Schouten Hans A.

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  • Article
    Central Anomaly Magnetization High documentation of crustal accretion along the East Pacific Rise (9°55′–9°25′N)
    (American Geophysical Union, 2008-04-09) Williams, Clare M. ; Tivey, Maurice A. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Fornari, Daniel J.
    Near-bottom magnetic data collected along the crest of the East Pacific Rise between 9°55′ and 9°25′N identify the Central Anomaly Magnetization High (CAMH), a geomagnetic anomaly modulated by crustal accretionary processes over timescales of ∼104 years. A significant decrease in CAMH amplitude is observed along-axis from north to south, with the steepest gradient between 9°42′ and 9°36′N. The source of this variation is neither a systematic change in geochemistry nor varying paleointensity at the time of lava eruption. Instead, magnetic moment models show that it can be accounted for by an observed ∼50% decrease in seismic Layer 2A thickness along-axis. Layer 2A is assumed to be the extrusive volcanic layer, and we propose that this composes most of the magnetic source layer along the ridge axis. The 9°37′N overlapping spreading center (OSC) is located at the southern end of the steep CAMH gradient, and the 9°42′–9°36′N ridge segment is interpreted to be a transition zone in crustal accretion processes, with robust magmatism north of 9°42′N and relatively low magmatism at present south of 9°36′N. The 9°37′N OSC is also the only bathymetric discontinuity associated with a shift in the CAMH peak, which deviates ∼0.7 km to the west of the axial summit trough, indicating southward migration of the OSC. CAMH boundaries (defined from the maximum gradients) lie within or overlie the neovolcanic zone (NVZ) boundaries throughout our survey area, implying a systematic relationship between recent volcanic activity and CAMH source. Maximum flow distances and minimum lava dip angles are inferred on the basis of the lateral distance between the NVZ and CAMH boundaries. Lava dip angles average ∼14° toward the ridge axis, which agrees well with previous observations and offers a new method for estimating lava dip angles along fast spreading ridges where volcanic sequences are not exposed.
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    Active long-lived faults emerging along slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges
    (The Oceanography Society, 2012-03) Smith, Deborah K. ; Escartin, Javier E. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Cann, Johnson R.
    In the classic mid-ocean ridge model, new seafloor is generated through a combination of magmatic diking feeding lava flows at the spreading axis, and the formation of short-offset, high-angle normal faults that dip toward the axis. These processes lead to the formation of a layered magmatic crust and linear, ridge-parallel abyssal hills on both ridge flanks. This model of ocean crust generation applies well to fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges (i.e., > 80 mm yr–1), but it is not always valid at slower-spreading ridges. Instead, at slow-spreading ridges such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), which is opening at about 25 mm yr–1, the formation of long-lived faults (called detachments) on one flank of the ridge axis is an important process in seafloor formation (Cann et al., 1997; Karson, 1999; MacLeod et al., 2009; Schroeder et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2008; Tucholke et al., 1998). In fact, active detachment faults have been identified along nearly half of the MAR axis between 12° and 35°N (Escartín et al., 2008).
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    Tectonic evolution of 200 km of Mid-Atlantic Ridge over 10 million years : interplay of volcanism and faulting
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2015-07-22) Cann, Johnson R. ; Smith, Deborah K. ; Escartin, Javier E. ; Schouten, Hans A.
    We reconstruct the history of the mode of accretion of an area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane fracture zone using bathymetric morphology. The area includes 200 km of the spreading axis and reaches to 10 Ma on either side. We distinguish three tectonic styles: (1) volcanic construction with eruption and intrusion of magma coupled with minor faulting, (2) extended terrain with abundant large-offset faults, (3) detachment faulting marked by extension on single long-lived faults. Over 40% of the seafloor is made of extended terrain and detachment faults. The area includes products of seven spreading segments. The spreading axis has had detachment faulting or extended terrain on one or both sides for 70% of the last 10 Ma. In some parts of the area, regions of detachment faulting and extended terrain lie close to segment boundaries. Regions of detachment faulting initiated at 10 Ma close to the adjacent fracture zones to the north and south, and then expanded away from them. We discuss the complex evidence from gravity, seismic surveys, and bathymetry for the role of magma supply in generating tectonic style. Overall, we conclude that input of magma at the spreading axis has a general control on the development of detachment faulting, but the relationship is not strong. Other factors may include a positive feedback that stabilizes detachment faulting at the expense of volcanic extension, perhaps through the lubrication of active detachment faults by the formation of low friction materials (talc, serpentine) on detachment fault surfaces.
