David T.
David T.
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ArticlePatient-specific Bacteroides genome variants in pouchitis(American Society for Microbiology, 2016-11-15) Vineis, Joseph H. ; Ringus, Daina L. ; Morrison, Hilary G. ; Delmont, Tom O. ; Dalal, Sushila R. ; Raffals, Laura E. ; Antonopoulos, Dionysios A. ; Rubin, David T. ; Eren, A. Murat ; Chang, Eugene B. ; Sogin, Mitchell L.A 2-year longitudinal microbiome study of 22 patients who underwent colectomy with an ileal pouch anal anastomosis detected significant increases in distinct populations of Bacteroides during 9 of 11 patient visits that coincided with inflammation (pouchitis). Oligotyping and metagenomic short-read annotation identified Bacteroides populations that occurred in early samples, bloomed during inflammation, and reappeared after antibiotic treatment. Targeted cultivation of Bacteroides isolates from the same individual at multiple time points and from several patients detected subtle genomic changes, including the identification of rapidly evolving genomic elements that differentiate isogenic strains of Bacteroides fragilis from the mucosa versus lumen. Each patient harbored Bacteroides spp. that are closely related to commonly occurring clinical isolates, including Bacteroides ovatus, B. thetaiotaomicron, B. vulgatus, and B. fragilis, which contained unique loci in different patients for synthesis of capsular polysaccharides. The presence of unique Bacteroides capsular polysaccharide loci within different hosts and between the lumen and mucosa may represent adaptations to stimulate, suppress, and evade host-specific immune responses at different microsites of the ileal pouch.
ArticleTracking microbial colonization in fecal microbiota transplantation experiments via genome-resolved metagenomics(BioMed Central, 2017-05-04) Lee, Sonny T. M. ; Kahn, Stacy A. ; Delmont, Tom O. ; Shaiber, Alon ; Esen, Ozcan C. ; Hubert, Nathaniel A. ; Morrison, Hilary G. ; Antonopoulos, Dionysios A. ; Rubin, David T. ; Eren, A. MuratFecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is an effective treatment for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection and shows promise for treating other medical conditions associated with intestinal dysbioses. However, we lack a sufficient understanding of which microbial populations successfully colonize the recipient gut, and the widely used approaches to study the microbial ecology of FMT experiments fail to provide enough resolution to identify populations that are likely responsible for FMT-derived benefits. We used shotgun metagenomics together with assembly and binning strategies to reconstruct metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from fecal samples of a single FMT donor. We then used metagenomic mapping to track the occurrence and distribution patterns of donor MAGs in two FMT recipients. Our analyses revealed that 22% of the 92 highly complete bacterial MAGs that we identified from the donor successfully colonized and remained abundant in two recipients for at least 8 weeks. Most MAGs with a high colonization rate belonged to the order Bacteroidales. The vast majority of those that lacked evidence of colonization belonged to the order Clostridiales, and colonization success was negatively correlated with the number of genes related to sporulation. Our analysis of 151 publicly available gut metagenomes showed that the donor MAGs that colonized both recipients were prevalent, and the ones that colonized neither were rare across the participants of the Human Microbiome Project. Although our dataset showed a link between taxonomy and the colonization ability of a given MAG, we also identified MAGs that belong to the same taxon with different colonization properties, highlighting the importance of an appropriate level of resolution to explore the functional basis of colonization and to identify targets for cultivation, hypothesis generation, and testing in model systems. The analytical strategy adopted in our study can provide genomic insights into bacterial populations that may be critical to the efficacy of FMT due to their success in gut colonization and metabolic properties, and guide cultivation efforts to investigate mechanistic underpinnings of this procedure beyond associations.
ArticleMetabolic independence drives gut microbial colonization and resilience in health and disease(BioMed Central, 2023-04-17) Watson, Andrea R. ; Füssel, Jessika ; Veseli, Iva ; DeLongchamp, Johanna Zaal ; Silva, Marisela ; Trigodet, Florian ; Lolans, Karen ; Shaiber, Alon ; Fogarty, Emily ; Runde, Joseph M. ; Quince, Christopher ; Yu, Michael K. ; Söylev, Arda ; Morrison, Hilary G. ; Lee, Sonny T. M. ; Kao, Dina ; Rubin, David T. ; Jabri, Bana ; Louie, Thomas ; Eren, A. MuratChanges in microbial community composition as a function of human health and disease states have sparked remarkable interest in the human gut microbiome. However, establishing reproducible insights into the determinants of microbial succession in disease has been a formidable challenge.Here we use fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) as an in natura experimental model to investigate the association between metabolic independence and resilience in stressed gut environments. Our genome-resolved metagenomics survey suggests that FMT serves as an environmental filter that favors populations with higher metabolic independence, the genomes of which encode complete metabolic modules to synthesize critical metabolites, including amino acids, nucleotides, and vitamins. Interestingly, we observe higher completion of the same biosynthetic pathways in microbes enriched in IBD patients.These observations suggest a general mechanism that underlies changes in diversity in perturbed gut environments and reveal taxon-independent markers of "dysbiosis" that may explain why widespread yet typically low-abundance members of healthy gut microbiomes can dominate under inflammatory conditions without any causal association with disease.
ArticleMicrobially catalyzed conjugation of GABA and tyramine to bile acids(American Society for Microbiology, 2024-01-04) Mullowney, Michael W. ; Fiebig, Aretha ; Schnizlein, Matthew K. ; McMillin, Mary ; Rose, Amber R. ; Koval, Jason ; Rubin, David T. ; Dalal, Sushila R. ; Sogin, Mitchell L. ; Chang, Eugene B. ; Sidebottom, Ashley M. ; Crosson, SeanBile acids (BAs) are cholesterol-derived molecules that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption, regulate host metabolic processes, and influence physiology of the gut microbiota. Both the host and its microbiome contribute to enzymatic modifications that shape the chemical diversity of BAs in the gut. Several bacterial species have been reported to conjugate standard amino acids to BAs, but it was not known if bacteria conjugate BAs to other amine classes. Here, we show that Bacteroides fragilis strain P207, isolated from a bacterial bloom in the J-pouch of a patient with ulcerative colitis pouchitis, conjugates standard amino acids and the neuroactive amines γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and tyramine to deoxycholic acid. We extended this analysis to other human gut isolates and identified species that are competent to conjugate GABA and tyramine to primary and secondary BAs, and further identified diverse BA-GABA and BA-tyramine amides in human stool. A longitudinal metabolomic analysis of J-pouch contents of the patient from whom B. fragilis P207 was isolated revealed highly reduced levels of secondary bile acids and a shifting BA amide profile before, during, and after onset of pouchitis, including temporal changes in several BA-GABA amides. Treatment of pouchitis with ciprofloxacin was associated with a marked reduction of nearly all BA amides in the J-pouch. Our study expands the known repertoire of conjugated bile acids produced by bacteria to include BA conjugates to GABA and tyramine and demonstrates that these molecules are present in the human gut.