shallow coastal environment (Cherrystone Inlet, VA) where the industry has rapidly increased. Clam physiological rates were compared with basin-wide ecosystem fluxes including primary production, benthic nutrient regeneration, and respiration. Although clam beds occupy only 3% of the ecosystem’s surface area, clams filtered 7-44% of the system’s volume daily, consumed an annual average of 103% of the phytoplankton production, creating a large flux of particulate C and N to the sediments. Annually, N regenerated and C respired by clam and microbial metabolism in clam beds were ~3-fold and ~1.5-fold higher, respectively, than N and C removed through harvest. Due to the short water residence time, the low watershed load, and the close vicinity of clam beds to the mouth of Cherrystone Inlet, cultivated clams are likely subsidized by phytoplankton from the Chesapeake Bay. Consequently, much of the N released by mineralization associated with clam cultivation is ‘new’ N as it would not be present in the system without bivalve facilitation. Macroalgae that are fueled by the enhanced N regeneration from clams represents a eutrophying process resulting from aquaculture. This synthesis demonstrates the importance of considering impacts of bivalve aquaculture in an ecosystem context especially relative to the potential of bivalves to remove nutrients and enhance C sinks.
  • Article
    Gender differences in NSF ocean sciences awards
    (Oceanography Society, 2021-09-17) Lima, Ivan D. ; Rheuban, Jennie E.
    In this study, we examine how women’s representation in National Science Foundation Ocean Sciences (NSF-OCE) awards changed between 1987 and 2019 and how it varied across different programs, research topics, and award types. Women’s participation in NSF-OCE awards increased at a rate of approximately 0.6% per year from about 10% in 1987 to 30% in 2019, and the strong similarity between the temporal trends in the NSF-OCE awards and the academic workforce suggests that there was no gender bias in NSF funding throughout the 33-year study period. The programs, topics, and award types related to education showed the strongest growth, achieving and surpassing parity with men, while those related to the acquisition of shared instrumentation and equipment for research vessels had the lowest women’s representation and showed relatively little change over time. Despite being vastly outnumbered by men, women principal investigators (PIs) tended to do more collaborative work and had a more diversified “portfolio” of research and research-related activities than men. We also found no evidence of gender bias in the amount awarded to men and women PIs during the study period. These results show that, despite significant increases in women’s participation in oceanography over the past three decades, women have still not reached parity with men. Although there appears to be no gender bias in funding decisions or amount awarded, there are significant differences between women’s participation in specific research subject areas that may reflect overall systemic biases in oceanography and academia more broadly. These results highlight areas where further investment is needed to improve women’s representation.
  • Article
    Multiple timescale processes drive ecosystem metabolism in eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows
    (Inter-Research, 2014-07-17) Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Berg, Peter ; McGlathery, Karen J.
    The oxygen flux between benthic ecosystems and the overlying water column is a measure of metabolic status and a commonly used proxy for carbon cycling. In this study, oxygen flux was measured seasonally using the eddy correlation technique in a restored eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) meadow in the Virginia coastal bays (USA). In 5 intensive field campaigns, we covered seasonal variation in oxygen metabolism and biomass with overlap in late summer to observe interannual variability. The high-resolution measurements allowed identification of the drivers of metabolism at multiple timescales: minute to hourly, daily, and monthly to seasonally. There was a strong correlation between nighttime hourly fluxes and current velocity that varied seasonally with seagrass shoot density and temperature. No similar relationship was observed during the day. A hysteresis effect in oxygen flux throughout the day was observed during October and August that was most likely due to increased respiration (R) in the afternoon. In October, net community production was 90% lower in the afternoon than in the morning at the same irradiance. From this hysteresis, we calculated that daytime R may be up to 2.5-fold larger than nighttime R. The magnitudes of daily gross primary production (GPP) and R were well correlated throughout the year with close to a 1:1 ratio that reflected a tight coupling between GPP and R on daily to seasonal timescales. Our results document the dynamic nature of oxygen fluxes that, when integrated over time, translate into highly variable rates of ecosystem metabolism over daily to seasonal timescales. This variation must be incorporated to accurately determine trophic status.
