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ArticleA global glacial ocean state estimate constrained by upper-ocean temperature proxies(American Meteorological Society, 2018-08-28) Amrhein, Daniel E. ; Wunsch, Carl ; Marchal, Olivier ; Forget, GaelWe use the method of least squares with Lagrange multipliers to fit an ocean general circulation model to the Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean Surface (MARGO) estimate of near sea surface temperature (NSST) at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; circa 23–19 thousand years ago). Compared to a modern simulation, the resulting global, last-glacial ocean state estimate, which fits the MARGO data within uncertainties in a free-running coupled ocean–sea ice simulation, has global-mean NSSTs that are 2°C lower and greater sea ice extent in all seasons in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Increased brine rejection by sea ice formation in the Southern Ocean contributes to a stronger abyssal stratification set principally by salinity, qualitatively consistent with pore fluid measurements. The upper cell of the glacial Atlantic overturning circulation is deeper and stronger. Dye release experiments show similar distributions of Southern Ocean source waters in the glacial and modern western Atlantic, suggesting that LGM NSST data do not require a major reorganization of abyssal water masses. Outstanding challenges in reconstructing LGM ocean conditions include reducing effects from model biases and finding computationally efficient ways to incorporate abyssal tracers in global circulation inversions. Progress will be aided by the development of coupled ocean–atmosphere–ice inverse models, by improving high-latitude model processes that connect the upper and abyssal oceans, and by the collection of additional paleoclimate observations.
ArticleConsequences of pacing the Pleistocene 100 kyr ice ages by nonlinear phase locking to Milankovitch forcing(American Geophysical Union, 2006-11-10) Tziperman, Eli ; Raymo, Maureen E. ; Huybers, Peter ; Wunsch, CarlThe consequences of the hypothesis that Milankovitch forcing affects the phase (e.g., termination times) of the 100 kyr glacial cycles via a mechanism known as “nonlinear phase locking” are examined. Phase locking provides a mechanism by which Milankovitch forcing can act as the “pacemaker” of the glacial cycles. Nonlinear phase locking can determine the timing of the major deglaciations, nearly independently of the specific mechanism or model that is responsible for these cycles as long as this mechanism is suitably nonlinear. A consequence of this is that the fit of a certain model output to the observed ice volume record cannot be used as an indication that the glacial mechanism in this model is necessarily correct. Phase locking to obliquity and possibly precession variations is distinct from mechanisms relying on a linear or nonlinear amplification of the eccentricity forcing. Nonlinear phase locking may determine the phase of the glacial cycles even in the presence of noise in the climate system and can be effective at setting glacial termination times even when the precession and obliquity bands account only for a small portion of the total power of an ice volume record. Nonlinear phase locking can also result in the observed “quantization” of the glacial period into multiples of the obliquity or precession periods.
ArticlePutting it all together: Adding value to the global ocean and climate observing systems with complete self-consistent ocean state and parameter estimates.(Frontiers Media, 2019-03-04) Heimbach, Patrick ; Fukumori, Ichiro ; Hill, Christopher N. ; Ponte, Rui M. ; Stammer, Detlef ; Wunsch, Carl ; Campin, Jean-Michel ; Cornuelle, Bruce D. ; Fenty, Ian ; Forget, Gael ; Kohl, Armin ; Mazloff, Matthew R. ; Menemenlis, Dimitris ; Nguyen, An T. ; Piecuch, Christopher G. ; Trossman, David S. ; Verdy, Ariane ; Wang, Ou ; Zhang, HongIn 1999, the consortium on Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) set out to synthesize the hydrographic data collected by the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) and the satellite sea surface height measurements into a complete and coherent description of the ocean, afforded by an ocean general circulation model. Twenty years later, the versatility of ECCO's estimation framework enables the production of global and regional ocean and sea-ice state estimates, that incorporate not only the initial suite of data and its successors, but nearly all data streams available today. New observations include measurements from Argo floats, marine mammal-based hydrography, satellite retrievals of ocean bottom pressure and sea surface salinity, as well as ice-tethered profiled data in polar regions. The framework also produces improved estimates of uncertain inputs, including initial conditions, surface atmospheric state variables, and mixing parameters. The freely available state estimates and related efforts are property-conserving, allowing closed budget calculations that are a requisite to detect, quantify, and understand the evolution of climate-relevant signals, as mandated by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) protocol. The solutions can be reproduced by users through provision of the underlying modeling and assimilation machinery. Regional efforts have spun off that offer increased spatial resolution to better resolve relevant processes. Emerging foci of ECCO are on a global sea level changes, in particular contributions from polar ice sheets, and the increased use of biogeochemical and ecosystem data to constrain global cycles of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. Challenges in the coming decade include provision of uncertainties, informing observing system design, globally increased resolution, and moving toward a coupled Earth system estimation with consistent momentum, heat and freshwater fluxes between the ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere and land.
