Chandler Cynthia L.

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Cynthia L.

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  • Technical Report
    A Mediterranean undercurrent seeding experiment (AMUSE) : part II: RAFOS float data report, May 1993-March 1995
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1998-06) Hunt, Heather D. ; Wooding, Christine M. ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Bower, Amy S.
    This is the final data report of all acoustically tracked RAFOS data collected in 1993-1995 during A Mediterranean Undercurrent Seeding Experiment (AMUSE). The overall objective of the program was to observe directly the spreading pathways by which Mediterranean Water enters the North Atlantic. This includes the direct observation of Mediterranean eddies (meddies), which is one mechanism that transports Mediterranean Water to the North Atlantic. The experiment was comprised of a repeated high-resolution expendable bathythermograph (XBT) section and RAFOS float deployments across the Mediterranean Undercurrent south of Portugal near 8.5°W. A total of 49 floats were deployed at a rate of about two floats per week on 23 cruises on the chartered Portuguese-based vessel, Kialoa II, and one cruise on the R/V Endeavor. The floats were ballasted for 1100 or 1200 decibars (db) to seed the lower salinity core of the Mediterranean Undercurrent. The objectives of the Lagrangian float study were (1) to identify where meddies form, (2) to make the first direct estimate of meddy formation frequency, (3) to estimate the fraction of time meddies are being formed, and (4) to determine the pathways by which Mediterranean Water which is not trapped in meddies enters the North Atlantic.
  • Moving Image
    Collaborative research : EarthCube building blocks, leveraging semantics and linked data for geoscience data sharing and discovery, OceanLink
    ( 2013-10-28) Wiebe, Peter H. ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Raymond, Lisa ; Shepherd, Adam ; Finin, Tim ; Narock, Tom ; Arko, Robert A. ; Carbotte, Suzanne M. ; Hitzler, Pascal ; Cheatham, Michelle ; Krisnadhi, Adila
    The OceanLink EarthCube project will apply state-of-the-art Semantic Web Technologies to support data representation, discovery, analysis, sharing, and integration of datasets from the global oceans, and related resources including meeting abstracts and library holdings. Ships are a principal platform from which a wide spectrum of oceanographic data are collected. At the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, semantic relationships will be extracted from text for use in developing methods that efficiently identify relationships across distributed oceanographic datasets. At Wright State University integration of disparate data will occur by refining and applying leading edge technology from the Semantic Web, ontologies, and linked data. From the MBLWHOI Library, DSpace content will be published as Linked Open Data, providing relationships between oceanographic datasets, publications, conference presentations, and funded National Science Foundation projects. Teams of researchers at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will develop Use Cases that represent the needs of the oceanographic research community and will publish oceanographic dataset catalogs as Linked Open Data. A key contribution will be semantically-enabled cyberinfrastructure components capable of automated data integration across distributed repositories. These efforts will ultimately lead to generalized computational techniques applicable to all of EarthCube.
  • Presentation
    Dataset to DOI using SWORD [poster]
    ( 2012-03-12) Devenish, Ann ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Dorsk, Alexander ; Raymond, Lisa ; Work, Tobias
    This poster describes the tools and processes by which datasets are deposited in an institutional repository (IR) and digital object identifiers (DOI) are acquired. The Marine Biological Laboratory/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MBLWHOI) Library and the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) have developed tools and processes to automate the ingestion of datasets and metadata from BCO-DMO for deposit into the Woods Hole Open Access Server (WHOAS) institutional repository. The system also incorporates functionality for BCO-DMO to request a DOI from the Library and streamlines the process by which XML files are generated for DOI deposit with CrossRef, a DOI registration agency. This partnership allows the Library to work with a trusted data repository to ensure high quality data while the data repository utilizes library services and is assured of a permanent archive of the copy of the data extracted from the repository database. This research is being conducted by a team of librarians, data managers and scientists that are collaborating with representatives from the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC).
  • Presentation
    The advantages of machine aided co-reference resolution for research cruise metadata
    ( 2017-05-31) Shepherd, Adam ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Arko, Robert A. ; Fils, Douglas ; Kinkade, Danie
    One of the central incentives of deploying linked open data is the opportunity to leverage the linkages between source datasets to retrieve related information. The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) reaps these benefits by linking its cruise-level metadata to the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) – the trusted, authoritative source for cruises undertaken by the U.S. academic research fleet. Even though the process of identifying a link between these two repositories is easy for a human, this talk will explore the advantages of using a machine-aided process to suggest links to R2R cruises to a BCO-DMO data manager.
