Galuardi Benjamin

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    HMMoce : an R package for improved geolocation of archival-tagged fishes using a hidden Markov method
    ( 2017-11) Braun, Camrin D. ; Galuardi, Benjamin ; Thorrold, Simon R.
    Electronic tagging of marine fishes is commonly achieved with archival tags that rely on light levels and sea surface temperatures to retrospectively estimate movements. However, methodological issues associated with light-level geolocation have constrained meaningful inference to species where it is possible to accurately estimate time of sunrise and sunset. Most studies have largely ignored the oceanographic profiles collected by the tag as a potential way to refine light-level geolocation estimates. Open-source oceanographic measurements and outputs from high-resolution models are increasingly available and accessible. Temperature and depth profiles recorded by electronic tags can be integrated with these empirical data and model outputs to construct likelihoods and improve geolocation estimates. The R package HMMoce leverages available tag and oceanographic data to improve position estimates derived from electronic tags using a hidden Markov approach. We illustrate the use of the model and test its performance using example blue and mako shark archival tag data. Model results were validated using independent, known tracks and compared to results from other geolocation approaches. HMMoce exhibited as much as 6-fold improvement in pointwise error as compared to traditional light-level geolocation approaches. The results demonstrated the general applicability of HMMoce to marine animals, particularly those that do not frequent surface waters during crepuscular periods.
  • Article
    Horizontal and vertical movement patterns and habitat use of juvenile porbeagles (Lamna nasus) in the Western North Atlantic
    (Frontiers Media, 2021-02-01) Skomal, Gregory B. ; Marshall, Heather ; Galuardi, Benjamin ; Natanson, Lisa J. ; Braun, Camrin D. ; Bernal, Diego
    The porbeagle (Lamna nasus) is a large, highly migratory endothermic shark broadly distributed in the higher latitudes of the Atlantic, South Pacific, and Indian Oceans. In the North Atlantic, the porbeagle has a long history of fisheries exploitation and current assessments indicate that this stock is severely overfished. Although much is known of the life history of this species, there is little fisheries-independent information about habitat preferences and ecology. To examine migratory routes, vertical behavior, and environmental associations in the western North Atlantic, we deployed pop-up satellite archival transmitting tags on 20 porbeagles in late November, 2006. The sharks, ten males and ten females ranging from 128 to 154 cm fork length, were tagged and released from a commercial longline fishing vessel on the northwestern edge of Georges Bank, about 150 km east of Cape Cod, MA. The tags were programmed to release in March (n = 7), July (n = 7), and November (n = 6) of 2007, and 17 (85%) successfully reported. Based on known and derived geopositions, the porbeagles exhibited broad seasonally-dependent horizontal and vertical movements ranging from minimum linear distances of 937 to 3,310 km and from the surface to 1,300 m, respectively. All of the sharks remained in the western North Atlantic from the Gulf of Maine, the Scotian Shelf, on George's Bank, and in the deep, oceanic waters off the continental shelf along the edge of, and within, the Gulf Stream. In general, the population appears to be shelf-oriented during the summer and early fall with more expansive offshore radiation in the winter and spring. Although sharks moved through temperatures ranging from 2 to 26°C, the bulk of their time (97%) was spent in 6-20°C. In the summer months, most of the sharks were associated with the continental shelf moving between the surface and the bottom and remaining < 200 m deep. In the late fall and winter months, the porbeagles moved into pelagic habitat and exhibited two behavioral patterns linked with the thermal features of the Gulf Stream: “non-divers” (n = 7) largely remained at epipelagic depths and “divers” (n = 10) made frequent dives into and remained at mesopelagic depths (200–1000 m). These data demonstrate that juvenile porbeagles are physiologically capable of exploiting the cool temperate waters of the western North Atlantic as well as the mesopelagic depths of the Gulf Stream, possibly allowing exploitation of prey not available to other predators.
  • Article
    Shelf break exchange processes influence the availability of the northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus, in the Northwest Atlantic
    (Wiley, 2023-04-14) Salois, Sarah L. ; Hyde, Kimberly J. W. ; Silver, Adrienne ; Lowman, Brooke A. ; Gangopadhyay, Avijit ; Gawarkiewicz, Glen ; Mercer, Anna J. M. ; Manderson, John P. ; Gaichas, Sarah K. ; Hocking, Daniel J. ; Galuardi, Benjamin ; Jones, Andrew W. ; Kaelin, Jeff ; DiDomenico, Greg ; Almeida, Katie ; Bright, Bill ; Lapp, Meghan
    The United States Northern Shortfin squid fishery is known for its large fluctuations in catch at annual scales. In the last 5 years, this fishery has experienced increased availability of Illex illecebrosus along the Northeast US continental shelf (NES), resulting in high catch per unit effort (CPUE) and early fishery closures due to quota exceedance. The fishery occurs within the Northwest Atlantic, whose complex dynamics are set up by the interplay between the large‐scale Gulf Stream, mesoscale eddies, Shelfbreak Jet, and shelf‐slope exchange processes. Our ability to understand and quantify this regional variability is requisite for understanding the availability patterns of Illex, which are largely influenced by oceanographic conditions. In an effort to advance our current understanding of the seasonal and interannual variability in this species' relative abundance on the NES, we used generalized additive models to examine the relationships between the physical environment and hotspots of productivity to changes in CPUE of I. illecebrosus in the Southern stock component, which comprises the US fishery. Specifically, we derived oceanographic indicators by pairing high‐resolution remote sensing data and global ocean reanalysis physical data to high‐resolution fishery catch data. We identified a suite of environmental covariates that were strongly related to instances of higher catch rates. In particular, bottom temperature, warm core rings, subsurface features, and frontal dynamics together serve as indicators of habitat condition and primary productivity hotspots, providing great utility for understanding the distribution of Illex with the potential for forecasting seasonal and interannual availability.
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    Geolocation of a demersal fish (Pacific cod) in a high-latitude island chain (Aleutian Islands, Alaska)
    (BMC, 2023-07-26) Nielsen, Julie K. ; Bryan, David R. ; Rand, Kimberly M. ; Arostegui, Martin C. ; Braun, Camrin D. ; Galuardi, Benjamin ; McDermott, Susanne F.
    Fish geolocation methods are most effective when they are customized to account for species behavior and study area characteristics. Here, we provide an example of customizing a hidden Markov model (HMM) for reconstructing movement pathways of a high-latitude demersal fish species in a remote island chain using Pop-up Satellite Archival Tag (PSAT) data. Adult Pacific cod were tagged with PSATs while occupying winter spawning grounds in the Aleutian Islands in February 2019. We adapted a demersal fish application of the HMM to (1) add light-based longitude to the data likelihood model, (2) account for possible off-bottom behavior of demersal fishes in the maximum daily depth likelihood, and (3) modify the model framework to accommodate convoluted island topography in the study area. A simulation study was conducted to explore the two primary modifications to the model framework, reflecting boundary for the movement kernel and the Viterbi method of pathway reconstruction, under known conditions.