ArticleGlobal ocean vertical velocity from a dynamically consistent ocean state estimate(John Wiley & Sons, 2017-10-27) Liang, Xinfeng ; Spall, Michael A. ; Wunsch, CarlEstimates of the global ocean vertical velocities (Eulerian, eddy-induced, and residual) from a dynamically consistent and data-constrained ocean state estimate are presented and analyzed. Conventional patterns of vertical velocity, Ekman pumping, appear in the upper ocean, with topographic dominance at depth. Intense and vertically coherent upwelling and downwelling occur in the Southern Ocean, which are likely due to the interaction of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and large-scale topographic features and are generally canceled out in the conventional zonally averaged results. These “elevators” at high latitudes connect the upper to the deep and abyssal oceans and working together with isopycnal mixing are likely a mechanism, in addition to the formation of deep and abyssal waters, for fast responses of the deep and abyssal oceans to the changing climate. Also, Eulerian and parameterized eddy-induced components are of opposite signs in numerous regions around the global ocean, particularly in the ocean interior away from surface and bottom. Nevertheless, residual vertical velocity is primarily determined by the Eulerian component, and related to winds and large-scale topographic features. The current estimates of vertical velocities can serve as a useful reference for investigating the vertical exchange of ocean properties and tracers, and its complex spatial structure ultimately permits regional tests of basic oceanographic concepts such as Sverdrup balance and coastal upwelling/downwelling.
PreprintClimate change as an intergenerational problem( 2012-11) Wunsch, Carl ; Schmitt, Raymond W. ; Baker, D. JamesPredicting climate change is a high priority for society, but such forecasts are notoriously uncertain. Why? Even should climate prove theoretically predictable---by no means certain---the near-absence of adequate observations will preclude its understanding and hence even the hope of useful predictions. Geological and cryospheric records of climate change and our brief recent record of instrumental observations show that the climate system is changeable on all time scales---from a few years out to the age of the earth. Major physical, chemical, and biological processes influence the climate system on decades, centuries, and millennia. Glaciers fluctuate on time scales of years to centuries and beyond. Since the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide has been emitted through fossil fuel burning, and it will be absorbed, recycled, and transferred amongst the atmosphere, ocean, and biosphere over decades to thousands of years.
PreprintInferring surface water equilibrium calcite δ18O during the last deglacial period from benthic foraminiferal records : implications for ocean circulation(John Wiley & Sons, 2015-11-12) Amrhein, Daniel E. ; Gebbie, Geoffrey A. ; Marchal, Olivier ; Wunsch, CarlThe ocean circulation modifies mixed layer (ML) tracer signals as they are communicated to the deep ocean by advection and mixing. We develop and apply a procedure for using tracer signals observed “upstream” (by planktonic foraminifera) and “downstream” (by benthic foraminifera) to constrain how tracer signals are modified by the intervening circulation and, by extension, to constrain properties of that circulation. A history of ML equilibrium calcite δ18O (δ18Oc) spanning the last deglaciation is inferred from a least-squares fit of eight benthic foraminiferal δ18Oc records to Green's function estimated for the modern ocean circulation. Disagreements between this history and the ML history implied by planktonic records would indicate deviations from the modern circulation. No deviations are diagnosed because the two estimates of ML δ18Oc agree within their uncertainties, but we suggest data collection and modeling procedures useful for inferring circulation changes in future studies. Uncertainties of benthic-derived ML δ18Oc are lowest in the high-latitude regions chiefly responsible for ventilating the deep ocean; additional high-resolution planktonic records constraining these regions are of particular utility. Benthic records from the Southern Ocean, where data are sparse, appear to have the most power to reduce uncertainties in benthic-derived ML δ18Oc. Understanding the spatiotemporal covariance of deglacial ML δ18Oc will also improve abilities of δ18Oc records to constrain deglacial circulation.
