Santos Ricardo S.

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Ricardo S.

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    Sex bias in biopsy samples collected from free-ranging dolphins
    ( 2009-01-16) Querouil, Sophie ; Freitas, Luis ; Dinis, Ana ; Alves, Filipe ; Cascao, Irma ; Prieto, Rui ; Silva, Monica A. ; Magalhaes, Sara ; Matos, Jose A. ; Santos, Ricardo S.
    Biological samples of free-ranging dolphins are increasingly used to gain information on population structure and ecology. In small cetaceans, the gender of individuals usually cannot be determined at sea, and population sex ratio has to be inferred indirectly. We used molecular sexing to determine the gender of 340 biopsy samples of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, spotted dolphins, Stenella frontalis, and common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, collected around the Azores and Madeira. Sex ratio was globally skewed in favor of males, and differed between species and archipelagos. Skew was probably influenced by the selectivity of biopsy collectors and seasonal or year-round predominance of males in natural populations. Skew was also influenced by sampling duration and intensity. In the Azores, when several samples were successively collected within the same group, the proportion of female samples decreased as a function of sample order. This trend indicated a tendency for females to increasingly avoid the boat while samples were being collected. It showed that males and females reacted differently to the perturbation caused by the biopsy sampling process (i.e. sample collection and driving style).
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    Spatial and temporal distribution of cetaceans in the mid-Atlantic waters around the Azores
    ( 2013-02) Silva, Monica A. ; Prieto, Rui ; Cascao, Irma ; Seabra, Maria I. ; Machete, Miguel ; Baumgartner, Mark F. ; Santos, Ricardo S.
    Cetaceans living in offshore waters are under increasing pressure from anthropogenic activities. Yet, due to the lack of survey effort, relatively little is known about the demography or ecology of these populations. Spatial and temporal distribution of cetaceans in mid-Atlantic waters were investigated using a long term dataset collected from boat surveys and land-based observations around the Azores. From 1999 to 2009, 7307 cetacean schools were sighted during 271717 km of survey effort. In 4944 h of land-based observations, 2968 cetacean groups were detected. Twenty-four species were recorded: seven baleen whales, six beaked whales, eight dolphin species, Physeter macrocephalus, Kogia breviceps and K. sima. Overall, Delphinus delphis was the most frequently sighted species but its encounter rate decreased in June- November, coinciding with presence of Stenella frontalis in the region. Tursiops truncatus, P. macrocephalus and Grampus griseus were frequently encountered yearround, whereas large baleen whales showed a distinct peak in encounter rates in March-May. Mesoplodonts were fairly common and appear to be present throughout the year. These findings fill-in a significant gap in the knowledge of cetaceans occurring in a poorly studied region of the North Atlantic, providing much needed data to inform management initiatives.
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    Ranging patterns of bottlenose dolphins living in oceanic waters : implications for population structure
    ( 2008-10) Silva, Monica A. ; Prieto, Rui ; Magalhaes, Sara ; Seabra, Maria I. ; Santos, Ricardo S. ; Hammond, Philip S.
    Very little is known about the ecology of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) living in oceanic waters. This study investigated the ranging and residence pattern, of bottlenose dolphins occurring in the Azores (Portugal), the most isolated archipelago in the North Atlantic. Data were collected during standardized boat-based surveys conducted over a 6-year period in an area of approximately 5,400 km2 (main study area). To investigate the extent of movements of individual animals. non-systematic surveys were also conducted outside this area. Only 44 individuals out of 966 identified were frequently sighted within and between years. The remaining individuals were either temporary migrants from within or outside the archipelago, or transients. Resident dolphins showed strong geographic fidelity to the area. Long-distance movements (of almost 300 km), consistent with foraging or exploratory trips. were observed among non-resident dolphins. Home range size was estimated for 31 individuals sighted ≥ 10 times. Range areas of these dolphins varied in size and location, but considerable overlap was observed in the areas used, suggesting the absence of habitat partitioning between resident and non-resident dolphins. Estimates of home range size of bottlenose dolphins in the Azores were found to be considerably larger than those previously reported for this species. It is hypothesized that dolphins living in the Azores carry out extensive movements and have large home ranges in response to the lower density and patchy distribution of prey compared to other areas. The extensive ranging behaviour and the lack of territoriality provide an opportunity for interbreeding between dolphins associated with different islands, thus preventing genetic differentiation within the population of the Azores.
  • Article
    Temporal patterns in acoustic presence and foraging activity of oceanic dolphins at seamounts in the Azores
    (Nature Research, 2020-02-27) Cascão, Irma ; Lammers, Marc O. ; Prieto, Rui ; Santos, Ricardo S. ; Silva, Monica A.
