Watkins William A.

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William A.

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  • Technical Report
    Reference database marine mammal literature
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1988-01) Watkins, William A. ; Bird, James E. ; Moore, Karen E. ; Tyack, Peter L.
    A comprehensive Reference Database has been designed for the marine mammal literature. The system uses INMAGIC programming (Cambridge, MA) to file, store, search, retrieve, and format the data records. The database was organized to be complementary to features developed by William E. Schevill for his library of older cetacean literature, and it uses direct association of species with some 300 indexed subjects, observation dates, locations, etc. Every component and detail of the references and annotations are available for rapid search by a wide variety of simple and complex strategies. In addition, separately indexed fields provide immediate retrieval of author, editor, year, journal, type of publication, language, genus/species (searchable by order/suborder and family as well), major subject, subject, picture, observation date, geographic location (including area name and latitude/longitude), as well as the location and library call numbers of the document referred to. Codes have been adapted for ease in identifying and searching species, subjects, journals, languages, and geographic areas. These codes may be used separately or in connection with the associated terms and texts. It is anticipated that the Reference Database will be a continuing resource for marine mammal research.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 64103cut2_02
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2009-09-17) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of unknown number of Common minke whales made by Uher recorder, LC 50 hydrophone.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 59037013
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-03-07) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 4+ white-peaked dolphins made by AX58 Hydrophone, WHOI Suitcase amplifier, Magnecorder. Whistles; ship noise; water droplets. Reverberation present.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 6107900B
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-11-22) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 3 fin whales made by RG AX-58 hydrophone; WHOI transistor amplifier; Crown tape recorder. Moans from 1 close and 2 distant animals.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 61072031
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2003-07-03) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 10 Atlantic white-sided dolphins made by AX-58 hydrophones; WHOI transistor amplifier; Crown tape recorder. Whistles; clicks.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 5903700B
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-03-07) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 4+ white-peaked dolphins made by AX58 Hydrophone, WHOI Suitcase amplifier, Magnecorder. Whistles; ship noise; water droplets. Reverberation present.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 84020001
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-07-12) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 5 sperm whales made by Ithaco 602M108 hydrophones, Ithaco 450 amplifiers, WHOI/PEMTEK tape recorders. E Array recording, cow and small calf in the area.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Whale and porpoise voices : a phonograph record
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1962) Schevill, William E. ; Watkins, William A.
    The vocal sounds of cetaceans are a little known and even less understood feature of the complex adaptation of these animals, whose ancestors lived on the dry land, to an entirely aquatic existence. Even in the clearest surface waters, sight is limited to about a hundred feet or less in daytime, and visibility ranges are mostly negligibly short for fast-swimming animals, so that they are effectively partly or wholly blinded. Therefore sound and hearing have an especially important place in their lives. Sound is used not only in direct communication, but also to a large degree in navigation and hunting (echo-location). The excerpts presented here are samples of such sounds made by eighteen species, all obtained by eavesdropping in the open sea (except for the Inia selection, which was made in captivity). These recordings have not been speeded up or slowed down, and so are true in natural frequency and time; there has been no editing or filtering except as noted.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 5903700K
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-03-07) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 4+ white-peaked dolphins made by AX58 Hydrophone, WHOI Suitcase amplifier, Magnecorder. Whistles; ship noise; water droplets. Reverberation present.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 63015006
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-08-08) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 2+ beluga whales made by WHOI Rowboat recorder; Atlantic Research LC32 hydrophone. Three whistles; clicks.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 7703400u
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2003-05-15) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of two long-finned pilot whales made by WHOI/Pemtek tape recorder, Ithaco 602M108 hydrophones, Ithaco 450 amplifiers. Lots of whistles, but far away.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 91003001
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1991-10-21) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 3 sperm whales made by Ithaco 602M108 hydrophones, Ithaco 451 amplifiers, WHOI/Pemtek tape recorder. Lone clicker - Tagged whale. Tag #7 seen on side of this whale; also two other whales heard.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 6107900M
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-11-22) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 3 fin whales made by RG AX-58 hydrophone; WHOI transistor amplifier; Crown tape recorder. Moans from 1 close animal and 2 distant animals.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 63015001
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-08-08) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 2+ beluga whales made by WHOI Rowboat recorder; Atlantic Research LC32 hydrophone. Clicks; squeals.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 63015002
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-08-08) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 2+ beluga whales made by WHOI Rowboat recorder; Atlantic Research LC32 hydrophone. Squeals.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 61039001
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-11-18) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 1 fin whale made by RG AX-58 hydrophone; WHOI transistor amplifier; Crown tape recorder. Moans.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 6107900E
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-11-22) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 1 fin whale made by RG AX-58 hydrophone; WHOI transistor amplifier; Crown tape recorder. Moans from 1 close animal.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 7703400v
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2003-05-15) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of two long-finned pilot whales made by WHOI/Pemtek tape recorder, Ithaco 602M108 hydrophones, Ithaco 450 amplifiers. Good series of whistles.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 6202200T
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-03-29) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 4 beluga whales made by WHOI Rowboat recorder; Atlantic Research LC34 hydrophone. Pulsed clicks; squeals.
  • Recording, acoustical
    Sound Cut, Record Number 62026009
    (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994-08-08) Watkins, William A.
    Recording of 2+ beluga whales made by WHOI Rowboat recorder; Atlantic Research LC34 hydrophone. Clicks; jaw claps; squeals.