  • Other
    End-User Workshop Report: Articulating the Cyberinfrastructure Needs of the Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics Community
    ( 2013-12-10) Kinkade, Danie ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Glover, David M. ; Groman, Robert C. ; Kline, David ; Nahorniak, Jasmine ; O'Brien, Todd D. ; Perry, Mary J. ; Pierson, James J. ; Wiebe, Peter
    An EarthCube Water Column Domain End-User Workshop hosted by the Biological and Chemical Oceanographic Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) was held October 7-8, 2013 at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The goal of the workshop was to articulate cyberinfrastructure needs of the ocean ecosystem dynamics community with particular focus on the challenges presented by multi-disciplinary marine ecosystem research that requires investigations in four dimensions. The workshop included 50 participants in the domain of oceanic ecosystem dynamics (established and early career researchers, teaching faculty, graduate students, postdocs, data and information managers and cyber-related researchers) to explore and document the community’s cyberinfrastructure needs from the users’ viewpoint.
  • Preprint
    Enabling long-term oceanographic research : changing data practices, information management strategies and informatics
    ( 2008-03-26) Baker, Karen S. ; Chandler, Cynthia L.
    Interdisciplinary global ocean science requires new ways of thinking about data and data management. With new data policies and growing technological capabilities, datasets of increasing variety and complexity are being made available digitally and data management is coming to be recognized as an integral part of scientific research. To meet the changing expectations of scientists collecting data and of data reuse by others, collaborative strategies involving diverse teams of information professionals are developing. These changes are stimulating the growth of information infrastructures that support multi-scale sampling, data repositories, and data integration. Two examples of oceanographic projects incorporating data management in partnership with science programs are discussed: the Palmer Station Long-Term Ecological Research program (Palmer LTER) and the United States Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (US JGOFS). Lessons learned from a decade of data management within these communities provide an experience base from which to develop information management strategies – short-term and long-term. Ocean Informatics provides one example of a conceptual framework for managing the complexities inherent to sharing oceanographic data. Elements are introduced that address the economies-of-scale and the complexities-of-scale pertinent to a broader vision of information management and scientific research.
  • Working Paper
    United States contributions to the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (US IIOE-2)
    (US Steering Committee, 2018-10-23) Hood, Raleigh R. ; Beal, Lisa M. ; Benway, Heather M. ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Coles, Victoria J. ; Cutter, Gregory A. ; Dick, Henry J. B. ; Gangopadhyay, Avijit ; Goes, Joachim I. ; Humphris, Susan E. ; Landry, Michael R. ; Lloyd, Karen G. ; McPhaden, Michael J. ; Murtugudde, Raghu ; Subrahmanyam, Bulusu ; Susanto, R. Dwi ; Talley, Lynne D. ; Wiggert, Jerry D. ; Zhang, Chidong
    From the Preface: The purpose of this document is to motivate and coordinate U.S. participation in the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) by outlining a core set of research priorities that will accelerate our understanding of geologic, oceanic, and atmospheric processes and their interactions in the Indian Ocean. These research priorities have been developed by the U.S. IIOE-2 Steering Committee based on the outcomes of an interdisciplinary Indian Ocean science workshop held at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography on September 11-13, 2017. The workshop was attended by 70 scientists with expertise spanning climate, atmospheric sciences, and multiple sub-disciplines of oceanography. Workshop participants were largely drawn from U.S. academic institutions and government agencies, with a few experts invited from India, China, and France to provide a broader perspective on international programs and activities and opportunities for collaboration. These research priorities also build upon the previously developed International IIOE-2 Science Plan and Implementation Strategy. Outcomes from the workshop are condensed into five scientific themes: Upwelling, inter-ocean exchanges, monsoon dynamics, inter-basin contrasts, marine geology and the deep ocean. Each theme is identified with priority questions that the U.S. research community would like to address and the measurements that need to be made in the Indian Ocean to address them.
  • Article
    A new database to explore the findings from large-scale ocean iron enrichment experiments
    (The Oceanography Society, 2012-12) Boyd, Philip W. ; Bakker, Dorothee C. E. ; Chandler, Cynthia L.
