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ArticleTourmaline reference materials for the In situ analysis of oxygen and lithium isotope ratio compositions(International Association of Geoanalysts, 2020-10-19) Wiedenbeck, Michael ; Trumbull, Robert B. ; Rosner, Martin ; Boyce, Adrian ; Fournelle, John H. ; Franchi, Ian A. ; Halama, Ralf ; Harris, Chris ; Lacey, Jack H. ; Marschall, Horst R. ; Meixner, Anette ; Pack, Andreas ; Pogge von Strandmann, Philip A. E. ; Spicuzza, Michael J. ; Valley, John W. ; Wilke, Franziska D.H.Three tourmaline reference materials sourced from the Harvard Mineralogical and Geological Museum (schorl 112566, dravite 108796 and elbaite 98144), which are already widely used for the calibration of in situ boron isotope measurements, are characterised here for their oxygen and lithium isotope compositions. Homogeneity tests by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) showed that at sub‐nanogram test portion masses, their 18O/16O and 7Li/6Li isotope ratios are constant within ± 0.27‰ and ± 2.2‰ (1s), respectively. The lithium mass fractions of the three materials vary over three orders of magnitude. SIMS homogeneity tests showed variations in 7Li/28Si between 8% and 14% (1s), which provides a measure of the heterogeneity of the Li contents in these three materials. Here, we provide recommended values for δ18O, Δ’17O and δ7Li for the three Harvard tourmaline reference materials based on results from bulk mineral analyses from multiple, independent laboratories using laser‐ and stepwise fluorination gas mass spectrometry (for O), and solution multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectroscopy (for Li). These bulk data also allow us to assess the degree of inter‐laboratory bias that might be present in such data sets. This work also re‐evaluates the major element chemical composition of the materials by electron probe microanalysis and investigates these presence of a chemical matrix effect on SIMS instrumental mass fractionation with regard to δ18O determinations, which was found to be < 1.6‰ between these three materials. The final table presented here provides a summary of the isotope ratio values that we have determined for these three materials. Depending on their starting mass, either 128 or 512 splits have been produced of each material, assuring their availability for many years into the future.
ArticleTriple oxygen isotopic composition of the high-3He/4He mantle(Elsevier, 2016-01-02) Starkey, Natalie A. ; Jackson, Colin R. M. ; Greenwood, Richard C. ; Parman, Stephen W. ; Franchi, Ian A. ; Jackson, Matthew ; Fitton, J. Godfrey ; Stuart, Fin M. ; Kurz, Mark D. ; Larsen, Lotte M.Measurements of Xe isotope ratios in ocean island basalts (OIB) suggest that Earth’s mantle accreted heterogeneously, and that compositional remnants of accretion are sampled by modern, high-3He/4He OIB associated with the Icelandic and Samoan plumes. If so, the high-3He/4He source may also have a distinct oxygen isotopic composition from the rest of the mantle. Here, we test if the major elements of the high-3He/4He source preserve any evidence of heterogeneous accretion using measurements of three oxygen isotopes on olivine from a variety of high-3He/4He OIB locations. To high precision, the Δ17O value of high-3He/4He olivines from Hawaii, Pitcairn, Baffin Island and Samoa, are indistinguishable from bulk mantle olivine (Δ17OBulk Mantle − Δ17OHigh 3He/4He olivine = −0.002 ± 0.004 (2 × SEM)‰). Thus, there is no resolvable oxygen isotope evidence for heterogeneous accretion in the high-3He/4He source. Modelling of mixing processes indicates that if an early-forming, oxygen-isotope distinct mantle did exist, either the anomaly was extremely small, or the anomaly was homogenised away by later mantle convection. The δ18O values of olivine with the highest 3He/4He ratios from a variety of OIB locations have a relatively uniform composition (∼5‰). This composition is intermediate to values associated with the depleted MORB mantle and the average mantle. Similarly, δ18O values of olivine from high-3He/4He OIB correlate with radiogenic isotope ratios of He, Sr, and Nd. Combined, this suggests that magmatic oxygen is sourced from the same mantle as other, more incompatible elements and that the intermediate δ18O value is a feature of the high-3He/4He mantle source. The processes responsible for the δ18O signature of high-3He/4He mantle are not certain, but δ18O–87Sr/86Sr correlations indicate that it may be connected to a predominance of a HIMU-like (high U/Pb) component or other moderate δ18O components recycled into the high-3He/4He source.