Vicki L.
Vicki L.
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ArticleRescue of long-tail data from the ocean bottom to the Moon : IEDA Data Rescue Mini-Awards(Elsevier, 2015-03-27) Hsu, Leslie ; Lehnert, Kerstin A. ; Goodwillie, Andrew ; Delano, John W. ; Gill, James B. ; Tivey, Maurice A. ; Ferrini, Vicki L. ; Carbotte, Suzanne M. ; Arko, Robert A.Over the course of a scientific career, a large fraction of the data collected by scientific investigators turns into data at risk of becoming inaccessible to future science. Although a part of the investigators’ data is made available in manuscripts and databases, other data may remain unpublished, non-digital, on degrading or near obsolete digital media, or inadequately documented for reuse. In 2013, Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA) provided data rescue mini-awards to three Earth science investigators. IEDA’s user communities in geochemistry, petrology, geochronology, and marine geophysics collect long-tail data, defined as data produced by individuals and small teams for specific projects, tending to be of small volume and initially for use only by these teams, thus being less likely to be easily transferred or reused. Long-tail data are at greater risk of omission from the scientific record. The awarded projects topics were (1) Geochemical and Geochronological data on volcanic rocks from the Fiji, Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc, and Endeavor segments of the global mid-ocean ridge, (2) High-Resolution, Near-bottom Magnetic Field Data, and (3) Geochemistry of Lunar Glasses. IEDA worked closely with the awardees to create a plan for the data rescue, resulting in the registration of hundreds of samples and the entry of dozens of data and documentation files into IEDA data systems. The data were made openly accessible and citable by assigning persistent identifiers for samples and files. The mini-award program proved that a relatively small incentive combined with data facility guidance can motivate investigators to accomplish significant data rescue.
ArticleCharacterization of the in situ magnetic architecture of oceanic crust (Hess Deep) using near-source vector magnetic data(John Wiley & Sons, 2016-06-16) Tominaga, Masako ; Tivey, Maurice A. ; MacLeod, Christopher J. ; Morris, Antony ; Lissenberg, C. Johan ; Shillington, Donna J. ; Ferrini, Vicki L.Marine magnetic anomalies are a powerful tool for detecting geomagnetic polarity reversals, lithological boundaries, topographic contrasts, and alteration fronts in the oceanic lithosphere. Our aim here is to detect lithological contacts in fast-spreading lower crust and shallow mantle by characterizing magnetic anomalies and investigating their origins. We conducted a high-resolution, near-bottom, vector magnetic survey of crust exposed in the Hess Deep “tectonic window” using the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Isis during RRS James Cook cruise JC21 in 2008. Hess Deep is located at the western tip of the propagating rift of the Cocos-Nazca plate boundary near the East Pacific Rise (EPR) (2°15′N, 101°30′W). ROV Isis collected high-resolution bathymetry and near-bottom magnetic data as well as seafloor samples to determine the in situ lithostratigraphy and internal structure of a section of EPR lower crust and mantle exposed on the steep (~20°dipping) south facing slope just north of the Hess Deep nadir. Ten magnetic profiles were collected up the slope using a three-axis fluxgate magnetometer mounted on ROV Isis. We develop and extend the vertical magnetic profile (VMP) approach of Tivey (1996) by incorporating, for the first time, a three-dimensional vector analysis, leading to what we here termed as “vector vertical magnetic profiling” approach. We calculate the source magnetization distribution, the deviation from two dimensionality, and the strike of magnetic boundaries using both the total field Fourier-transform inversion approach and a modified differential vector magnetic analysis. Overall, coherent, long-wavelength total field anomalies are present with a strong magnetization contrast between the upper and lower parts of the slope. The total field anomalies indicate a coherently magnetized source at depth. The upper part of the slope is weakly magnetized and magnetic structure follows the underlying slope morphology, including a “bench” and lobe-shaped steps, imaged by microbathymetry. The lower part of the slope is strongly magnetized, with a gradual reduction in amplitude from east to west across the slope. Surface morphology and recent drilling results indicate that the slope has been affected by mass wasting, but the observation of internally coherent magnetization distributions within the upper and lower slopes suggest that the disturbance is surficial. We attribute the spatial differences in magnetization distribution to the combination of changes in in situ lithology and depth to the source. These survey lines document the first magnetic profiles that capture the gabbro-ultramafic and possibly dike-gabbro boundaries in fast-spreading lower crust.