  • Article
    Projected impacts of future climate change, ocean acidification, and management on the US Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery
    (Public Libary of Science, 2018-09-21) Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Doney, Scott C. ; Cooley, Sarah R. ; Hart, Deborah R.
    Ocean acidification has the potential to significantly impact both aquaculture and wild-caught mollusk fisheries around the world. In this work, we build upon a previously published integrated assessment model of the US Atlantic Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery to determine the possible future of the fishery under a suite of climate, economic, biological, and management scenarios. We developed a 4x4x4x4 hypercube scenario framework that resulted in 256 possible combinations of future scenarios. The study highlights the potential impacts of ocean acidification and management for a subset of future climate scenarios, with a high CO2 emissions case (RCP8.5) and lower CO2 emissions and climate mitigation case (RCP4.5). Under RCP4.5 and the highest impact and management scenario, ocean acidification has the potential to reduce sea scallop biomass by approximately 13% by the end of century; however, the lesser impact scenarios cause very little change. Under RCP8.5, sea scallop biomass may decline by more than 50% by the end of century, leading to subsequent declines in industry landings and revenue. Management-set catch limits improve the outcomes of the fishery under both climate scenarios, and the addition of a 10% area closure increases future biomass by more than 25% under the highest ocean acidification impacts. However, increased management still does not stop the projected long-term decline of the fishery under ocean acidification scenarios. Given our incomplete understanding of acidification impacts on P. magellanicus, these declines, along with the high value of the industry, suggest population-level effects of acidification should be a clear research priority. Projections described in this manuscript illustrate both the potential impacts of ocean acidification under a business-as-usual and a moderately strong climate-policy scenario. We also illustrate the importance of fisheries management targets in improving the long-term outcome of the P. magellanicus fishery under potential global change.
  • Article
    Spatial and temporal trends in summertime climate and water quality indicators in the coastal embayments of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
    (Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union, 2016-01-15) Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Williamson, Shanna ; Costa, Joseph E. ; Glover, David M. ; Jakuba, Rachel W. ; McCorkle, Daniel C. ; Neill, Christopher ; Williams, Tony ; Doney, Scott C.
    Degradation of coastal ecosystems by eutrophication is largely defined by nitrogen loading from land via surface water and groundwater flows. However, indicators of water quality are highly variable due to a myriad of other drivers, including temperature and precipitation. To evaluate these drivers, we examined spatial and temporal trends in a 22-year record of summer water quality data from 122 stations in 17 embayments within Buzzards Bay, MA (USA), collected through a citizen science monitoring program managed by Buzzards Bay Coalition. To identify spatial patterns across Buzzards Bay's embayments, we used a principle component and factor analysis and found that rotated factor loadings indicated little correlation between inorganic nutrients and organic matter or chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration. Factor scores showed that embayment geomorphology in addition to nutrient loading was a strong driver of water quality, where embayments with surface water inputs showed larger biological impacts than embayments dominated by groundwater influx. A linear regression analysis of annual summertime water quality indicators over time revealed that from 1992 to 2013, most embayments (15 of 17) exhibited an increase in temperature (mean rate of 0.082 ± 0.025 (SD) °C yr−1) and Chl a (mean rate of 0.0171 ± 0.0088 log10 (Chl a; mg m−3) yr−1, equivalent to a 4.0 % increase per year). However, only seven embayments exhibited an increase in total nitrogen (TN) concentration (mean rate 0.32 ± 0.47 (SD) µM yr−1). Average summertime log10(TN) and log10(Chl a) were correlated with an indication that the yield of Chl a per unit total nitrogen increased with time suggesting the estuarine response to TN may have changed because of other stressors such as warming, altered precipitation patterns, or changing light levels. These findings affirm that nitrogen loading and physical aspects of embayments are essential in explaining the observed ecosystem response. However, climate-related stressors may also need to be considered by managers because increased temperature and precipitation may worsen water quality and partially offset benefits achieved by reducing nitrogen loading.
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    Thirty-three years of ocean benthic warming along the U.S. Northeast Continental Shelf and Slope : patterns, drivers, and ecological consequences
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2017-12-04) Kavanaugh, Maria T. ; Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Luis, Kelly M. A. ; Doney, Scott C.
