Moore Laura J.

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Laura J.

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  • Article
    Complexities in barrier island response to sea level rise : insights from numerical model experiments, North Carolina Outer Banks
    (American Geophysical Union, 2010-07-09) Moore, Laura J. ; List, Jeffrey H. ; Williams, S. Jeffress ; Stolper, David
    Using a morphological-behavior model to conduct sensitivity experiments, we investigate the sea level rise response of a complex coastal environment to changes in a variety of factors. Experiments reveal that substrate composition, followed in rank order by substrate slope, sea level rise rate, and sediment supply rate, are the most important factors in determining barrier island response to sea level rise. We find that geomorphic threshold crossing, defined as a change in state (e.g., from landward migrating to drowning) that is irreversible over decadal to millennial time scales, is most likely to occur in muddy coastal systems where the combination of substrate composition, depth-dependent limitations on shoreface response rates, and substrate erodibility may prevent sand from being liberated rapidly enough, or in sufficient quantity, to maintain a subaerial barrier. Analyses indicate that factors affecting sediment availability such as low substrate sand proportions and high sediment loss rates cause a barrier to migrate landward along a trajectory having a lower slope than average barrier island slope, thereby defining an “effective” barrier island slope. Other factors being equal, such barriers will tend to be smaller and associated with a more deeply incised shoreface, thereby requiring less migration per sea level rise increment to liberate sufficient sand to maintain subaerial exposure than larger, less incised barriers. As a result, the evolution of larger/less incised barriers is more likely to be limited by shoreface erosion rates or substrate erodibility making them more prone to disintegration related to increasing sea level rise rates than smaller/more incised barriers. Thus, the small/deeply incised North Carolina barriers are likely to persist in the near term (although their long-term fate is less certain because of the low substrate slopes that will soon be encountered). In aggregate, results point to the importance of system history (e.g., previous slopes, sediment budgets, etc.) in determining migration trajectories and therefore how a barrier island will respond to sea level rise. Although simple analytical calculations may predict barrier response in simplified coastal environments (e.g., constant slope, constant sea level rise rate, etc.), our model experiments demonstrate that morphological-behavior modeling is necessary to provide critical insights regarding changes that may occur in environments having complex geometries, especially when multiple parameters change simultaneously.
  • Article
    Anthropogenic controls on overwash deposition : evidence and consequences
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2015-12-29) Rogers, Laura J. ; Moore, Laura J. ; Goldstein, Evan B. ; Hein, Christopher J. ; Lorenzo-Trueba, Jorge ; Ashton, Andrew D.
    Accelerated sea level rise and the potential for an increase in frequency of the most intense hurricanes due to climate change threaten the vitality and habitability of barrier islands by lowering their relative elevation and altering frequency of overwash. High-density development may further increase island vulnerability by restricting delivery of overwash to the subaerial island. We analyzed pre-Hurricane Sandy and post-Hurricane Sandy (2012) lidar surveys of the New Jersey coast to assess human influence on barrier overwash, comparing natural environments to two developed environments (commercial and residential) using shore-perpendicular topographic profiles. The volumes of overwash delivered to residential and commercial environments are reduced by 40% and 90%, respectively, of that delivered to natural environments. We use this analysis and an exploratory barrier island evolution model to assess long-term impacts of anthropogenic structures. Simulations suggest that natural barrier islands may persist under a range of likely future sea level rise scenarios (7–13 mm/yr), whereas developed barrier islands will have a long-term tendency toward drowning.
  • Article
    Sediment exchange across coastal barrier landscapes alters ecosystem extents
    (American Geophysical Union, 2023-07-17) Reeves, Ian R. B. ; Moore, Laura J. ; Valentine, Kendall ; Fagherazzi, Sergio ; Kirwan, Matthew L.
    Barrier coastlines and their associated ecosystems are rapidly changing. Barrier islands/spits, marshes, bays, and coastal forests are all thought to be intricately coupled, yet an understanding of how morphologic change in one part of the system affects the system altogether remains limited. Here we explore how sediment exchange controls the migration of different ecosystem boundaries and ecosystem extent over time using a new coupled model framework that connects components of the entire barrier landscape, from the ocean shoreface to mainland forest. In our experiments, landward barrier migration is the primary cause of back-barrier marsh loss, while periods of barrier stability can allow for recovery of back-barrier marsh extent. Although sea-level rise exerts a dominant control on the extent of most ecosystems, we unexpectedly find that, for undeveloped barriers, bay extent is largely insensitive to sea-level rise because increased landward barrier migration (bay narrowing) offsets increased marsh edge erosion (bay widening).