Lorren J.
Lorren J.
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PreprintCoping with copepods: do right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) forage visually in dark waters?( 2017-02) Cronin, Thomas W. ; Fasick, Jeffry I. ; Schweikert, Lorian E. ; Johnsen, Sonke ; Kezmoh, Lorren J. ; Baumgartner, Mark F.North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) feed during the spring and early summer in marine waters off the northeast coast of North America. Their food primarily consists of planktonic copepods, Calanus finmarchicus, which they consume in large numbers by ram filter feeding. The coastal waters where these whales forage are turbid, but they successfully locate copepod swarms during the day at depths exceeding 100 m, where light is very dim and copepod patches may be difficult to see. Using models of E. glacialis visual sensitivity together with measurements of light in waters near Cape Cod where they feed and of light attenuation by living copepods in seawater, we evaluated the potential for visual foraging by these whales. Our results suggest that vision may be useful for finding copepod patches, particularly if E. glacialis searches overhead for silhouetted masses or layers of copepods. This should permit the whales to locate C. finmarchicus visually throughout most daylight hours at depths throughout their foraging range. Looking laterally, the whales might also be able to see copepod patches at short range near the surface.
PreprintVisual predation during springtime foraging of the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis)( 2017-03) Fasick, Jeffry I. ; Baumgartner, Mark F. ; Cronin, Thomas W. ; Nickle, Benjamin ; Kezmoh, Lorren J.To assess the role that vision plays in the ability of the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) to detect its primary prey species, the calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus, we have compared the absorbance spectrum of the E. glacialis rod visual pigment, the transmittance spectra of C. finmarchicus carotenoid pigments, as well as the downwelling irradiance and horizontal radiance spectra collected during springtime at three locations in the western Gulf of Maine. The E. glacialis rod visual pigment absorbs light maximally at 493 nm, while microspectrophotometric measurements of the C. finmarchicus carotenoid pigments reveal transmission spectra with minima matching very well with the E. glacialis rod visual pigment absorbance spectra maximum. Springtime spectral downwelling irradiance and horizontal radiance values from the surface waters of Cape Cod Bay and at all depths in Great South Channel overlap the E. glacialis rod absorbance spectrum, allowing C. finmarchicus to appear as a high-contrast dark silhouette against a bright background space-light, thus facilitating visually-guided contrast foraging. In contrast, spectral downwelling irradiance and horizontal radiance at depth in Cape Cod Bay, and all depths in Wilkinson Basin, do not overlap the E. glacialis rod absorbance spectrum, providing little if any useful light for contrast vision.