    The U.S. Northeast Continental Shelf is experiencing rapid warming, with potentially profound consequences to marine ecosystems. While satellites document multiple scales of spatial and temporal variability on the surface, our understanding of the status, trends, and drivers of the benthic environmental change remains limited. We interpolated sparse benthic temperature data along the New England Shelf and upper Slope using a seasonally dynamic, regionally specific multiple linear regression model that merged in situ and remote sensing data. The statistical model predicted nearly 90% of the variability of the data, resulting in a synoptic time series spanning over three decades from 1982 to 2014. Benthic temperatures increased throughout the domain, including in the Gulf of Maine. Rates of benthic warming ranged from 0.1 to 0.4°C per decade, with fastest rates occurring in shallow, nearshore regions and on Georges Bank, the latter exceeding rates observed in the surface. Rates of benthic warming were up to 1.6 times faster in winter than the rest of the year in many regions, with important implications for disease occurrence and energetics of overwintering species. Drivers of warming varied over the domain. In southern New England and the mid-Atlantic shallow Shelf regions, benthic warming was tightly coupled to changes in SST, whereas both regional and basin-scale changes in ocean circulation affect temperatures in the Gulf of Maine, the Continental Shelf, and Georges Banks. These results highlight data gaps, the current feasibility of prediction from remotely sensed variables, and the need for improved understanding on how climate may affect seasonally specific ecological processes.
  • Article
    Closing the oxygen mass balance in shallow coastal ecosystems
    (Wiley, 2019-07-10) Long, Matthew H. ; Rheuban, Jennie E. ; McCorkle, Daniel C. ; Burdige, David J. ; Zimmerman, Richard C.
    The oxygen concentration in marine ecosystems is influenced by production and consumption in the water column and fluxes across both the atmosphere–water and benthic–water boundaries. Each of these fluxes has the potential to be significant in shallow ecosystems due to high fluxes and low water volumes. This study evaluated the contributions of these three fluxes to the oxygen budget in two contrasting ecosystems, a Zostera marina (eelgrass) meadow in Virginia, U.S.A., and a coral reef in Bermuda. Benthic oxygen fluxes were evaluated by eddy covariance. Water column oxygen production and consumption were measured using an automated water incubation system. Atmosphere–water oxygen fluxes were estimated by parameterizations based on wind speed or turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates. We observed significant contributions of both benthic fluxes and water column processes to the oxygen mass balance, despite the often‐assumed dominance of the benthic communities. Water column rates accounted for 45% and 58% of the total oxygen rate, and benthic fluxes accounted for 23% and 39% of the total oxygen rate in the shallow (~ 1.5 m) eelgrass meadow and deeper (~ 7.5 m) reef site, respectively. Atmosphere–water fluxes were a minor component at the deeper reef site (3%) but a major component at the shallow eelgrass meadow (32%), driven by diel changes in the sign and strength of atmosphere–water gradient. When summed, the measured benthic, atmosphere–water, and water column rates predicted, with 85–90% confidence, the observed time rate of change of oxygen in the water column and provided an accurate, high temporal resolution closure of the oxygen mass balance.
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    Topics and trends in NSF ocean sciences awards
    (The Oceanography Society, 2018-11-06) Lima, Ivan D. ; Rheuban, Jennie E.
    The National Science Foundation Ocean Sciences Division (NSF-OCE) provides the majority of the support for ocean research in the United States. Knowledge of the trends in research and funding for NSF-OCE awards is important to investigators, academic institutions, policy analysts, and advocacy organizations. Here, we apply topic modeling to NSF-OCE award abstracts to uncover underlying research topics, examine the interrelationships between awards, and identify research and funding trends. The 20 topics identified by the model capture NSF-OCE’s 10 largest programs (~90% of awards) remarkably well and provide better resolution into research subjects. The distribution of awards in topic space shows how the different topics relate to each other based on their similarity and how awards transition from one topic to another. Awards have become more interdisciplinary over time, with increasing trends in 13 of the 20 topics (65%). Seven topics show a growing fraction of the number of awards while six topics have a declining share. Both the annual inflation-adjusted amount of money awarded and the fraction of the annual funding have been increasing over time in four of the 20 topics. Three other topics show a decline in both the annual amount awarded and the fraction of total annual funding. The identified topics can be grouped into three major themes: infrastructure, education, and science. After 2011, increases in the mean annual cost per project result in a relatively constant fraction of annual funding for infrastructure, despite a significant decline in the infrastructure fraction of awards. The information presented on research and funding trends is useful to scientists and academic institutions in planning and decision-making, while the metrics we employed can be used by NSF to quantify the effects of policy decisions.