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    Distributed deformation ahead of the Cocos-Nazca Rift at the Galapagos triple junction
    (American Geophysical Union, 2011-11-08) Smith, Deborah K. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Zhu, Wenlu ; Montesi, Laurent G. J. ; Cann, Johnson R.
    The Galapagos triple junction is not a simple ridge-ridge-ridge (RRR) triple junction. The Cocos-Nazca Rift (C-N Rift) tip does not meet the East Pacific Rise (EPR). Instead, two secondary rifts form the link: Incipient Rift at 2°40′N and Dietz Deep volcanic ridge, the southern boundary of the Galapagos microplate (GMP), at 1°10′N. Recently collected bathymetry data are used to investigate the regional tectonics prior to the establishment of the GMP (∼1.5 Ma). South of C-N Rift a band of northeast-trending cracks cuts EPR-generated abyssal hills. It is a mirror image of a band of cracks previously identified north of C-N Rift on the same age crust. In both areas, the western ends of the cracks terminate against intact abyssal hills suggesting that each crack initiated at the EPR spreading center and cut eastward into pre-existing topography. Each crack formed a short-lived triple junction until it was abandoned and a new crack and triple junction initiated nearby. Between 2.5 and 1.5 Ma, the pattern of cracking is remarkably symmetric about C-N Rift providing support for a crack interaction model in which crack initiation at the EPR axis is controlled by stresses associated with the tip of the westward-propagating C-N Rift. The model also shows that offsets of the EPR axis may explain times when cracking is not symmetric. South of C-N Rift, cracks are observed on seafloor as old as 10.5 Ma suggesting that this triple junction has not been a simple RRR triple junction during that time.
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    Central role of detachment faults in accretion of slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere
    ( 2008-08) Escartin, Javier E. ; Smith, Deborah K. ; Cann, Johnson R. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Langmuir, Charles H. ; Escrig, Stéphane
    The formation of oceanic detachment faults is well established from inactive, corrugated fault planes exposed on seafloor formed along ridges spreading at less than 80 km/My1-4. These faults can accommodate extension for up to 1-3 Myrs5, and are associated with one of two contrasting modes of accretion operating along the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The first is symmetrical accretion, dominated by magmatic processes with subsidiary high-angle faulting and formation of abyssal hills on both flanks. The second is asymmetrical accretion involving an active detachment fault6 along one ridge flank. An examination of ~2500 km of the MAR between 12.5 and 35°N reveals asymmetrical accretion along almost half of the ridge. Hydrothermal activity identified to date in the study region is closely associated with asymmetrical accretion, which also exhibits high-levels of near continuous hydroacoustically and teleseismically recorded seismicity. Enhanced seismicity is probably generated along detachment faults accommodating a sizeable proportion of the total plate separation. In contrast, symmetrical segments have lower levels of seismicity, which concentrates primarily at their ends. Basalts erupted along asymmetrical segments have compositions that are consistent with crystallization at higher pressures than basalts from symmetrical segments, and with lower extents of partial melting of the mantle. Both seismic and geochemical evidence indicate that the axial lithosphere is thicker and colder at asymmetrical sections of the ridge, either because associated hydrothermal circulation efficiently penetrates to greater depths, or because the rising mantle is cooler. We suggest that much of the variability in seafloor morphology, seismicity and basalt chemistry found along slow-spreading ridges can be thus attributed to the frequent involvement of detachments in oceanic lithospheric accretion.
  • Article
    Opening of Hess Deep rift at the Galapagos triple junction
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2018-05-08) Smith, Deborah K. ; Schouten, Hans A.
    At the Galapagos triple junction, the westward propagating Cocos‐Nazca (C‐N) Rift breaks into ~0.5 Ma crust accreted at the East Pacific Rise. Rifting transitions to full magmatic seafloor spreading in the wake of the propagating tip. The 25‐km‐long Hess Deep rift is the transitional segment from rifting to spreading. Intrarift ridge (IRR), located within Hess Deep rift, is interpreted as a detachment fault, which exhumes deep‐seated rocks to the seafloor. Although transitional segments must have occurred throughout the westward propagation of C‐N Rift, IRR is the only obvious detachment fault along the base of the Rift scarps in the last ~5 Ma of its propagation. IRR formation may be in response to a decrease in spreading rate (~40 to <20 mm/yr) and presumed lower melt supply, resulting from the formation of the Galapagos microplate ~1.4 Ma, which now controls the opening at the C‐N Rift tip.
