Jones Katie R.

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Katie R.

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  • Article
    A method to quantify bedform height and asymmetry from a low-mounted sidescan sonar
    (American Meteorological Society, 2018-04-24) Jones, Katie R. ; Traykovski, Peter A.
    Rotary sidescan sonars are widely used to image the seabed given their high temporal and spatial resolution. This high resolution is necessary to resolve bedform dynamics and evolution; however, sidescan sonars do not directly measure bathymetry, limiting their utility. When sidescan sonars are mounted close to the seabed, bedforms may create acoustical “shadows” that render previous methods that invert the backscatter intensity to estimate bathymetry and are based on the assumption of a fully insonified seabed ineffective. This is especially true in coastal regions, where bedforms are common features whose large height relative to the water depth may significantly influence the surrounding flow. A method is described that utilizes sonar shadows to estimate bedform height and asymmetry. The method accounts for the periodic structure of bedform fields and the projection of the shadows onto adjacent bedforms. It is validated with bathymetric observations of wave-orbital ripples, with wavelengths ranging from 0.3 to 0.8 m, and tidally reversing megaripples, with wavelengths from 5 to 8 m. In both cases, bathymetric-measuring sonars were deployed in addition to a rotary sidescan sonar to provide a ground truth; however, the bathymetric sonars typically measure different and smaller areas than the rotary sidescan sonar. The shadow-based method and bathymetric-measuring sonar data produce estimates of bedform height that agree by 34.0% ± 27.2% for wave-orbital ripples and 16.6% ± 14.7% for megaripples. Errors for estimates of asymmetry are 1.9% ± 2.1% for wave-orbital ripples and 11.2% ± 9.6% for megaripples.
  • Article
    Direct measurements of mean Reynolds stress and ripple roughness in the presence of energetic forcing by surface waves
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2018-04-10) Scully, Malcolm E. ; Trowbridge, John H. ; Sherwood, Christopher R. ; Jones, Katie R. ; Traykovski, Peter A.
    Direct covariance observations of the mean flow Reynolds stress and sonar images of the seafloor collected on a wave‐exposed inner continental shelf demonstrate that the drag exerted by the seabed on the overlying flow is consistent with boundary layer models for wave‐current interaction, provided that the orientation and anisotropy of the bed roughness are appropriately quantified. Large spatial and temporal variations in drag result from nonequilibrium ripple dynamics, ripple anisotropy, and the orientation of the ripples relative to the current. At a location in coarse sand characterized by large two‐dimensional orbital ripples, the observed drag shows a strong dependence on the relative orientation of the mean current to the ripple crests. At a contrasting location in fine sand, where more isotropic sub‐orbital ripples are observed, the sensitivity of the current to the orientation of the ripples is reduced. Further, at the coarse site under conditions when the currents are parallel to the ripple crests and the wave orbital diameter is smaller than the wavelength of the relic orbital ripples, the flow becomes hydraulically smooth. This transition is not observed at the fine site, where the observed wave orbital diameter is always greater than the wavelength of the observed sub‐orbital ripples. Paradoxically, the dominant along‐shelf flows often experience lower drag at the coarse site than at the fine site, despite the larger ripples, highlighting the complex dynamics controlling drag in wave‐exposed environments with heterogeneous roughness.
  • Thesis
    Measurements and dynamics of multiple scale bedforms in tidally energetic environments
    (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2018-06) Jones, Katie R.
    The presence of superimposed bedforms, where smaller bedforms exist on larger bedforms, is ubiquitous to energetic tidal environments. Due to their wide range in scale, it is difficult to simultaneously observe these features over tidal timescales. This thesis examines the morphological response of superimposed bedforms to a tidally reversing flow using novel instrumentation and platform systems. A method is outlined in chapter 2 to expand the functionality of low-mounted sidescan sonars by utilizing sonar shadows to estimate bedform height and asymmetry. Empirical models are generated to account for realistic variability in the seabed and the method is validated with bathymetric observations of wave-orbital ripples and tidally reversing megaripples. Given the high temporal and spatial resolution of seafloor frame mounted rotary sidescan sonars, the dynamics and evolution of the bedforms over an approximately 40 m x 40 m area can be resolved. In chapter 3 the method is applied to data of superimposed bedforms at Wasque Shoals, an ebb delta off the southeast corner of Martha’s Vineyard, MA. These data reveal the small, superimposed bedforms reversing their asymmetry with the flow while the larger bedforms on which they reside remain oriented in the direction of the dominant flow. Similar bedform dynamics are observed at Nauset Inlet, a dynamic inlet system, on Cape Cod, MA using an autonomous jet-powered kayak, the Jetyak, equipped with a bathymetric swath sonar. The time needed for bedform asymmetry to reverse in the presence of a tidal flow was estimated with a geometric bedform model that incorporates an empirical sediment transport rate. The morphological lag time from the observations agree well with the geometric model with larger bedforms and slower flows resulting in a longer lag time. Finally, the migration of these superimposed bedforms is considered in chapter 4. Data from the rotary sidescan sonar at Wasque Shoals capture the interaction of smaller bedforms, or megaripples, with a dune. The net convergence of megaripples on the tidally dominate lee face of the dune suggests that the smaller bedforms serve as an intermediate step between grain-scale transport processes and larger scale dune migration.