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    An integrated assessment model for helping the United States sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery plan ahead for ocean acidification and warming
    (Public Library of Science, 2015-05-06) Cooley, Sarah R. ; Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Hart, Deborah R. ; Luu, Victoria ; Glover, David M. ; Hare, Jonathan A. ; Doney, Scott C.
    Ocean acidification, the progressive change in ocean chemistry caused by uptake of atmospheric CO2, is likely to affect some marine resources negatively, including shellfish. The Atlantic sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) supports one of the most economically important single-species commercial fisheries in the United States. Careful management appears to be the most powerful short-term factor affecting scallop populations, but in the coming decades scallops will be increasingly influenced by global environmental changes such as ocean warming and ocean acidification. In this paper, we describe an integrated assessment model (IAM) that numerically simulates oceanographic, population dynamic, and socioeconomic relationships for the U.S. commercial sea scallop fishery. Our primary goal is to enrich resource management deliberations by offering both short- and long-term insight into the system and generating detailed policy-relevant information about the relative effects of ocean acidification, temperature rise, fishing pressure, and socioeconomic factors on the fishery using a simplified model system. Starting with relationships and data used now for sea scallop fishery management, the model adds socioeconomic decision making based on static economic theory and includes ocean biogeochemical change resulting from CO2 emissions. The model skillfully reproduces scallop population dynamics, market dynamics, and seawater carbonate chemistry since 2000. It indicates sea scallop harvests could decline substantially by 2050 under RCP 8.5 CO2 emissions and current harvest rules, assuming that ocean acidification affects P. magellanicus by decreasing recruitment and slowing growth, and that ocean warming increases growth. Future work will explore different economic and management scenarios and test how potential impacts of ocean acidification on other scallop biological parameters may influence the social-ecological system. Future empirical work on the effect of ocean acidification on sea scallops is also needed.
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    Eddy correlation measurements of oxygen fluxes in permeable sediments exposed to varying current flow and light
    (Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, 2013-07) Berg, Peter ; Long, Matthew H. ; Huettel, Markus ; Rheuban, Jennie E. ; McGlathery, Karen J. ; Howarth, Robert W. ; Foreman, Kenneth H. ; Giblin, Anne E. ; Marino, Roxanne
    Based on noninvasive eddy correlation measurements at a marine and a freshwater site, this study documents the control that current flow and light have on sediment–water oxygen fluxes in permeable sediments. The marine sediment was exposed to tidal-driven current and light, and the oxygen flux varied from night to day between −29 and 78 mmol m−2 d−1. A fitting model, assuming a linear increase in oxygen respiration with current flow, and a photosynthesis–irradiance curve for light-controlled production reproduced measured fluxes well (R2 = 0.992) and revealed a 4-fold increase in oxygen uptake when current velocity increased from ∼ 0 to 20 cm s−1. Application of the model to a week-long measured record of current velocity and light showed that net ecosystem metabolism varied substantially among days, between −27 and 31 mmol m−2 d−1, due to variations in light and current flow. This variation is likely typical of many shallow-water systems and highlights the need for long-term flux integrations to determine system metabolism accurately. At the freshwater river site, the sediment–water oxygen flux ranged from −360 to 137 mmol m−2 d−1. A direct comparison during nighttime with concurrent benthic chamber incubations revealed a 4.1 times larger eddy flux than that obtained with chambers. The current velocity during this comparison was 31 cm s−1, and the large discrepancy was likely caused by poor imitation by the chambers of the natural pore-water flushing at this high current velocity. These results emphasize the need for more noninvasive oxygen flux measurements in permeable sediments to accurately assess their role in local and global carbon budgets.