ArticleSubmeter bathymetric mapping of volcanic and hydrothermal features on the East Pacific Rise crest at 9°50′N(American Geophysical Union, 2007-01-19) Ferrini, Vicki L. ; Fornari, Daniel J. ; Shank, Timothy M. ; Kinsey, James C. ; Tivey, Maurice A. ; Soule, Samuel A. ; Carbotte, Suzanne M. ; Whitcomb, Louis L. ; Yoerger, Dana R. ; Howland, Jonathan C.Recent advances in underwater vehicle navigation and sonar technology now permit detailed mapping of complex seafloor bathymetry found at mid-ocean ridge crests. Imagenex 881 (675 kHz) scanning sonar data collected during low-altitude (~5 m) surveys conducted with DSV Alvin were used to produce submeter resolution bathymetric maps of five hydrothermal vent areas at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) Ridge2000 Integrated Study Site (9°50′N, “bull's-eye”). Data were collected during 29 dives in 2004 and 2005 and were merged through a grid rectification technique to create high-resolution (0.5 m grid) composite maps. These are the first submeter bathymetric maps generated with a scanning sonar mounted on Alvin. The composite maps can be used to quantify the dimensions of meter-scale volcanic and hydrothermal features within the EPR axial summit trough (AST) including hydrothermal vent structures, lava pillars, collapse areas, the trough walls, and primary volcanic fissures. Existing Autonomous Benthic Explorer (ABE) bathymetry data (675 kHz scanning sonar) collected at this site provide the broader geologic context necessary to interpret the meter-scale features resolved in the composite maps. The grid rectification technique we employed can be used to optimize vehicle time by permitting the creation of high-resolution bathymetry maps from data collected during multiple, coordinated, short-duration surveys after primary dive objectives are met. This method can also be used to colocate future near-bottom sonar data sets within the high-resolution composite maps, enabling quantification of bathymetric changes associated with active volcanic, hydrothermal and tectonic processes.
ArticleVariable morphologic expression of volcanic, tectonic, and hydrothermal processes at six hydrothermal vent fields in the Lau back-arc basin(American Geophysical Union, 2008-07-26) Ferrini, Vicki L. ; Tivey, Margaret K. ; Carbotte, Suzanne M. ; Martinez, Fernando ; Roman, Christopher N.Ultrahigh-resolution bathymetric maps (25 cm grid) are used to quantify the physical dimensions of and spatial relationships between tectonic, volcanic, and hydrothermal features at six hydrothermal vent fields in the Lau back-arc basin. Supplemented with near-bottom photos, and nested within regional DSL-120A side-scan sonar data, these maps provide insight into the nature of hydrothermal systems along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center (ELSC) and Valu Fa Ridge (VFR). Along-axis transitions evident in localized volcanic morphology and tectonic characteristics include a change from broad low-relief volcanic domes (hundreds of meters wide, <10 m tall) that are dominated by pillow and lobate lava morphologies and are cut by faults and fissures to higher aspect ratio volcanic domes (tens of meters wide, tens of meters tall) dominated by aa-type lava morphologies, with finger-like flows, and few tectonic structures. These along-axis differences in localized seafloor morphology suggest differences in hydrothermal circulation pathways within the shallow crust and correlate with regional transitions in a variety of ridge properties, including the large-scale morphology of the ridge axis (shallow axial valley to axial high), seafloor lava compositions, and seismic properties of the upper crust. Differences in morphologic characteristics of individual flows and lava types were also quantified, providing an important first step toward the remote characterization of complex terrains associated with hydrothermal vent fields.