  • Article
    Development and evolution of detachment faulting along 50 km of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 16.5°N
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2014-12-05) Smith, Deborah K. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Dick, Henry J. B. ; Cann, Johnson R. ; Salters, Vincent J. M. ; Marschall, Horst R. ; Ji, Fuwu ; Yoerger, Dana R. ; Sanfilippo, Alessio ; Parnell-Turner, Ross ; Palmiotto, Camilla ; Zheleznov, Alexei ; Bai, Hailong ; Junkin, Will ; Urann, Ben ; Dick, Spencer ; Sulanowska, Margaret ; Lemmond, Peter ; Curry, Scott
    A multifaceted study of the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) at 16.5°N provides new insights into detachment faulting and its evolution through time. The survey included regional multibeam bathymetry mapping, high-resolution mapping using AUV Sentry, seafloor imaging using the TowCam system, and an extensive rock-dredging program. At different times, detachment faulting was active along ∼50 km of the western flank of the study area, and may have dominated spreading on that flank for the last 5 Ma. Detachment morphologies vary and include a classic corrugated massif, noncorrugated massifs, and back-tilted ridges marking detachment breakaways. High-resolution Sentry data reveal a new detachment morphology; a low-angle, irregular surface in the regional bathymetry is shown to be a finely corrugated detachment surface (corrugation wavelength of only tens of meters and relief of just a few meters). Multiscale corrugations are observed 2–3 km from the detachment breakaway suggesting that they formed in the brittle layer, perhaps by anastomosing faults. The thin wedge of hanging wall lavas that covers a low-angle (6°) detachment footwall near its termination are intensely faulted and fissured; this deformation may be enhanced by the low angle of the emerging footwall. Active detachment faulting currently is limited to the western side of the rift valley. Nonetheless, detachment fault morphologies also are present over a large portion of the eastern flank on crust >2 Ma, indicating that within the last 5 Ma parts of the ridge axis have experienced periods of two-sided detachment faulting.
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    Arc-continent collisions, sediment recycling and the maintenance of the continental crust
    ( 2008-02-13) Clift, Peter D. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Vannucchi, Paola
    Subduction zones are both the source of most new continental crust and the locations where crustal material is returned to the upper mantle. Globally the total amount of continental crust and sediment subducted below forearcs currently lies close to 3.0 Armstrong Units (1 AU = 1 km3/yr), of which 1.65 AU comprises subducted sediments and 1.33 AU tectonically eroded forearc crust. This compares with average ~0.4 AU lost during subduction of passive margins during Cenozoic continental collision. Individual margins may retreat in a wholesale, steady-state mode, or in a slower way involving the trenchward erosion of the forearc coupled with landward underplating, such as seen in the central and northern Andean margins. Tephra records of magmatism evolution from Central America indicate pulses of recycling through the roots of the arc. While this arc is in a state of long- term mass loss this is achieved in a discontinuous fashion via periods of slow tectonic erosion and even sediment accretion interrupted by catastrophic erosion events, likely caused by seamount subduction. Crustal losses into subduction zones must be balanced by arc magmatism and we estimate global average melt production rates to be 96 and 64 km3/m.y./km in oceanic and continental arc respectively. Key to maintaining the volume of the continental crust is the accretion of oceanic arcs to continental passive margins. Mass balancing across the Taiwan collision zones suggests that almost 90% of the colliding Luzon Arc crust is accreted to the margin of Asia in that region. Rates of exhumation and sediment recycling indicate the complete accretion process spans only 6–8 m.y. Subduction of sediment in both erosive and inefficient accretionary margins provides a mechanism for returning continental crust to the upper mantle. Sea level governs rates of continental erosion and thus sediment delivery to trenches, which in turn controls crustal thicknesses over 107– 109 yrs. Tectonically thickened crust is reduced to normal values (35–38 km) over timescales of 100–200 Ma.