    Several seamounts have been identified as hotspots of marine life in the Azores, acting as feeding stations for top predators, including cetaceans. Passive acoustic monitoring is an efficient tool to study temporal variations in the occurrence and behaviour of vocalizing cetacean species. We deployed bottom-moored Ecological Acoustic Recorders (EARs) to investigate the temporal patterns in acoustic presence and foraging activity of oceanic dolphins at two seamounts (Condor and Gigante) in the Azores. Data were collected in March–May 2008 and April 2010–February 2011. Dolphins were present year round and nearly every day at both seamounts. Foraging signals (buzzes and bray calls) were recorded in >87% of the days dolphin were present. There was a strong diel pattern in dolphin acoustic occurrence and behaviour, with higher detections of foraging and echolocation vocalizations during the night and of social signals during daylight hours. Acoustic data demonstrate that small dolphins consistently use Condor and Gigante seamounts to forage at night. These results suggest that these seamounts likely are important feeding areas for dolphins. This study contributes to a better understanding of the feeding ecology of oceanic dolphins and provides new insights into the role of seamount habitats for top predators.
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    A review of interactions between cetaceans and fisheries in the Azores
    ( 2010-03) Silva, Monica A. ; Machete, Miguel ; Reis, Dalia ; Santos, Marco ; Prieto, Rui ; Damaso, Carla ; Pereira, Joao Gil ; Santos, Ricardo S.
    1. Interactions between cetaceans and fishing activity in the Archipelago of the Azores were examined using information contained in grey literature and previously unpublished data collected by observer programmes and research projects from 1998 to 2006. Together with a brief description of the economics, gear, fishing effort, and past and ongoing monitoring projects, levels of cetacean bycatch and interference were reported for each major fishery. 2. Cetaceans were present in 7% (n=973) and interfered in 3% (n=452) of the fishing events monitored by observers aboard tuna-fishing vessels. Interference resulted in a significantly higher proportion of events with zero catches but it was also associated with higher tuna catches. 3. There was a decreasing trend in the proportion of tuna-fishing events with cetacean presence or interference throughout this study, as well as a reduction in the estimates of dolphins captured annually by the whole fleet. 4. Observers reported cetacean depredation in 16% of the sets for demersal species and in 2% of the sets for swordfish. Cetacean presence and depredation were associated with higher overall catches and higher catches per unit effort in demersal fisheries. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were responsible for most depredation events in demersal fisheries, whereas in the swordfish fishery, depredation was associated with the presence of killer whales (Orcinus orca). There were no reports of cetacean bycatch in these fisheries. There were also no reports of cetaceans interacting in the experimental deep-sea fisheries that were examined. 5. Available data suggests that levels of interaction between cetaceans and Azorean fisheries are generally low and that the economic impact of cetacean interference is probably small. However, for several traditional fisheries there are no accurate data to determine levels of cetacean interaction. We recommend that existing observer programmes be expanded to increase observer coverage of the demersal and swordfish fisheries and allow monitoring of other existing and emerging fisheries.
  • Article
    Baleen whale acoustic presence and behaviour at a Mid-Atlantic migratory habitat, the Azores Archipelago
    (Nature Research, 2020-03-16) Romagosa Verges, Miriam ; Baumgartner, Mark F. ; Cascão, Irma ; Lammers, Marc O. ; Marques, Tiago A. ; Santos, Ricardo S. ; Silva, Monica A.
    The identification of important areas during the annual life cycle of migratory animals, such as baleen whales, is vital for their conservation. In boreal springtime, fin and blue whales feed in the Azores on their way to northern latitudes while sei whales migrate through the archipelago with only occasional feeding. Little is known about their autumn or winter presence or their acoustic behaviour in temperate migratory habitats. This study used a 5-year acoustic data set collected by autonomous recorders in the Azores that were processed and analysed using an automated call detection and classification system. Fin and blue whales were acoustically present in the archipelago from autumn to spring with marked seasonal differences in the use of different call types. Diel patterns of calling activity were only found for fin whales with more calls during the day than night. Sei whales showed a bimodal distribution of acoustic presence in spring and autumn, corresponding to their expected migration patterns. Diel differences in sei whale calling varied with season and location. This work highlights the importance of the Azores as a migratory and wintering habitat for three species of baleen whales and provides novel information on their acoustic behaviour in a mid-Atlantic region.
  • Article
    Extreme diving behaviour in devil rays links surface waters and the deep ocean
    (Nature Publishing Group, 2014-07-01) Thorrold, Simon R. ; Afonso, Pedro ; Fontes, Jorge ; Braun, Camrin D. ; Santos, Ricardo S. ; Skomal, Gregory B. ; Berumen, Michael L.
    Ecological connections between surface waters and the deep ocean remain poorly studied despite the high biomass of fishes and squids residing at depths beyond the euphotic zone. These animals likely support pelagic food webs containing a suite of predators that include commercially important fishes and marine mammals. Here we deploy pop-up satellite archival transmitting tags on 15 Chilean devil rays (Mobula tarapacana) in the central North Atlantic Ocean, which provide movement patterns of individuals for up to 9 months. Devil rays were considered surface dwellers but our data reveal individuals descending at speeds up to 6.0 m s−1 to depths of almost 2,000 m and water temperatures <4 °C. The shape of the dive profiles suggests that the rays are foraging at these depths in deep scattering layers. Our results provide evidence of an important link between predators in the surface ocean and forage species occupying pelagic habitats below the euphotic zone in ocean ecosystems.