Echeverri Karen

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  • Article
    Wound healing across the animal kingdom: Crosstalk between the immune system and the extracellular matrix
    (Wiley, 2020-04-20) Arenas Gómez, Claudia Marcela ; Sabin, Keith Z. ; Echeverri, Karen
    Tissue regeneration is widespread in the animal kingdom. To date, key roles for different molecular and cellular programs in regeneration have been described, but the ultimate blueprint for this talent remains elusive. In animals capable of tissue regeneration, one of the most crucial stages is wound healing, whose main goal is to close the wound and prevent infection. In this stage, it is necessary to avoid scar formation to facilitate the activation of the immune system and remodeling of the extracellular matrix, key factors in promoting tissue regeneration. In this review, we will discuss the current state of knowledge regarding the role of the immune system and the interplay with the extracellular matrix to trigger a regenerative response.
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    AP-1cFos/JunB/miR-200a regulate the pro-regenerative glial cell response during axolotl spinal cord regeneration
    (Nature Research, 2019-03-06) Sabin, Keith Z. ; Jiang, Peng ; Gearhart, Micah D. ; Stewart, Ron ; Echeverri, Karen
    Salamanders have the remarkable ability to functionally regenerate after spinal cord transection. In response to injury, GFAP+ glial cells in the axolotl spinal cord proliferate and migrate to replace the missing neural tube and create a permissive environment for axon regeneration. Molecular pathways that regulate the pro-regenerative axolotl glial cell response are poorly understood. Here we show axolotl glial cells up-regulate AP-1cFos/JunB after injury, which promotes a pro-regenerative glial cell response. Injury induced upregulation of miR-200a in glial cells supresses c-Jun expression in these cells. Inhibition of miR-200a during regeneration causes defects in axonal regrowth and transcriptomic analysis revealed that miR-200a inhibition leads to differential regulation of genes involved with reactive gliosis, the glial scar, extracellular matrix remodeling and axon guidance. This work identifies a unique role for miR-200a in inhibiting reactive gliosis in axolotl glial cells during spinal cord regeneration.
  • Article
    Spinal cord regeneration—the origins of progenitor cells for functional rebuilding
    (Elsevier, 2022-05-24) Walker, Sarah E. ; Echeverri, Karen
    The spinal cord is one of the most important structures for all vertebrate animals as it connects almost all parts of the body to the brain. Injury to the mammalian spinal cord has devastating consequences, resulting in paralysis with little to no hope of recovery. In contrast, other vertebrate animals have been known for centuries to be capable of functionally regenerating large lesions in the spinal cord. Here, we will review the current knowledge of spinal cord regeneration and recent work in different proregenerative animals that has begun to shed light on the cellular and molecular mechanisms these animals use to direct cells to rebuild a complex, functional spinal cord.
  • Article
    The various routes to functional regeneration in the central nervous system
    (Nature Research, 2020-01-29) Echeverri, Karen
    The axolotl is a type of Mexican salamander with astonishing regenerative capacity1. In our recent paper, we identified a signaling heterodimer that is formed directly after injury in the glial cells adjacent to the injury in axolotls. The c-Fos and JunB genes forming this heterodimer are not unique to animals with high regenerative capacity but they are present in humans too. In this paper I propose perspectives on molecular control of regeneration and future directions that need to be taken to advance our understanding of regeneration at a molecular level.
  • Article
    Common environmental pollutants negatively affect development and regeneration in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis holobiont
    (Frontiers Media, 2021-12-23) Klein, Sylvia ; Frazier, Victoria ; Readdean, Timothy ; Lucas, Emily ; Diaz-Jimenez, Erica P. ; Sogin, Mitchell L. ; Ruff, S. Emil ; Echeverri, Karen
    The anthozoan sea anemone Nematostella vectensis belongs to the phylum of cnidarians which also includes jellyfish and corals. Nematostella are native to United States East Coast marsh lands, where they constantly adapt to changes in salinity, temperature, oxygen concentration and pH. Its natural ability to continually acclimate to changing environments coupled with its genetic tractability render Nematostella a powerful model organism in which to study the effects of common pollutants on the natural development of these animals. Potassium nitrate, commonly used in fertilizers, and Phthalates, a component of plastics are frequent environmental stressors found in coastal and marsh waters. Here we present data showing how early exposure to these pollutants lead to dramatic defects in development of the embryos and eventual mortality possibly due to defects in feeding ability. Additionally, we examined the microbiome of the animals and identified shifts in the microbial community that correlated with the type of water that was used to grow the animals, and with their exposure to pollutants.
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    A small noncoding RNA links ribosome recovery and translation control to dedifferentiation during salamander limb regeneration
    (Elsevier, 2023-03-08) Subramanian, Elaiyaraja ; Elewa, Ahmed ; Brito, Gonçalo ; Kumar, Anoop ; Segerstolpe, Åsa ; Karampelias, Christos ; Björklund, Åsa ; Sandberg, Rickard ; Echeverri, Karen ; Lui, Weng-Onn ; Andersson, Olov ; Simon, András
    Building a blastema from the stump is a key step of salamander limb regeneration. Stump-derived cells temporarily suspend their identity as they contribute to the blastema by a process generally referred to as dedifferentiation. Here, we provide evidence for a mechanism that involves an active inhibition of protein synthesis during blastema formation and growth. Relieving this inhibition results in a higher number of cycling cells and enhances the pace of limb regeneration. By small RNA profiling and fate mapping of skeletal muscle progeny as a cellular model for dedifferentiation, we find that the downregulation of miR-10b-5p is critical for rebooting the translation machinery. miR-10b-5p targets ribosomal mRNAs, and its artificial upregulation causes decreased blastema cell proliferation, reduction in transcripts that encode ribosomal subunits, diminished nascent protein synthesis, and retardation of limb regeneration. Taken together, our data identify a link between miRNA regulation, ribosome biogenesis, and protein synthesis during newt limb regeneration.
  • Article
    Comparison of blastema formation after injury in two cephalopod species
    (Caltech Library, 2023-09-19) Ramirez, Carlos Chavez ; Khoo, Miya ; Lopez G, Marco ; Ferguson, Sophie ; Walker, Sarah ; Echeverri, Karen
    Regeneration is the ability to functionally replace significant amounts of lost tissue or whole appendages like arms, limbs or tentacles. The amount of tissue that can be regenerated varies among species, but regeneration is found in both invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Cephalopods have been broadly reported in the literature to regenerate their arms. There are over 800 species of Cephalopod; however, regeneration has only been documented in the literature in a few species (1). Here we compare arm regeneration in two species of cephalopod, the Octopus bimaculoides and the hummingbird bobtail squid Euprymna berryi.