  • Preprint
    The recent history of the Galapagos Triple Junction preserved on the Pacific plate
    ( 2013-04) Smith, Deborah K. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Montesi, Laurent G. J. ; Zhu, Wenlu
    At the Galapagos triple junction, the Cocos and Nazca plates are broken by a succession of transient rifts north and south of the Cocos-Nazca (C-N) Rift. Modeling has suggested that each rift initiated at the East Pacific Rise (EPR), its location controlled by the distance of the C-N Rift tip from the EPR. Evidence on the Pacific plate confirms that each transient rift formed a true RRR triple junction with the EPR and clarifies the history of the region. At ~1.5 Ma the triple junctions began jumping rapidly toward C-N Rift suggesting that the C-N Rift tip moved closer to the EPR. Pacific abyssal hills became broad and shallow indicating enhanced magma supply to the region. At ~1.4 Ma, the Galapagos microplate developed when extension became fixed on the southern transient rift to form the South scarp of the future Dietz rift basin. Lavas flooded the area and a Galapagos-Nazca magmatic spreading center initiated at the EPR. We suggest that a hotspot was approaching the southern triple junction from the west. The hotspot crossed to the Nazca plate ~1.25 Ma. Dietz seamount formed within the young spreading center, dikes intruded Dietz rift basin, and eruptions built volcanic ridges. Since ~0.8 Ma magmatic spreading has jumped northward twice, most recently to Dietz volcanic ridge. Amagmatic extension to the east has formed the large North scarp of Dietz rift basin. Northward jumping of the southern triple junction has maintained the microplate boundary close to the proposed hotspot.
  • Article
    Tectonic structure of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 16°30′N
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2016-10-22) Parnell-Turner, Ross ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Smith, Deborah K.
    The 16°30'N area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge represents an area of present-day detachment faulting. Here we present shipboard bathymetric, magnetic and gravity data acquired up to 65 km from the ridge axis that reveal a varied tectonic history of this region. Magnetic data are used to calculate spreading rates and examine spreading rate variability along and across the axis. Bathymetric and gravity data are used to infer the crustal structure. A central magnetic anomaly 40% narrower than expected is observed along much of the study area. Misalignment between modern-day spreading center and magnetic anomalies indicates tectonic reorganization of the axis within the past 780 ka. Observed magnetic anomalies show a pattern of anomalous skewness consistent with rotation of magnetic vectors probably associated with detachment faulting. Relatively thin crust north of a small (∼7 km) nontransform offset coincides with a weakly magmatic spreading axis. In contrast, to the south a robust axial volcanic ridge is underlain by thicker crust. Variations in crustal structure perpendicular to the axis occur over tens of kilometers, indicating processes which occur over timescales of 1–2 Ma.
  • Article
    The evolution of seafloor spreading behind the tip of the westward propagating Cocos-Nazca spreading center
    (American Geophysical Union, 2020-05-11) Smith, Deborah K. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Parnell-Turner, Ross ; Klein, Emily M. ; Cann, Johnson R. ; Dunham, Charles ; Alodia, Gabriella ; Blasco, Iker ; Wernette, Benjamin ; Zawadzki, Dominik ; Latypova, Elvira ; Afshar, Sara ; Curry, Scott
    At the Galapagos triple junction in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, the Cocos‐Nazca spreading center does not meet the East Pacific Rise (EPR) but, instead, rifts into 0.4 Myr‐old lithosphere on the EPR flank. Westward propagation of Cocos‐Nazca spreading forms the V‐shaped Galapagos gore. Since ~1.4 Ma, opening at the active gore tip has been within the Cocos‐Galapagos microplate spreading regime. In this paper, bathymetry, magnetic, and gravity data collected over the first 400 km east of the gore tip are used to examine rifting of young lithosphere and transition to magmatic spreading segments. From inception, the axis shows structural segmentation consisting of rifted basins whose bounding faults eventually mark the gore edges. Rifting progresses to magmatic spreading over the first three segments (s1–s3), which open between Cocos‐Galapagos microplate at the presently slow rates of ~19–29 mm/year. Segments s4–s9 originated in the faster‐spreading (~48 mm/year) Cocos‐Nazca regime, and well‐defined magnetic anomalies and abyssal hill fabric close to the gore edges show the transition to full magmatic spreading was more rapid than at present time. Magnetic lineations show a 20% increase in the Cocos‐Nazca spreading rate after 1.1 Ma. The near‐axis Mantle Bouguer gravity anomaly decreases eastward and becomes more circular, suggesting mantle upwelling, increasing temperatures, and perhaps progression to a developed melt supply beneath segments. Westward propagation of individual Cocos‐Nazca segments is common with rates ranging between 12 and 54 mm/year. Segment lengths and lateral offsets between segments increase, in general, with distance from the tip of the gore.
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    Detrital U–Pb zircon dating of lower Ordovician syn-arc-continent collision conglomerates in the Irish Caledonides
    ( 2008-04-15) Clift, Peter D. ; Carter, Andrew ; Draut, Amy E. ; Long, Hoang Van ; Chew, David M. ; Schouten, Hans A.