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    Evaluating benthic flux measurements from a gradient flux system
    (Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, 2022-03-04) Coogan, Jeffrey ; Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Long, Matthew H.
    Multiple methods exist to measure the benthic flux of dissolved oxygen (DO), but many are limited by short deployments and provide only a snapshot of the processes occurring at the sediment–water interface. The gradient flux (GF) method measures near bed gradients of DO and estimates the eddy diffusivity from existing turbulence closure methods to solve for the benthic flux. This study compares measurements at a seagrass, reef, and sand environment with measurements from two other methods, eddy covariance and benthic chambers, to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, and uncertainty of measurements being made. The results show three major areas of primary importance when using the GF method: (1) a sufficient DO gradient is critical to use this method and is limited by the DO sensor precision and gradient variability; (2) it is important to use similar methods when comparing across sites or time, as many of the methods showed good agreement but were often biased larger or smaller based on the method; and (3) in complex bottom types, estimates of the length scale and placement of the DO sensors can lead to large sources of error. Careful consideration of these potential errors is needed when using the GF method, but when properly addressed, this method showed high agreement with the other methods and may prove a useful tool for measuring long-term benthic fluxes of DO or other chemical sensors or constituents of interest that are incompatible with other methods.
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    Implications of future northwest Atlantic bottom temperatures on the American lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2017-12-04) Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Kavanaugh, Maria T. ; Doney, Scott C.
    Sea surface temperatures of the northwest Atlantic have warmed dramatically over the last several decades, while benthic temperatures have increased at a slower pace. Here we analyze a subset of the CMIP5 global Earth system model ensemble using a statistical downscaling approach to determine potential future changes in benthic temperatures on the northwest Atlantic continental shelf and slope (<500 m). We put future changes in the context of possible impacts of ocean warming on the high-value, wild-caught American Lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery. Future bottom temperatures of the northwest Atlantic under a business-as-usual (RCP8.5) and a climate-policy (RCP4.5) scenario are projected to increase by 0–1.5°C and 1.2–2.4°C by 2050 and 0–1.9°C and 2.3–4.3°C by the end of the century for RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively. H. americanus experiences thermal stress at temperatures above 20°C, and projected increases in temperature is likely to result in changes in the distribution of optimal thermal egg hatching and settlement indicators. Inshore regions of southern New England, where H. americanus biomass and catch have been declining historically, will likely become inhospitable under either future scenario, while thermal egg hatching and settlement indicators will expand offshore and in the Gulf of Maine. These changes imply that members of the fishery based in southern New England may need to recapitalize to larger vessels to prepare for potential changes brought on by future climate warming. Results from the downscaling presented here can be useful in preparing for potential changes to other fisheries or in future climate vulnerability analyses.
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    Predicting carbonate chemistry on the Northwest Atlantic Shelf using neural networks
    (American Geophysical Union, 2023-06-28) Lima, Ivan D. ; Wang, Zhaohui A. ; Cameron, Louise P. ; Grabowski, Jonathan H. ; Rheuban, Jennie E.
    The Northwest Atlantic Shelf (NAS) region has experienced accelerated warming, heatwaves, and is susceptible to ocean acidification, yet also suffers from a paucity of carbonate chemistry observations, particularly at depth. We address this critical data gap by developing three different neural network models to predict dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) in the NAS region from more readily available hydrographic and satellite data. The models predicted DIC with r2 between 0.913–0.963 and root mean square errors (RMSE) between 15.4–23.7 (μmol kg−1) and TA with r2 between 0.986–0.983 and RMSE between 9.0–10.4 (μmol kg−1) on an unseen test data set that was not used in training the models. Cross-validation analysis revealed that all models were insensitive to the choice of training data and had good generalization performance on unseen data. Uncertainty in DIC and TA were low (coefficients of variation 0.1%–1%). Compared with other predictive models of carbonate system variables in this region, a larger and more diverse data set with full seasonal coverage and a more sophisticated model architecture resulted in a robust predictive model with higher accuracy and precision across all seasons. We used one of the models to generate a reconstructed seasonal distribution of carbonate chemistry fields based on DIC and TA predictions that shows a clear seasonal progression and large spatial gradients consistent with observations. The distinct models will allow for a range of applications based on the predictor variables available and will be useful to understand and address ocean sustainability challenges.
