Deborah A.
Deborah A.
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Technical ReportNorth Brazil Current Rings Experiment : RAFOS float data report : November 1998 – June 2000(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2002-07) Wooding, Christine M. ; Richardson, Philip L. ; Pacheco, Marguerite A. ; Glickson, Deborah A. ; Fratantoni, David M.Twenty-one RAFOS floats were tracked at depths of 200-1000 meters in and around several North Brazil Current Rings between November 1998 and June 2000. This was part of an experiment to study the role of these current rings in transporting upper level South Atlantic water across the equatorial-tropical gyre boundary into the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. The float trajectories in combination with surface drifters and satellite imagery reveal the sometimes complex life histories of several rings and their fate as they collide with the Lesser Antilles Islands. This report describes the float trajectories, the velocity, temperature, and depth time series, and a preliminary analysis of the float data.
Technical ReportNorth Brazil Current Rings Experiment : mooring S1 data report, November 1998 - June 2000(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2001-06) Glickson, Deborah A. ; Fratantoni, David M.Nineteen months of temperature and salinity data were recovered from North Brazil Current (NBC) Rings Experiment Mooring S1. The mooring, located east of Barbados at 13º 00’N, 57º 53’W between November 1998 and June 2000, consisted of a vertical array of five temperature/conductivity recorders, five temperature recorders, one 150 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), and one 260 Hz RAFOS sound source. This instrumentation was distributed over a depth interval (500-1100m) coincident with the low-salinity core of Antarctic Intermediate Water. Due to low concentration of scattering particles at 1000 m, the ADCP failed to return useful velocity data. Heading, pitch, and roll data were successfully recorded, however, and provide coarse measurement of current intensity. Four anomalously low temperature, low salinity, and (inferred) high-velocity events appear toward the end of the record. The temperature and salinity fluctuations observed during these events are most likely due to a combination of vertical instrument excursions due to current-induced mooring tilt and advection of anomalous NBC ring-core water past the mooring site. Anomalous conditions persist for a period of 2-3 weeks and appear, based on simultaneous surface drifter trajectories and satellite ocean color observations, to be associated with the passage of NBC Rings near Barbados.
ArticleA moving target : matching graduate education with available careers for ocean scientists(The Oceanography Society, 2016-03) Briscoe, Melbourne G. ; Glickson, Deborah A. ; Roberts, Susan ; Spinrad, Richard W. ; Yoder, James A.The objective of this paper is to look at past assessments and available data to examine the match (or mismatch) between university curricula and programs available to graduate students in the ocean sciences and the career possibilities available to those students. We conclude there is a need for fundamental change in how we educate graduate students in the ocean sciences. The change should accommodate the interests of students as well as the needs of a changing society; the change should not be constrained by the traditions or resource challenges of the graduate institutions themselves. The limited data we have been able to obtain from schools and employers are consistent with this view: desirable careers for ocean scientists are moving rapidly toward interdisciplinary, collaborative, societally relevant activities, away from traditional academic-research/professorial jobs, but the training available to the students is not keeping pace. We offer some suggestions to mitigate the mismatch. Most importantly, although anecdotes and “gut feelings” abound, the quantitative data backing our conclusions and suggestions are very sparse and barely compelling; we urge better data collection to support curricular revision, perhaps with the involvement of professional societies.
ArticleDeep-sea debris in the central and western Pacific Ocean(Frontiers Media, 2020-05-27) Amon, Diva ; Kennedy, Brian R. C. ; Cantwell, Kasey ; Suhre, Kelley ; Glickson, Deborah A. ; Shank, Timothy M. ; Rotjan, RandiMarine debris is a growing problem in the world’s deep ocean. The naturally slow biological and chemical processes operating at depth, coupled with the types of materials that are used commercially, suggest that debris is likely to persist in the deep ocean for long periods of time, ranging from hundreds to thousands of years. However, the realized scale of marine debris accumulation in the deep ocean is unknown due to the logistical, technological, and financial constraints related to deep-ocean exploration. Coordinated deep-water exploration from 2015 to 2017 enabled new insights into the status of deep-sea marine debris throughout the central and western Pacific Basin via ROV expeditions conducted onboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and RV Falkor. These expeditions included sites in United States protected areas and monuments, other Exclusive Economic Zones, international protected areas, and areas beyond national jurisdiction. Metal, glass, plastic, rubber, cloth, fishing gear, and other marine debris were encountered during 17.5% of the 188 dives from 150 to 6,000 m depth. Correlations were observed between deep-sea debris densities and depth, geological features, and distance from human-settled land. The highest densities occurred off American Samoa and the main Hawaiian Islands. Debris, mostly consisting of fishing gear and plastic, were also observed in most of the large-scale marine protected areas, adding to the growing body of evidence that even deep, remote areas of the ocean are not immune from human impacts. Interactions with and impacts on biological communities were noted, though further study is required to understand the full extent of these impacts. We also discuss potential sources and long-term implications of this debris.
Technical ReportNorth Brazil Current Rings Experiment : surface drifter data report, November 1998-June 2000(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2000-07) Glickson, Deborah A. ; Fratantoni, David M. ; Wooding, Christine M. ; Richardson, Philip L.This data report summarzes 45 surface drifter trajectories collected between November 1998 and June 2000 as part of the North Brazil Current (NBC) Rings Experiment. NBC rings have been proposed as one of several important mechanisms for the transport of South Atlantic upper-ocean water across the equatorial-tropical gyre boundary and into the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. Such transport is required to complete the meridional overturning cell in the Atlantic forced by the high-latitude production and southward export of North Atlantic Deep Water. The goal of this program is to obtain, for the first time, comprehensive observations of the NBC retroflection, the NBC ring formation process, and the physical structure and properties of NBC rings as they translate northwestward along the low-latitude western boundary. A total of 45 drifters were deployed. Twenty-four of these looped anticyclonically within the five rings identified during this experiment. Seven of the looping ring drifters entered the Caribbean, while the rest moved northward along the eastern flank of the Lesser Antiles.