    The Early Ordovician Grampian Orogeny in the British Isles represents a classic example of collision between an oceanic island arc and a passive continental margin, starting around 480 Ma. The South Mayo Trough in western Ireland preserves a complete and well-dated sedimentary record of arc collision. We sampled sandstones and conglomerates from the Rosroe, Maumtrasna and Derryveeny Formations in order to assess erosion rates and patterns during and after arc collision. U-Pb dating of zircons reveals a provenance dominated by erosion from the upper levels of the Dalradian Supergroup (Southern Highland and Argyll Groups), with up to 20% influx from the colliding arc into the Rosroe Formation, but only 6% in the Maumtrasna Formation (~465 Ma). The 24 dominant source regions lay to the northeast (e.g. in the vicinity of the Ox Mountains, 50 km distant, along strike). The older portions of the North Mayo Dalradian and its depositional basement (the Annagh Gneiss Complex) do not appear to have been important sources, while the Connemara Dalradian only plays a part after 460 Ma, when it supplies the Derryveeny Formation. By this time all erosion from the arc had effectively ceased and exhumation rates had slowed greatly. The Irish Grampian Orogeny parallels the modern Taiwan collision in showing little role for the colliding arc in the production of sediment. Negligible volumes of arc crust are lost because of erosion during accretion to the continental margin.
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    Fault rotation and core complex formation : significant processes in seafloor formation at slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 13°–15°N)
    (American Geophysical Union, 2008-03-05) Smith, Deborah K. ; Escartin, Javier E. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Cann, Johnson R.
    The region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between the Fifteen-Twenty and Marathon fracture zones displays the topographic characteristics of prevalent and vigorous tectonic extension. Normal faults show large amounts of rotation, dome-shaped corrugated detachment surfaces (core complexes) intersect the seafloor at the edge of the inner valley floor, and extinct core complexes cover the seafloor off-axis. We have identified 45 potential core complexes in this region whose locations are scattered everywhere along two segments (13° and 15°N segments). Steep outward-facing slopes suggest that the footwalls of many of the normal faults in these two segments have rotated by more than 30°. The rotation occurs very close to the ridge axis (as much as 20° within 5 km of the volcanic axis) and is complete by ∼1 My, producing distinctive linear ridges with roughly symmetrical slopes. This morphology is very different from linear abyssal hill faults formed at the 14°N magmatic segment, which display a smaller amount of rotation (typically <15°). We suggest that the severe rotation of faults is diagnostic of a region undergoing large amounts of tectonic extension on single faults. If faults are long-lived, a dome-shaped corrugated surface develops in front of the ridges and lower crustal and upper mantle rocks are exposed to form a core complex. A single ridge segment can have several active core complexes, some less than 25 km apart that are separated by swales. We present two models for multiple core complex formation: a continuous model in which a single detachment surface extends along axis to include all of the core complexes and swales, and a discontinuous model in which local detachment faults form the core complexes and magmatic spreading forms the intervening swales. Either model can explain the observed morphology.
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    Arc–continent collision and the formation of continental crust : a new geochemical and isotopic record from the Ordovician Tyrone Igneous Complex, Ireland
    ( 2008-06-23) Draut, Amy E. ; Clift, Peter D. ; Amato, Jeffrey M. ; Blusztajn, Jerzy S. ; Schouten, Hans A.
    Collisions between oceanic island-arc terranes and passive continental margins are thought to have been important in the formation of continental crust throughout much of Earth’s history. Magmatic evolution during this stage of the plate-tectonic cycle is evident in several areas of the Ordovician Grampian-Taconic Orogen, as we demonstrate in the first detailed geochemical study of the Tyrone Igneous Complex, Ireland. New U–Pb zircon dating yields ages of 493 ± 2 Ma from a primitive mafic intrusion, indicating intra-oceanic subduction in Tremadoc time, and 475 ± 10 Ma from a light-rare-earth-element (LREE)-enriched tonalite intrusion that incorporated Laurentian continental material by early Arenig time (Early Ordovician, Stage 2) during arc-continent collision. Notably, LREE enrichment in volcanism and silicic intrusions of the Tyrone Igneous Complex exceeds that of average Dalradian (Laurentian) continental material which would have been thrust under the colliding forearc and potentially recycled into arc magmatism. This implies that crystal fractionation, in addition to magmatic mixing and assimilation, was important to the formation of new crust in the Grampian-Taconic Orogeny. Because similar super-enrichment of orogenic melts occurred elsewhere in the Caledonides in the British Isles and Newfoundland, the addition of new, highly enriched melt to this accreted arc terrane was apparently widespread spatially and temporally. Such super-enrichment of magmatism, especially if accompanied by loss of corresponding lower crustal residues, supports the theory that arc-continent collision plays an important role in altering bulk crustal composition toward typical values for ancient continental crust.
