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PreprintTrace elements at the intersection of marine biological and geochemical evolution( 2016-10) Robbins, Leslie J. ; Lalonde, Stefan V. ; Planavsky, Noah J. ; Partin, Camille A. ; Reinhard, Christopher T. ; Kendall, Brian ; Scott, Clint ; Hardisty, Dalton S. ; Gill, Benjamin C. ; Alessi, Daniel S. ; Dupont, Christopher L. ; Saito, Mak A. ; Crowe, Sean A. ; Poulton, Simon W. ; Bekker, Andrey ; Lyons, Timothy W. ; Konhauser, Kurt O.Life requires a wide variety of bioessential trace elements to act as structural components and reactive centers in metalloenzymes. These requirements differ between organisms and have evolved over geological time, likely guided in some part by environmental conditions. Until recently, most of what was understood regarding trace element concentrations in the Precambrian oceans was inferred by extrapolation, geochemical modeling, and/or genomic studies. However, in the past decade, the increasing availability of trace element and isotopic data for sedimentary rocks of all ages have yielded new, and potentially more direct, insights into secular changes in seawater composition – and ultimately the evolution of the marine biosphere. Compiled records of many bioessential trace elements (including Ni, Mo, P, Zn, Co, Cr, Se, and I) provide new insight into how trace element abundance in Earth’s ancient oceans may have been linked to biological evolution. Several of these trace elements display redox-sensitive behavior, while others are redox-sensitive but not bioessential (e.g., Cr, U). Their temporal trends in sedimentary archives provide useful constraints on changes in atmosphere-ocean redox conditions that are linked to biological evolution, for example, the activity of oxygen-producing, photosynthetic cyanobacteria. In this review, we summarize available Precambrian trace element proxy data, and discuss how temporal trends in the seawater concentrations of specific trace elements may be linked to the evolution of both simple and complex life. We also examine several biologically relevant and/or redox-sensitive trace elements that have yet to be fully examined in the sedimentary rock record (e.g., Cu, Cd, W) and suggest several directions for future studies.
PreprintIron formations: A global record of Neoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic environmental history( 2017-06-25) Konhauser, Kurt O. ; Planavsky, Noah J. ; Hardisty, Dalton S. ; Robbins, Leslie J. ; Warchola, Tyler J. ; Haugaard, Rasmus ; Lalonde, Stefan V. ; Partin, Camille A. ; Oonk, Paul B. H. ; Tsikos, Harilaos ; Lyons, Timothy W. ; Bekker, Andrey ; Johnson, Clark M.Iron formations (IF) represent an iron-rich rock type that typifies many Archaean and Proterozoic supracrustal successions and are chemical archives of Precambrian seawater chemistry and postdepositional iron cycling. Given that IF accumulated on the seafloor for over two billion years of Earth’s early history, changes in their chemical, mineralogical, and isotopic compositions offer a unique glimpse into environmental changes that took place on the evolving Earth. Perhaps one of the most significant events was the transition from an anoxic planet to one where oxygen was persistently present within the marine water column and atmosphere. Linked to this progressive global oxygenation was the evolution of aerobic microbial metabolisms that fundamentally influenced continental weathering processes, the supply of nutrients to the oceans, and, ultimately, diversification of the biosphere and complex life forms. Many of the key recent innovations in understanding IF genesis are linked to geobiology, since biologically assisted Fe(II) oxidation, either directly through photoferrotrophy, or indirectly through oxygenic photosynthesis, provides a process for IF deposition from mineral precursors. The abundance and isotope composition of Fe(II)-bearing minerals in IF additionally suggests microbial Fe(III) reduction, a metabolism that is deeply rooted in the Archaea and Bacteria. Linkages among geobiology, hydrothermal systems, and deposition of IF have been traditionally overlooked, but now form a coherent model for this unique rock type. This paper reviews the defining features of IF and their distribution through the Neoarchaean and Palaeoproterozoic. This paper is an update of previous reviews by Bekker et al. (2010, 2014) that will improve the quantitative framework we use to interpret IF deposition. In this work, we also discuss how recent discoveries have provided new insights into the processes underpinning the global rise in atmospheric oxygen and the geochemical evolution of the oceans.
