Marianne H.
Marianne H.
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ArticleField-based hearing measurements of two seabird species(Company of Biologists, 2019-02-18) Mooney, T. Aran ; Smith, Adam B. ; Larsen, Ole Naesbye ; Hansen, Kirstin Anderson ; Wahlberg, Magnus ; Rasmussen, Marianne H.Hearing is a primary sensory modality for birds. For seabirds, auditory data is challenging to obtain and hearing data are limited. Here, we present methods to measure seabird hearing in the field, using two Alcid species: the common murre Uria aalge and the Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica. Tests were conducted in a portable semi-anechoic crate using physiological auditory evoked potential (AEP) methods. The crate and AEP system were easily transportable to northern Iceland field sites, where wild birds were caught, sedated, studied and released. The resulting data demonstrate the feasibility of a field-based application of an established neurophysiology method, acquiring high quality avian hearing data in a relatively quiet setting. Similar field methods could be applied to other seabirds, and other bird species, resulting in reliable hearing data from a large number of individuals with a modest field effort. The results will provide insights into the sound sensitivity of species facing acoustic habitat degradation.
ArticleThe common murre (Uria aalge), an auk seabird, reacts to underwater sound(Acoustical Society of America, 2020-06-22) Anderson Hansen, Kirstin ; Hernandez, Ariana ; Mooney, T. Aran ; Rasmussen, Marianne H. ; Sørensen, Kenneth ; Wahlberg, MagnusMarine mammals have fine-tuned hearing abilities, which makes them vulnerable to human-induced sounds from shipping, sonars, pile drivers, and air guns. Many species of marine birds, such as penguins, auks, and cormorants, find their food underwater where light is often limited, suggesting sound detection may play a vital role. Yet, for most marine birds, it is unknown whether they are using, and can thereby be affected by, underwater sound. The authors conducted a series of playback experiments to test whether Alcid seabirds responded to and were disrupted by, underwater sound. Underwater broadband sound bursts and mid-frequency naval 53 C sonar signals were presented to two common murres (Uria aalge) in a quiet pool. The received sound pressure levels varied from 110 to 137 dB re 1 μPa. Both murres showed consistent reactions to sounds of all intensities, as compared to no reactions during control trials. For one of the birds, there was a clearly graded response, so that more responses were found at higher received levels. The authors' findings indicate that common murres may be affected by, and therefore potentially also vulnerable to, underwater noise. The effect of man-made noise on murres, and possibly other marine birds, requires more thorough consideration.
PreprintAuditory temporal resolution of a wild white-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris)( 2009-01-08) Mooney, T. Aran ; Nachtigall, Paul E. ; Taylor, Kristen A. ; Rasmussen, Marianne H. ; Miller, Lee A.Adequate temporal resolution is required across taxa to properly utilize amplitude modulated acoustic signals. Among mammals, odontocete marine mammals are considered to have relatively high temporal resolution, which is a selective advantage when processing fast traveling underwater sound. However, multiple methods used to estimate auditory temporal resolution have left comparisons among odontocetes and other mammals somewhat vague. Here we present the estimated auditory temporal resolution of an adult male white-beaked dolphin, (Lagenorhynchus albirostris), using auditory evoked potentials and click stimuli. Ours is the first of such studies performed on a wild dolphin in a capture-and-release scenario. The white-beaked dolphin followed rhythmic clicks up to a rate of approximately 1125-1250 Hz, after which the modulation rate transfer function (MRTF) cut-off steeply. However, 10% of the maximum response was still found at 1450 Hz indicating high temporal resolution. The MRTF was similar in shape and bandwidth to that of other odontocetes. The estimated maximal temporal resolution of white-beaked dolphins and other odontocetes was approximately twice that of pinnipeds and manatees, and more than ten-times faster than humans and gerbils. The exceptionally high temporal resolution abilities of odontocetes are likely due primarily to echolocation capabilities that require rapid processing of acoustic cues.
ArticleA field study of auditory sensitivity of the Atlantic puffin, Fratercula Arctica(The Company of Biologists, 2020-06-19) Mooney, T. Aran ; Smith, Adam B. ; Larsen, Ole Naesbye ; Hansen, Kirstin Anderson ; Rasmussen, Marianne H.Hearing is vital for birds as they rely on acoustic communication with parents, mates, chicks, and conspecifics. Amphibious seabirds face many ecological pressures, having to sense cues in air and underwater. Natural noise conditions have helped shape this sensory modality but anthropogenic noise is increasingly impacting seabirds. Surprisingly little is known about their hearing, despite their imperiled status. Understanding sound sensitivity is vital when we seek to manage manmade noise impacts. We measured the auditory sensitivity of nine wild Atlantic puffins, Fratercula arctica, in a capture-and-release setting in an effort to define their audiogram and compare these data to the hearing of other birds and natural rookery noise. Auditory sensitivity was tested using auditory evoked potential (AEP) methods. Responses were detected from 0.5 to 6 kHz. Mean thresholds were below 40 dB re 20 µPa from 0.75 to 3 kHz indicating that these were the most sensitive auditory frequencies, similar to other seabirds. Thresholds in the ‘middle’ frequency range 1-2.5 kHz were often down to 10-20 dB re 20 µPa. Lowest thresholds were typically at 2.5 kHz. These are the first in-air auditory sensitivity data from multiple wild-caught individuals of a deep-diving Alcid seabird. The audiogram was comparable to other birds of similar size, thereby indicating that puffins have fully functioning aerial hearing despite the constraints of their deep-diving, amphibious lifestyles. There was some variation in thresholds, yet animals generally had sensitive ears suggesting aerial hearing is an important sensory modality for this taxon.
ArticleSensitive aerial hearing within a noisy nesting soundscape in a deep-diving seabird, the common murre Uria aalge(Inter-Research Science Publisher, 2023-07-13) Smith, Adam B. ; Fischer-McMorrow, Iris ; Kolbeinsson, Yann ; Rasmussen, Marianne H. ; Shero, Michelle R. ; McElwaine, Jim N. ; Jones, Owen R. ; Mooney, T. AranDiving seabirds face a combination of sound exposure in marine and terrestrial environments due to increasing human encroachment on coastal ecosystems. Yet the sound-sensitivity and sensory ecology of this threatened group of animals is largely unknown, complicating effective management and conservation. Here, we characterize aspects of the acoustic ecology of the common murre Uria aalge, one of the deepest diving alcid seabirds. Electrophysiological aerial hearing thresholds were measured for 12 wild, nesting individuals and compared to conspecific vocalizations and short-term aerial soundscape dynamics of their cliff nesting habitat. Auditory responses were measured from 0.5 to 6 kHz, with a lowest mean threshold of 30 dB at 2 kHz and generally sensitive hearing from 1 to 3.5 kHz. The short-term murre nesting soundscape contained biotic sounds from con- and heterospecific avifauna; broadband sounds levels of 56-69 dB re: 20 µPa rms (0.1-10 kHz) were associated with both diel and tidal-cycle factors. Five murre vocalization types showed dominant spectral emphasis at or below the region of best hearing. Common murre hearing appears to be less sensitive than a related alcid, the Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica, but more sensitive than other non-alcid diving birds described to date, suggesting that adaptations for deep diving have not caused a loss of the species’ hearing ability above water. Overall, frequencies of common murre hearing and vocalization overlap with many anthropogenic noise sources, indicating that the species is susceptible to disturbance from a range of noise types.