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    A model for community-driven development of best practices: The Ocean Observatories Initiative biogeochemical sensor data best practices and user guide
    (Frontiers Media, 2024-04-03) Palevsky, Hilary I. ; Clayton, Sophie A. ; Benway, Heather M. ; Maheigan, Mairead ; Atamanchuk, Dariia ; Battisti, Roman ; Batryn, Jennifer ; Bourbonnais, Annie ; Briggs, Ellen M. ; Carvalho, Filipa ; Chase, Alison P. ; Eveleth, Rachel ; Fatland, Rob ; Fogaren, Kristen E. ; Fram, Jonathan Peter ; Hartman, Susan E. ; Le Bras, Isabela ; Manning, Cara C. ; Needoba, Joseph A. ; Neely, Merrie Beth ; Oliver, Hilde ; Reed, Andrew C. ; Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Schallenberg, Christina ; Walsh, Ian ; Wingard, Christopher ; Bauer, Kohen ; Chen, Baoshan ; Cuevas, Jose ; Flecha, Susana ; Horwith, Micah ; Melendez, Melissa ; Menz, Tyler ; Rivero-Calle, Sara ; Roden, Nicholas P. ; Steinhoff, Tobias ; Trucco-Pignata, Pablo Nicolas ; Vardaro, Michael F. ; Yoder, Meg
    The field of oceanography is transitioning from data-poor to data-rich, thanks in part to increased deployment of in-situ platforms and sensors, such as those that instrument the US-funded Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI). However, generating science-ready data products from these sensors, particularly those making biogeochemical measurements, often requires extensive end-user calibration and validation procedures, which can present a significant barrier. Openly available community-developed and -vetted Best Practices contribute to overcoming such barriers, but collaboratively developing user-friendly Best Practices can be challenging. Here we describe the process undertaken by the NSF-funded OOI Biogeochemical Sensor Data Working Group to develop Best Practices for creating science-ready biogeochemical data products from OOI data, culminating in the publication of the GOOS-endorsed OOI Biogeochemical Sensor Data Best Practices and User Guide. For Best Practices related to ocean observatories, engaging observatory staff is crucial, but having a “user-defined” process ensures the final product addresses user needs. Our process prioritized bringing together a diverse team and creating an inclusive environment where all participants could effectively contribute. Incorporating the perspectives of a wide range of experts and prospective end users through an iterative review process that included “Beta Testers’’ enabled us to produce a final product that combines technical information with a user-friendly structure that illustrates data analysis pipelines via flowcharts and worked examples accompanied by pseudo-code. Our process and its impact on improving the accessibility and utility of the end product provides a roadmap for other groups undertaking similar community-driven activities to develop and disseminate new Ocean Best Practices.
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    Sea Grant Network contributions to the National Ocean and Coastal Acidification Response
    (Oceanography Society, 2024-04-29) Bastidas, Carolina ; Chadsey, Meg ; Rheuban, Jennie E. ; Briggs, Rebecca A. ; Gassett, Parker Randall
    The Sea Grant network has made significant contributions to ocean and coastal acidification (OCA) research through partnerships and investments, education and participatory science opportunities, workforce development, translation into aquaculture applications, and policy blueprints. This study reviewed these contributions using programmatic assessments, bibliographic sources, and case studies. From 2008 until 2021, investments surpassed $22M and funded 106 projects across 22 of the 34 Sea Grant programs. This funding and key partnerships have supported the theses of 80 graduate students and 11 research fellows. In addition, 14 Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellows have been funded by the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program in OCA graduate experiences. The Sea Grant network plays an integrative role across research institutions, decision-making bodies, and coastal industries, and is well positioned to continue offering opportunities and novel insights to advance applied research and action to mitigate and adapt for OCA impacts on marine resources and ecosystems.