PreprintMultiple sulphur and iron isotope composition of detrital pyrite in Archaean sedimentary rocks : a new tool for provenance analysis( 2009-06-29) Hofmann, Axel ; Bekker, Andrey ; Rouxel, Olivier J. ; Rumble, Douglas ; Master, SharadMultiple S (δ34S and δ33S) and Fe (δ56Fe) isotope analyses of rounded pyrite grains from 3.1 to 2.6 Ga conglomerates of southern Africa indicate their detrital origin, which supports anoxic surface conditions in the Archaean. Rounded pyrites from Meso- to Neoarchaean gold and uranium-bearing strata of South Africa are derived from both crustal and sedimentary sources, the latter being characterised by non-mass dependent fractionation of S isotopes (Δ33S as negative as -1.35‰) and large range of Fe isotope values (δ56Fe between -1.1 and 1.2‰). Most sediment-sourced pyrite grains are likely derived from sulphide nodules in marine organic matter-rich shales, sedimentary exhalites and volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. Some sedimentary pyrite grains may have been derived from in situ sulphidised Fe-oxides, prior to their incorporation into the conglomerates, as indicated by unusually high positive δ56Fe values. Sedimentary sulphides without significant non-mass dependent fractionation of S isotopes were also present in the source of some conglomerates. The abundance in these rocks of detrital pyrite unstable in the oxygenated atmosphere may suggest factors other than high pO2 as the cause for the absence of significant non-mass dependent fractionation processes in the 3.2 – 2.7 Ga atmosphere. Rounded pyrites from the ca. 2.6 Ga conglomerates of the Belingwe greenstone belt in Zimbabwe have strongly fractionated δ34S, Δ33S and δ56Fe values, the source of which can be traced back to black shale-hosted massive sulphides in the underlying strata. The study demonstrates the utility of combined multiple S and Fe isotope analysis for provenance reconstruction of Archaean sedimentary successions.
PreprintPerspectives on Proterozoic surface ocean redox from iodine contents in ancient and recent carbonate( 2017-01) Hardisty, Dalton S. ; Lu, Zunli ; Bekker, Andrey ; Diamond, Charles W. ; Gill, Benjamin C. ; Jiang, Ganqing ; Kah, Linda ; Knoll, Andrew H. ; Loyd, Sean ; Osburn, Magdalena ; Planavsky, Noah J.The Proterozoic Eon hosted the emergence and initial recorded diversification of eukaryotes. Oxygen levels in the shallow marine settings critical to these events were lower than today’s, although how much lower is debated. Here, we use concentrations of iodate (the oxidized iodine species) in shallow-marine limestones and dolostones to generate the first comprehensive record of Proterozoic near-surface marine redox conditions. The iodine proxy is sensitive to both local oxygen availability and the relative proximity to anoxic waters. To assess the validity of our approach, Neogene-Quaternary carbonates are used to demonstrate that diagenesis most often decreases and is unlikely to increase carbonate-iodine contents. Despite the potential for diagenetic loss, maximum Proterozoic carbonate iodine levels are elevated relative to those of the Archean, particularly during the Lomagundi and Shuram carbon isotope excursions of the Paleo- and Neoproterozoic, respectively. For the Shuram anomaly, comparisons to Neogene-Quaternary carbonates suggest that diagenesis is not responsible for the observed iodine trends. The baseline low iodine levels in Proterozoic carbonates, relative to the Phanerozoic, are linked to a shallow oxic-anoxic interface. Oxygen concentrations in surface waters would have at least intermittently been above the threshold required to support eukaryotes. However, the diagnostically low iodine data from mid-Proterozoic shallow-water carbonates, relative to those of the bracketing time intervals, are consistent with a dynamic chemocline and anoxic waters that would have episodically mixed upward and laterally into the shallow oceans. This redox instability may have challenged early eukaryotic diversification and expansion, creating an evolutionary landscape unfavorable for the emergence of animals.