ArticleAn adjoint sensitivity study of chlorofluorocarbons in the North Atlantic(American Geophysical Union, 2004-01-03) Li, Xingwen ; Wunsch, CarlAdjoint sensitivities of CFC-11 concentrations and CFC-11/CFC-12 ratio ages in a North Atlantic general circulation model are analyzed. These sensitivities are compared with those of spiciness, T − (β/α) S, where α, β are the thermal and haline expansion coefficients, respectively. High-sensitivity fields are candidates for providing the most powerful constraints in the corresponding inverse problems. In the dual (adjoint) solutions all three variables exhibit the major ventilation pathways and define the associated timescales in the model. Overall, however, spiciness shows the highest sensitivity to the flow field. In the North Atlantic Deep Water, sensitivities of CFC properties and spiciness to the isopycnal mixing and thickness diffusion are of the same order of magnitude. In the lower subtropical thermocline, sensitivities of CFC properties to the isopycnal mixing and thickness diffusion are higher. The utility of this sensitivity is undermined by the need to reconstruct their boundary conditions. Given the influence of T, S measurements on the density field, they produce the most powerful constraints on the model on the large scale. It still remains possible, however, that transient tracers can provide a larger relative information content concerning the mixing process between the near-surface boundary layer and the thermocline but dependent upon the ability to reconstruct accurate initial and boundary conditions.
PreprintObliquity pacing of the late Pleistocene glacial terminations( 2005-01-24) Huybers, Peter ; Wunsch, CarlThe timing of glacial/interglacial cycles at intervals of about 100,000 yr (100 kyr) is commonly attributed to control by Earth orbital configuration variations. This “pacemaker” hypothesis has inspired many models, variously depending upon Earth obliquity, orbital eccentricity, and precessional fluctuations, with the latter usually emphasized. A contrasting hypothesis is that glacial cycles arise primarily because of random internal climate variability. Progress requires distinguishing between the more than 30 proposed models of the late Pleistocene glacial variations. Here we present a formal test of the pacemaker hypothesis, focusing on the rapid deglaciation events known as terminations. The null hypothesis that glacial terminations are independent of obliquity can be rejected at the 5% significance level. In contrast, for eccentricity and precession, the corresponding null-hypotheses cannot be rejected. The simplest inference, consistent with the observations, is that ice-sheets terminate every second (80 kyr) or third (120 kyr) obliquity cycle — at times of high obliquity — and similar to the original Milankovitch assumption. Hypotheses not accounting for the obliquity pacing are unlikely to be correct. Both stochastic and deterministic variants of a simple obliquity-paced model describe the observations.
ArticleEndowments and new institutions for long-term observations(Oceanography Society, 2007-12) Baker, D. James ; Schmitt, Raymond W. ; Wunsch, CarlAn ever-increasing volume of publications on the changing ocean environment underscores the requirement for long-term observations to understand and predict ocean and climate change. Such observations must be globally distributed and carried out over long time periods. But a means of obtaining those observations—particularly in the ocean—is not in place today. There is no global system of routinely funded, long-term, high-quality measurements to provide the necessary understanding of climate in general and the ocean in particular. The scientific literature is full of examples of tantalizing short records that do not illuminate the physical problems. Long-term biological measurements are in an even more limited state of development. With society demanding better forecasts, and the need to quantify the human role in climate change, it is more important than ever that we find ways to establish the necessary institutional basis for and achieve the proper levels of funding for long-term measurements.
Technical ReportSpace and time scales of mesoscale motion in the western North Atlantic(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2018-08) Richman, James G. ; Wunsch, Carl ; Hogg, Nelson G.From moored data, primarily temperature, of the Mid-Ocean Dynamics Experiment (ModeI) and its successor experiments we find a statistical description of the mesoscale variability. In the ModeI area itself the spectral characteristics of the thermocline and the deep water are different. The thermocline is conveniently described as being made up of three spectral bands: a ' low-frequency' band dominated by zonal velocity fluctuations, an 'eddy-containing' band in which the velocity field is nearly isotropic, and a 'high-frequency' band consistent with models of geostrophic turbulence. In the deep water the zonal dominance at low frequencies is not apparent, and there is enhanced energy at periods of 20-50 days. Vertical structure scales with WK BJ approximation in the high-frequency band but not in the lower frequencies, where low vertical modes dominate the motion. Linear models do not adequately describe the data in the ModeI region. Differences between rough and smooth topography regions are clearly seen only at 1500 m, where there is a loss of energy consistent with a reduced barotropic motion. Other differences, while apparently real, are small. It is found, consistent with the results of Schmitz (1976a), that the ModeI region is atypical of the midocean in that large changes of energy level are found elsewhere. A region due east of ModeI has slightly reduced kinetic energy levels in the main thermocline, but deep energy levels are much lower. Potential energy is less variable than kinetic; in the eastern region the frequency spectra change structure slightly. Linear models may be more adequate there. With more than 2 years of data, no statistically significant heat flux was found in the ModeI area, except for a weak zonal flux in the deep water. There is no direct evidence for baroclinic instability as a significant mechanism of eddy generation; the Gulf Stream is a possible, if unconfirmed, source.