    Some of the largest scientific manipulation experiments conducted on our planet have enriched broad swaths of the surface ocean with iron. Surface ocean signatures of these iron enrichment experiments have covered areas up to > 1,000 km2 and have been conspicuous from space. Twelve of these multidisciplinary studies have been conducted since the early 1990s in three specific ocean regions—the Southern Ocean, and equatorial and sub-Arctic areas of the Pacific Ocean—where plant nutrients are perennially high (termed high nutrient low chlorophyll, or HNLC). In addition, a combined phosphorus and iron enrichment experiment was conducted in the oligotrophic North Atlantic Ocean. Together, these studies represent a unique set of physical, chemical, optical, biological, and ecological data. The richness of these data sets is captured in an open-access relational database at the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office. It is a product of Working Group 131 (The Legacy of in situ Iron Enrichment: Data Compilation and Modeling; of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. The purpose of this article is to make the wider community aware of this resource. It also presents the merits and provides examples of the utility of this database for exploring emerging topics in oceanography, such as the links between ecosystem processes and biogeochemical cycles; the feasibility and many side effects of oceanic geoengineering; and how understanding the coupling among physical, chemical, and biological processes at the mesoscale can inform the emerging field of submesoscale biogeochemistry.
  • Article
    IOC contributions to international, interdisciplinary open data sharing
    (Oceanography Society, 2010-09) Glover, David M. ; Wiebe, Peter H. ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Levitus, Sydney
    Over the last 50 years, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) has had a profound influence upon the willingness of United Nations Member States to share and provide access to their international and interdisciplinary oceanographic data. (For an early history and review of IOC achievements, see Roll, 1979.) Ocean science over the last half century has been transformed from a predominately modular, single-disciplinary, and individualistic science into a national and multinational interdisciplinary enterprise (Briscoe, 2008; Powell, 2008). The transformation began slowly, but as computing power increased, the pace accelerated, and along with these alterations came shifts in cultural practices regarding the sharing of data.
  • Preprint
    Experiences of a “semantics smackdown”
    ( 2016-02) Leadbetter, Adam ; Shepherd, Adam ; Arko, Robert A. ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Chen, Yanning ; Dockery, Nkemdirim ; Ferreira, Renata ; Fu, Linyun ; Thomas, Robert ; West, Patrick ; Zednik, Stephan
    Within the field of ocean science there is a long history of using controlled vocabularies and other Semantic Web techniques to provide a common and easily exchanged description of datasets. As an activity within the European Union, United States, Australian-funded project “Ocean Data Interoperability Platform”, a workshop took place in June 2014 at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to further the use of these Semantic Web techniques with the aim of producing a set of Linked Data publication patterns which describe many parts of a marine science dataset. During the workshop, a Semantic Web development methodology was followed which promoted the use of a team with mixed skills (computer, data and marine science experts) to rapidly prototype a Linked Data publication pattern which could be iterated in the future. In this paper we outline the methodology employed in the workshop, and examine both the technical and sociological outcomes of a workshop of this kind.
  • Book
    Ocean data publication cookbook
    (UNESCO, 2013) Leadbetter, Adam ; Raymond, Lisa ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Pikula, Linda ; Pissierssens, Peter ; Urban, Edward
    Executive summary: This “Cookbook” has been written for data managers and librarians who are interested in assigning a permanent identifier to a dataset for the purposes of publishing that dataset online and for the citation of that dataset within the scientific literature. A formal publishing process adds value to the dataset for the data originators as well as for future users of the data. Value may be added by providing an indication of the scientific quality and importance of the dataset (as measured through a process of peer review), and by ensuring that the dataset is complete, frozen and has enough supporting metadata and other information to allow it to be used by others. Publishing a dataset also implies a commitment to persistence of the data and allows data producers to obtain academic credit for their work in creating the datasets. One form of persistent identifier is the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). A DOI is a character string (a "digital identifier") used to provide a unique identity of an object such as an electronic document. Metadata about the object is stored in association with the DOI name and this metadata may include a location where the object can be found. The DOI for a document is permanent, whereas its location and other metadata may change. Referring to an online document by its DOI provides more stable linking than simply referring to it by its URL, because if its URL changes, the publisher need only update the metadata for the DOI to link to the new URL. A DOI may be obtained for a variety of objects, including documents, data files and images. The assignment of DOIs to peer-reviewed journal articles has become commonplace. This cookbook provides a step-by-step guide to the data publication process and showcases some best practices for data publication.