  • Article
    Interplay between faults and lava flows in construction of the upper oceanic crust : the East Pacific Rise crest 9°25′–9°58′N
    (American Geophysical Union, 2007-06-07) Escartin, Javier E. ; Soule, Samuel A. ; Fornari, Daniel J. ; Tivey, Maurice A. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Perfit, Michael R.
    The distribution of faults and fault characteristics along the East Pacific Rise (EPR) crest between 9°25′N and 9°58′N were studied using high-resolution side-scan sonar data and near-bottom bathymetric profiles. The resulting analysis shows important variations in the density of deformational features and tectonic strain estimates at young seafloor relative to older, sediment-covered seafloor of the same spreading age. We estimate that the expression of tectonic deformation and associated strain on “old” seafloor is ~5 times greater than that on “young” seafloor, owing to the frequent fault burial by recent lava flows. Thus the unseen, volcanically overprinted tectonic deformation may contribute from 30% to 100% of the ~300 m of subsidence required to fully build up the extrusive pile (Layer 2A). Many longer lava flows (greater than ~1 km) dam against inward facing fault scarps. This limits their length at distances of 1–2 km, which are coincident with where the extrusive layer acquires its full thickness. More than 2% of plate separation at the EPR is accommodated by brittle deformation, which consists mainly of inward facing faults (~70%). Faulting at the EPR crest occurs within the narrow, ~4 km wide upper crust that behaves as a brittle lid overlying the axial magma chamber. Deformation at greater distances off axis (up to 40 km) is accommodated by flexure of the lithosphere due to thermal subsidence, resulting in ~50% inward facing faults accommodating ~50% of the strain. On the basis of observed burial of faults by lava flows and damming of flows by fault scarps, we find that the development of Layer 2A is strongly controlled by low-relief growth faults that form at the ridge crest and its upper flanks. In turn, those faults have a profound impact on how lava flows are distributed along and across the ridge crest.
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    Sedimentation rates test models of oceanic detachment faulting
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2014-10-23) Parnell-Turner, Ross ; Cann, Johnson R. ; Smith, Deborah K. ; Schouten, Hans A. ; Yoerger, Dana R. ; Palmiotto, Camilla ; Zheleznov, Alexei ; Bai, Hailong
    Long-lived detachment faults play an important role in the construction of new oceanic crust at slow-spreading mid-oceanic ridges. Although the corrugated surfaces of exposed low-angle faults demonstrate past slip, it is difficult to determine whether a given fault is currently active. If inactive, it is unclear when slip ceased. This judgment is crucial for tectonic reconstructions where detachment faults are present, and for models of plate spreading. We quantify variation in sediment thickness over two corrugated surfaces near 16.5°N at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge using near-bottom Compressed High Intensity Radar Pulse (CHIRP) data. We show that the distribution of sediment and tectonic features at one detachment fault is consistent with slip occurring today. In contrast, another corrugated surface 20 km to the south shows a sediment distribution suggesting that slip ceased ~150,000 years ago. Data presented here provide new evidence for active detachment faulting, and suggest along-axis variations in fault activity occur over tens of kilometers.
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    Gravity anomalies and implications for shallow mantle processes of the western Cocos‐Nazca spreading center
    (American Geophysical Union, 2023-03-02) Zheng, Tingting ; Lin, Jian ; Schouten, Hans ; Smith, Deborah K. ; Klein, Emily ; Parnell‐Turner, Ross
    This study analyzes up‐to‐date gravity data in the Galapagos triple junction region to understand crustal structure and melt distribution beneath the propagating Cocos‐Nazca spreading center (CNSC). Application of a standard thermal model to the mantle Bouguer gravity anomaly (MBA) does not appear to result in a realistic crustal thickness in this region. The cross‐CNSC MBA profiles flatten and axial values increase from east toward the western end of the CNSC. A simple smoothing filter applied to the standard thermal model with different filter widths can explain the progressive flattening of the MBA and is interpreted as different distribution widths (concentrations) of partial melt in the mantle. The east‐west residual MBA gradient along the CNSC is similar to the east flank of the East Pacific Rise (EPR), suggesting that the along‐CNSC gradient could partly reflect the shallow mantle properties associated with the EPR.