ArticleThe 2005 Chios ancient shipwreck survey : new methods for underwater archaeology(American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2009-04) Foley, Brendan P. ; Dellaporta, Katerina ; Sakellariou, Dimitris ; Bingham, Brian S. ; Camilli, Richard ; Eustice, Ryan M. ; Evagelistis, Dionysis ; Ferrini, Vicki L. ; Katsaros, Kostas ; Kourkoumelis, Dimitris ; Mallios, Angelos ; Micha, Paraskevi ; Mindell, David A. ; Roman, Christopher N. ; Singh, Hanumant ; Switzer, David S. ; Theodoulou, TheotokisIn 2005 a Greek and American interdisciplinary team investigated two shipwrecks off the coast of Chios dating to the 4th-century b.c. and the 2nd/1st century. The project pioneered archaeological methods of precision acoustic, digital image, and chemical survey using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and in-situ sensors, increasing the speed of data acquisition while decreasing costs. The AUV recorded data revealing the physical dimensions, age, cargo, and preservation of the wrecks. The earlier wreck contained more than 350 amphoras, predominantly of Chian type, while the Hellenistic wreck contained about 40 Dressel 1C amphoras. Molecular biological analysis of two amphoras from the 4th-century wreck revealed ancient DNA of olive, oregano, and possibly mastic, part of a cargo outbound from Chios.
Technical ReportFISH_ROCK : a tool for identifying and counting benthic organisms in bottom photographs(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2006-01) Ferrini, Vicki L. ; Singh, HanumantRecent advances in underwater robotics and imaging technology now enable the rapid acquisition of large datasets of near-bottom high-resolution digital imagery. These images provide the potential for developing a non-invasive technique for fisheries data acquisition that reveals the organisms in their natural habitat and can be used to identify important habitat characteristics. Using these large datasets effectively, however, requires the development of computer-based techniques that increase the efficiency of data analysis. This document describes one such tool, FISH_ROCK, which was developed for a group of fisheries researchers using the SeaBED AUV during a research cruise in October 2005. FISH_ROCK is a graphical user interface (GUI) that is executed within Matlab, and allows users digitally generate a database that includes organism identification, quantity, size and distribution as well as details about their habitat. Further development of this GUI will enable its use in different oceanographic environments including the deep sea, and will include modules that perform data analysis.
ArticleNavigational infrastructure at the East Pacific Rise 9°50′N area following the 2005–2006 eruption : seafloor benchmarks and near-bottom multibeam surveys(American Geophysical Union, 2008-11-06) Soule, Samuel A. ; Ferrini, Vicki L. ; Kinsey, James C. ; Fornari, Daniel J. ; Sellers, Cynthia J. ; White, Scott M. ; Von Damm, Karen L. ; Carbotte, Suzanne M.Four seafloor benchmarks were deployed with ROV Jason2 at frequently visited areas along the northern East Pacific Rise (NEPR) ridge crest near 9°50′N, within the Ridge2000 EPR integrated study site (ISS) bull's eye. When used in concert with established deep-ocean acoustic positioning techniques, these benchmarks provide navigational infrastructure to facilitate the integration of near-bottom data at this site by allowing efficient and quantitative coregistration of data and observations collected on multiple dives and over multiple cruises. High-resolution, near-bottom multibeam bathymetric surveys also were conducted along and across the ridge crest to provide a morphological and geological context for the benchmark areas. We describe the navigation and data processing techniques used to constrain the benchmark positions and outline operational details to effectively use benchmarks at this and other deep-ocean sites where multidisciplinary time series studies are conducted. The well-constrained positions of the benchmarks provide a consistent geospatial framework that can be used to limit navigational uncertainties during seafloor sampling and mapping programs and enable accurate spatial coregistration and integration of observations. These data are important to test a range of multidisciplinary hypotheses that seek to link geological, chemical, and biological processes associated with crustal accretion and energy transfer from the mantle to the hydrosphere at mid-ocean ridges.