  • Article
    Evolving and sustaining ocean best practices and standards for the next decade
    (Frontiers Media, 2019-06-04) Pearlman, Jay ; Bushnell, Mark ; Coppola, Laurent ; Karstensen, Johannes ; Buttigieg, Pier Luigi ; Pearlman, Francoise ; Simpson, Pauline ; Barbier, Michele ; Muller-Karger, Frank E. ; Munoz-Mas, Cristian ; Pissierssens, Peter ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Hermes, Juliet ; Heslop, Emma ; Jenkyns, Reyna ; Achterberg, Eric P. ; Bensi, Manuel ; Bittig, Henry C. ; Blandin, Jerome ; Bosch, Julie ; Bourles, Bernard ; Bozzano, Roberto ; Buck, Justin J. H. ; Burger, Eugene ; Cano, Daniel ; Cardin, Vanessa ; Llorens, Miguel Charcos ; Cianca, Andrés ; Chen, Hua ; Cusack, Caroline ; Delory, Eric ; Garello, Rene ; Giovanetti, Gabriele ; Harscoat, Valerie ; Hartman, Susan ; Heitsenrether, Robert ; Jirka, Simon ; Lara-Lopez, Ana ; Lantér, Nadine ; Leadbetter, Adam ; Manzella, Giuseppe ; Maso, Joan ; McCurdy, Andrea ; Moussat, Eric ; Ntoumas, Manolis ; Pensieri, Sara ; Petihakis, George ; Pinardi, Nadia ; Pouliquen, Sylvie ; Przeslawski, Rachel ; Roden, Nicholas P. ; Silke, Joe ; Tamburri, Mario N. ; Tang, Hairong ; Tanhua, Toste ; Telszewski, Maciej ; Testor, Pierre ; Thomas, Julie ; Waldmann, Christoph ; Whoriskey, Frederick G.
    The oceans play a key role in global issues such as climate change, food security, and human health. Given their vast dimensions and internal complexity, efficient monitoring and predicting of the planet’s ocean must be a collaborative effort of both regional and global scale. A first and foremost requirement for such collaborative ocean observing is the need to follow well-defined and reproducible methods across activities: from strategies for structuring observing systems, sensor deployment and usage, and the generation of data and information products, to ethical and governance aspects when executing ocean observing. To meet the urgent, planet-wide challenges we face, methods across all aspects of ocean observing should be broadly adopted by the ocean community and, where appropriate, should evolve into “Ocean Best Practices.” While many groups have created best practices, they are scattered across the Web or buried in local repositories and many have yet to be digitized. To reduce this fragmentation, we introduce a new open access, permanent, digital repository of best practices documentation ( that is part of the Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS). The new OBPS provides an opportunity space for the centralized and coordinated improvement of ocean observing methods. The OBPS repository employs user-friendly software to significantly improve discovery and access to methods. The software includes advanced semantic technologies for search capabilities to enhance repository operations. In addition to the repository, the OBPS also includes a peer reviewed journal research topic, a forum for community discussion and a training activity for use of best practices. Together, these components serve to realize a core objective of the OBPS, which is to enable the ocean community to create superior methods for every activity in ocean observing from research to operations to applications that are agreed upon and broadly adopted across communities. Using selected ocean observing examples, we show how the OBPS supports this objective. This paper lays out a future vision of ocean best practices and how OBPS will contribute to improving ocean observing in the decade to come.
  • Article
    Data management strategy to improve global use of ocean acidification data and information
    (The Oceanography Society, 2015-06) Garcia, Hernan E. ; Cosca, Catherine E. ; Kozyr, Alex ; Mayorga, Emilio ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Thomas, Robert W. ; O’Brien, Kevin ; Appeltans, Ward ; Hankin, Steve ; Newton, Jan A. ; Gutierrez, Angelica ; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre ; Hansson, Lina ; Zweng, Melissa ; Pfeil, Benjamin
    Ocean acidification (OA) refers to the general decrease in pH of the global ocean as a result of absorbing anthropogenic CO2 emitted in the atmosphere since preindustrial times (Sabine et al., 2004). There is, however, considerable variability in ocean acidification, and many careful measurements need to be made and compared in order to obtain scientifically valid information for the assessment of patterns, trends, and impacts over a range of spatial and temporal scales, and to understand the processes involved. A single country or institution cannot undertake measurements of worldwide coastal and open ocean OA changes; therefore, international cooperation is needed to achieve that goal. The OA data that have been, and are being, collected represent a significant public investment. To this end, it is critically important that researchers (and others) around the world are easily able to find and use reliable OA information that range from observing data (from time-series moorings, process studies, and research cruises), to biological response experiments (e.g., mesocosm), data products, and model output.