Arko Robert A.

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Robert A.

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  • Article
    Rescue of long-tail data from the ocean bottom to the Moon : IEDA Data Rescue Mini-Awards
    (Elsevier, 2015-03-27) Hsu, Leslie ; Lehnert, Kerstin A. ; Goodwillie, Andrew ; Delano, John W. ; Gill, James B. ; Tivey, Maurice A. ; Ferrini, Vicki L. ; Carbotte, Suzanne M. ; Arko, Robert A.
    Over the course of a scientific career, a large fraction of the data collected by scientific investigators turns into data at risk of becoming inaccessible to future science. Although a part of the investigators’ data is made available in manuscripts and databases, other data may remain unpublished, non-digital, on degrading or near obsolete digital media, or inadequately documented for reuse. In 2013, Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA) provided data rescue mini-awards to three Earth science investigators. IEDA’s user communities in geochemistry, petrology, geochronology, and marine geophysics collect long-tail data, defined as data produced by individuals and small teams for specific projects, tending to be of small volume and initially for use only by these teams, thus being less likely to be easily transferred or reused. Long-tail data are at greater risk of omission from the scientific record. The awarded projects topics were (1) Geochemical and Geochronological data on volcanic rocks from the Fiji, Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc, and Endeavor segments of the global mid-ocean ridge, (2) High-Resolution, Near-bottom Magnetic Field Data, and (3) Geochemistry of Lunar Glasses. IEDA worked closely with the awardees to create a plan for the data rescue, resulting in the registration of hundreds of samples and the entry of dozens of data and documentation files into IEDA data systems. The data were made openly accessible and citable by assigning persistent identifiers for samples and files. The mini-award program proved that a relatively small incentive combined with data facility guidance can motivate investigators to accomplish significant data rescue.
  • Moving Image
    Collaborative research : EarthCube building blocks, leveraging semantics and linked data for geoscience data sharing and discovery, OceanLink
    ( 2013-10-28) Wiebe, Peter H. ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Raymond, Lisa ; Shepherd, Adam ; Finin, Tim ; Narock, Tom ; Arko, Robert A. ; Carbotte, Suzanne M. ; Hitzler, Pascal ; Cheatham, Michelle ; Krisnadhi, Adila
    The OceanLink EarthCube project will apply state-of-the-art Semantic Web Technologies to support data representation, discovery, analysis, sharing, and integration of datasets from the global oceans, and related resources including meeting abstracts and library holdings. Ships are a principal platform from which a wide spectrum of oceanographic data are collected. At the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, semantic relationships will be extracted from text for use in developing methods that efficiently identify relationships across distributed oceanographic datasets. At Wright State University integration of disparate data will occur by refining and applying leading edge technology from the Semantic Web, ontologies, and linked data. From the MBLWHOI Library, DSpace content will be published as Linked Open Data, providing relationships between oceanographic datasets, publications, conference presentations, and funded National Science Foundation projects. Teams of researchers at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will develop Use Cases that represent the needs of the oceanographic research community and will publish oceanographic dataset catalogs as Linked Open Data. A key contribution will be semantically-enabled cyberinfrastructure components capable of automated data integration across distributed repositories. These efforts will ultimately lead to generalized computational techniques applicable to all of EarthCube.
  • Presentation
    The advantages of machine aided co-reference resolution for research cruise metadata
    ( 2017-05-31) Shepherd, Adam ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Arko, Robert A. ; Fils, Douglas ; Kinkade, Danie
    One of the central incentives of deploying linked open data is the opportunity to leverage the linkages between source datasets to retrieve related information. The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) reaps these benefits by linking its cruise-level metadata to the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) – the trusted, authoritative source for cruises undertaken by the U.S. academic research fleet. Even though the process of identifying a link between these two repositories is easy for a human, this talk will explore the advantages of using a machine-aided process to suggest links to R2R cruises to a BCO-DMO data manager.
  • Article
    SeaView : bringing together an ocean of data
    (The Oceanography Society, 2018-02-09) Stocks, Karen ; Diggs, Stephen ; Olson, Christopher ; Pham, Anh ; Arko, Robert A. ; Shepherd, Adam ; Kinkade, Danie
    The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) supports a comprehensive information management system for data collected by OOI assets, providing access to a wealth of new information for scientists. But what of those wishing to access data from the region of an OOI research array that is not from OOI assets, perhaps to look at longer term trends from before the launch of OOI, or to build a larger regional context? Despite the excellent work of ocean data repositories, finding, accessing, understanding, and reformatting data for use in a desired visualization or analysis tool remains challenging, especially when data are held in multiple repositories.
  • Dataset
    GeoLink Triple Store Data
    ( 2018-01-31) Arko, Robert A. ; Carbotte, Suzanne M. ; Chandler, Cynthia ; Cheatham, Michelle ; Fils, Douglas ; Hitzler, Pascal ; Hu, Yingjie ; Janowicz, Kyzysztof ; Ji, Peng ; Jones, Matt ; Krisnadhi, Adila ; Lehnert, Kerstin A. ; Mecum, Bryce ; Mickle, Audrey ; Narock, Tom ; Raymond, Lisa ; Schildhauer, Mark ; Shepherd, Adam ; Wiebe, Peter H.
    A growing collection of standard protocols, formats, and vocabularies, often characterized as the Semantic Web, offers a powerful approach for publishing research data online. The GeoLink project brings together experts from the geosciences, computer science, and library science in an effort to develop Semantic Web components that support discovery and reuse of data and knowledge. GeoLink's participating repositories include content from field expeditions, laboratory analyses, journal publications, conference presentations, theses/reports, and funding awards that span scientific studies from marine geology to marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry to paleoclimatology. One of the outcomes of this project is a network of Linked Data published by participating repositories using those ODPs, and tools to facilitate discovery of related content in multiple repositories. This item will be versioned periodically as the data is re-harvested and processed. The live dataset is currently available for query at A demo data application is available at
  • Preprint
    Experiences of a “semantics smackdown”
    ( 2016-02) Leadbetter, Adam ; Shepherd, Adam ; Arko, Robert A. ; Chandler, Cynthia L. ; Chen, Yanning ; Dockery, Nkemdirim ; Ferreira, Renata ; Fu, Linyun ; Thomas, Robert ; West, Patrick ; Zednik, Stephan
    Within the field of ocean science there is a long history of using controlled vocabularies and other Semantic Web techniques to provide a common and easily exchanged description of datasets. As an activity within the European Union, United States, Australian-funded project “Ocean Data Interoperability Platform”, a workshop took place in June 2014 at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to further the use of these Semantic Web techniques with the aim of producing a set of Linked Data publication patterns which describe many parts of a marine science dataset. During the workshop, a Semantic Web development methodology was followed which promoted the use of a team with mixed skills (computer, data and marine science experts) to rapidly prototype a Linked Data publication pattern which could be iterated in the future. In this paper we outline the methodology employed in the workshop, and examine both the technical and sociological outcomes of a workshop of this kind.